Explaining To Rippen

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Penn's P.O.V

This is it... I'm actually leaving my friends behind...
I sat down in my seat on the plane and looked out the window. I couldn't believe I was doing this.
"Penn Zero?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and saw the last person I expected.
My teacher/enemy sat down with wide eyes.
"What on earth happened to you?!" he exclaimed.
"Long story..." I replied. "...What are you doing on a plane to LA?"
"Larry had me take a vacation. Why are you on a plane to Los Angeles?"
I looked out the window once more, sighing. First, a gender switch, and now, I have to explain to Rippen.
"Just...trying to start over, ya know? I wanna be known for who I am now," I replied. "Not for who I used to be."
Rippen seemed to give me a look I've never seen him give me. Was that sympathy? Sorrow? I couldn't tell.
"I can understand that," he said frankly.
We went silent as soon as the plane took off.

Rippen's P.O.V

This can't be Penn Zero! I thought. It just can't! Where's the confidence?! Where's the cockiness?! Where are the insults?!
I looked over at the redheaded girl. She seemed in deep thought about something. If this was Penn Zero, my cocky part-time nemesis, there was something terribly wrong.
"...So, what are you going to do when you get to Los Angeles?" I asked. "I'm visiting my niece, Jade."
I saw her shrug.
"Look for a place to stay... Start a new life as Penny Zero..."
There's definitely something wrong.

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