Chapter 26

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Brie woke up with a huge smile. She was marrying the love of her life in 2 days.

She went downstairs to see her fiancée cooking breakfast. She went up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Good morning beautiful.",he smiled. "Ugh, stop it.",Brie blushed. "I can't your just to beautiful I can't handle it.",Randy laughed. Brie laughed with him.

While Brie and Randy were having breakfast all she could think about was the mystery person. Brie decided it was time to tell Randy about this person.

"Babe I have to tell you something.",she said. "What is it.",he asked. "So there has been this person sending me texts and I have no idea who he is.",she said. Randy sat there quietly looking a bit tense.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner.",he said. "Because I was scared.",she said a bit scared. "Of what!",he yelled. Brie flinched at the sudden action of Randy. "Of maybe a reaction like this. I hate when you get this way, so that's why I didn't tell you plus with the wedding so close I didn't want to stress you out.", Brie yelled back wiping tears.

Randy pulled Brie into a hug. He totally understand now why she didn't tell him , but he still wished she would have. "Your right and I'm sorry, I just wish you would have told me." "I wish I did to and next time I promise to. Also I think this person is gonna come to our wedding."

Randy rubbed his face trying to process what she just said. "You know what. Let's just enjoy ourselves today and tomorrow and not worry about this person at all, ok?",Randy smiled. Brie nodded with a smile as well.

Randy kissed Brie's forehead and said I love you before heading out for a wild bachelor party. Brie was left alone preparing for a bachelorette of her own. After getting dressed she headed to the suite Nikki rented for the night.

She walked inside of the lobby, up towards the suite. Brie knocked on the door and it quickly opened. She was swarmed with hugs by her best friends. "I'm glad you guys are here.",Brie smiled. "Glad to be here.",they all said.

"So what's on the agenda, Nikki?",asked Natalya. "Well, strip club." "Oh god!" "Spa, massages, and pretty much anything else Brie wants to do" Brie smiled. "I like it now let's get this party started.",Brie yelled. "Brie Mode!!",the girls yelled.

On the other side of town there was Randy Orton with his best buds. "So plans?",Randy asked. "Anything you wanna do.",Dean said. "Strip club?",Dolph suggested. "Hell yeah!", yelled the guys.

They all grabbed their needed items and headed out the door. During the drive Randy couldn't help but think about Brie. Even though he was suppose to just be having fun and not thinking about this, she would always cross his mind no matter what.

"We're here.",said Dean. "Finally, I couldn't take sitting in this car any longer",breathed Sami. "Someone's on their period.",joked Finn. "Haha, very funny",replied a sarcastic Sami. They all got out the car and walked into the strip club.

Dean was obviously the most excited because of the goofy grin on his face. Randy and the others walked around for a place to chill. They found a spot and started ordering drinks and taking out the money.

The girls started to come out one by one shaking with their mother gave them and the boys were way to excited, which you could tell by the sudden lift of their pants.

The girls started to dance and the guys proceeded to throw their cash.

Brie was having a great time. All the girls were currently getting spa treatments. "You excited for the wedding?",Summer asked. "Yes I really am",Brie smiled. "You really love him don't you",Nikki smiled. "Never loved a man so much.",Brie blushed.

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