Rocks D. Luffy - Amazon Lily

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Luffy: You're going to own me for messing up my battle

Kuma: Apologies for that

Garp: At least he saved us from losing an Admiral

"Kuma!! what did you do that?" Luffy said "Is it to save me or are you working with the Navy?" he said as he flying through the sky "I know you are part of the Revolutionary Army but why did you save Kizaru?!" as he was punching the air bubble Infront of him and then fallen asleep while still flying in the sky, wondering he can reunite with his crewmembers and then waited until he landed on an Island



Luffy was crashing down in a forest of an island that he just landed on, but he was still sleeping. After a few minutes, he woke up and then stood up

"Gee, where am I?" Luffy said "The one thing I don't like about Kuma is his devil fruit. I'm glad that Bonney is not here, because she might try to kill me" Luffy then just yawned and still look tired "I want to figure out where I am, but I don't feel like moving. I didn't get to finish my sake after I had to go fight Kizaru, this is such a drag" Luffy then falls down again and then gets completely knocked out and then start sleeping again

Ace: Seriously, he is that lazy

Garp: He didn't take a walk around the Island and then he falls back to sleep

Katakuri: Just expected that from him

"Hurry, I can see the smoke from here! It's right over there" a woman said as she was running towards the smoke of where Luffy landed

"They have been anchored off of shore for a while now" another woman said "you don't think they made landfall, do you? It could be a great consequence"

"That may be true, but we have high security all over the island" first woman said "even if they figured out to breach through our iron defensive, they would be only foolish to draw attention only to their selves"

"Who could it actually be then?" another woman said

"Let's find out for ourselves" the first woman answered "for right now, split up into groups" she said as the three of them divided into groups as they were trying to figure out what had happened and how did it get pass of their security. Suddenly, the second woman found Luffy who was sleeping on the crash impact on the ground in the forest

"What is it that?" the second woman asked "Marguerite, hurry you must see this" the first woman looked over "look over there, you see that?"

"Calm down, Sweetpea" Margurite said "What is it?"

"What do you think of this?" Sweetpea asked as she and Marguerite looked at the sleeping Luffy on the ground

Hancock: Sweetpea? Marguerite?

Rose: Wait a minute I recognize those outfits

Spectral: Hm?

Rose: Kuma, did you send my son to Amazon Lily?

Sanji: No!!! How did the captain get so lucky

Males: Lucky bastard!!!

"This is a human!" Marguerite answered "they must be unconscious"

"Do you think that she is from the village?" Sweetpea asked

Luffy: She?

Rose: It's only an Island for women

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