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Beck's P.O.V

"Oh, my God, I'm bored," Tori slurred out.
"We'll be at Karaoke Dokie in a few minutes," Rippen stated.
I put my arm around Jade and let her snuggle into my jacket. She was cute when she wasn't looking like she wanted to kill someone.
"I don't think Tori will last that long," I objected.
"Who cares if Tori lasts?" Jade questioned.
I was about to reply when Rip pulled into the parking lot. We spilled out of the car and went inside.

Penn's P.O.V

I looked around the restaurant and was in awe. The place was like a VIP Club for people who weren't VIP.
"The owner of this place has a couple of daughters who are really bad singers," I heard Cat say. "Try not to bump into them or anything."
I nodded as I sat down. I checked my phone and saw that Sashi had texted me.
SK: PZ where r u?!
SK: Y?!
PZ: If I'm gonna be a girl, then I might as well have friends who know me for who I am currently!
I turned my phone off and out it back in my purse. I looked up and saw that a boy had sat down in front of me. He had dark brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. He wore a dark green button-up shirt, black jeans, and black shoes.
"Mind if I sit here?"
I shrugged. "I-I'm actually with some friends, so..."
"And they left you hangin'? You deserve better than that. I'm Tanner, by the way. And I must say, you are one of the prettiest girls I've seen all night."
I blushed and realized he was flirting with me.
Oh, not tonight...

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