Aqua's thoughts/feelings

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Akane was in still in shock till she started humming and gushing all over her bed and her mom walked by her room stopping there and looking confused. 

Aqua's pov

I was wondering for a while since the 15-year lie movie came out: What should I do? Should I continue revenge, or should I not? Then I heard the doorbell, so I walked up to the door since Ruby was out with Frill and Miniami. And I saw Taiki and Mem Cho at the door. Taiki: "I am taking you out." Aqua looked unamused. 

Miyako: "Who's at the door?" 

Aqua : "Mem cho and Taiki, they wanna invite me somewhere."

Miyako : Go outside.

Aqua : Huh.

Miyako : Go outside you be in room for the whole week!! 

No one's pov 

Aqua was dragged out of the house and Aqua looked unamused.. Mem cho : "So you still continuing revenge." Aqua: "I am not sure" Taiki wraps his arms around his back.  "Forget about that let have some fun!" Taiki said. Aqua: "We are going to a bar.." Taiki stares at him and Aqua at him back unfazed Aqua "No thanks.." Mem cho: "Do you like Kana, yes or no?" 

Aqua stared at her then sighed, "I don't like her. " Mem Cho: "EHH!! " Taiki:" That was my response, too." Mem Cho: "Why not?" 

Aqua: "I care about her yes but if I have to say I am in love with the idol on stage."  Taiki: "So what's your type?" Aqua: "Someone.., kind, sweet, pretty, mature, pretty smile and supportive..." Mem cho and Taiki stared at him and he looked at him confused. Taiki : "You smitten for Akane aren't you." Aqua blushes "I am not." Mem cho : "Yes, you are that basically described her."   Mem cho : "And that makes sense 'cause you were blushing at her during the Love is Now show." Aqua : "Fine, I like Akane but should I continue revenge.." Taiki : "Honestly I don't see the point the movie is enough already and besides don't you want a happy life with Akane and the others free of revenge?" 

Aqua's pov 

I thought about what he said about being happy Akane and the others... it made me smile. "Yea I do.., I do wanna be happy with Akane and the others.." Mem cho and Taiki smiled. Mem cho : "So you will quit revenge?" "I am still not sure but all I know is I want to be happy with Akane and you guys too.."

Mem cho grabbed us by the hand and pulled us forward. Mem cho: "If that is the case, let's have fun!" 

No one pov 

They went to karako, and Mem cho was singing karako on stage while Taiki was laughing and Aqua was eating sushi while they were laughing and singing. Aqua thought while eating his meal: "Maybe I should have life with Akane and them free of revenge.." With that Aqua smiled and laughed along with them too. 

Aqua's pov 

I came home tired and sat on my bed, and Ruby leaned back on my door. Ruby: "So, you made up your mind to go on a date with Akane or not?" I nodded. "Yes, I have. I decided I would accept it and say yes." I smiled as I texted her, "Okay, it's a date tomorrow at 4 p.m." saying I would go. While, Ruby starts screaming that her ship is sailing and starts to call Kana and Mem cho while I start wondering what my date with Akane would be like. 

Okay this is the end of this chapter with Aqua's pov before the Aquakane date

Hope you guys ready that one >:D 

I hope you guys liked it and see you next chapter ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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