chapter twelve

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I walked onto the plane, and found my seat. After a three boring hours, the plane landed in Brisbane, the whole plane ride I kept thinking about the past week, I started off an innocent virgin before I came here, and now I have had sex various times, just for pleasure, I wasn’t even in love with the guy he just a friend, my best friend. I walked off grabbing my bags, I planned to stay with my family for four days, then see Rosalie for three days and stay with her in her apartment. She seemed so much more grown up, I just finished high school yes, but I lived with my family, and hung out with my friends from high school and just spent a week sleeping with my best friend, no not sleeping, fucking.

I met mum at my grandparents place, Aiden was eating a piece of cake, and Hanna ran to the door the second she got a glimpse of me. I lifted her hugging her and spinning her around, I hugged my grandparents, parents and sister and baby brother, my aunty and uncle were outside, my Aunty was swimming and my uncle was fishing. My cousins were outside as well, I never saw them as often, I usually just saw my grandparents because my family had three pairs of grandparents, my dad’s side split up and my mum, never grew up with a dad, so it was just my grandma, Christmas was the only time all three lots of my grandparents came together, which basically just meant I got to spend just as long with all of them. Christmas was our usual day, swimming in the morning, big Lunch, talking on the balcony then a trip to the beach in the afternoon, about an hour of sunbaking then back home for a small dinner, music and playing some pool/snooker, and this year for the first time, I was offered alcohol, which when with my family you seriously needed at parties, they could be insane! It all ended about 1 am, but not for me, I shared a room, with my siblings, all but Aiden who got to bunk with my cousins, “So, how’s things with Stefan, have you had sex yet?” Spencer asked me, my older sister was a bit of a slut if I’m totally honest, she has had sex about eight times (with different guys mostly) I rolled my eyes at the question, “Not with Stefan, we broke up,” I said. “Awww, bub, wait so you had sex, but not with Stefan?” She asked. I nodded. “OMG! Was it one of the brooks’ boys?” Spencer asked jumping onto my bed, “Yeahh…” I trailed off. “Who?” She asked impatiently, “Luke,” I whispered. “Wait are you guys a couple?” She asked. I shook my head. “Shit sis, you are worse than me,” she said, I shaped my mouth to an ‘O’ and I slapped her arm.

The four days with the family were good, even though it was crazy and Spencer didn’t shut up about Luke, the worst was when Hanna overheard and asked us what sex was, that was an awkward lie we came up with. I got a taxi up to Rosalie’s apartment where I planned on spending the next three days, she had a relatively nice apartment, it was near the beach and had a long balcony out front, she waved at me from the balcony and minutes later ran out of the elevator at me hugging me with a tight grip. We stayed up until 3 that morning catching up, she cried as she told me about her and Jesse’s break-up, I already knew they broke up, I just hadn’t heard the details til now. I spilled my guts about my week of friends with benefits with Luke; her reaction was throwing a pillow at me. There was a guy, who went to her summer dance school, When Rosalie and I were younger we did dancing together for seven years, I quit when I moved to Melbourne because I didn’t think I’d be able to continue in a different place, I was quite flexible apparently, and I still had my point shoes and a couple of my favourite costumes from concerts, we did hip hop, ballet and jazz together and Rosalie does street now as well, which is just a little twist to hip hop, the guy’s name was hunter and they had a bit of a flirty relationship.

I was woken by a phone call at 10 the next morning, it was Luke, “Hey,” I answered, “Hey, what’s the address of where you are staying?” Luke asked, “Why?” I retaliated. I ended up giving in and telling him the address, I had no idea what he wanted but an hour later I found out. The Brooks brothers knocked on Rosalie’s door, I was lying on the floor, eating a packet of red frogs, and moving my head and feat to the beat of the music, while watching the video clips on Mtv. The red frog nearly fell out of my mouth when I saw the three boys standing there awkwardly smiling at Rosalie, I jumped up of the floor after swallowing my red frog, I hugged them all and Rosalie let them all in, offering them drinks, I hugged Luke, his hands rested just above my ass and I stood on my tippy toes to hug him, I usually just make them bend a little, or take their energy to lift me up a little, they weren’t really tall to me, because I wasn’t abnormally short, but I was shorter than them. Rosalie invited them to stay at her apartment, which mean we’d have to share rooms, “Ali, who do you want to bunk with?” Rosalie asked me, “I guess I’ll go with you,” I said smiling at her, avoiding Lukes eyes. Luke and Beau bunked together and Jai got his own room.

The brothers tagged along to Rosalie’s party too. Her dance school company was having a party, where I got to meet this Hunter that she was so flirty with. He went straight for a hug placing his hands where Luke did, when I saw him today, I pulled away, he shook hands with the brothers and smacked Rosalie on the ass before offering us all drinks, I accepted a coke not wanting to get drunk, he came back with his hands full of drinks placing them on the table, and hooking his two fingers into the gap on her waist of her dress and pulling her towards the dance floor, I glanced over at beau who looked like he was holding back from punching the guy. Rosalie bit her lip, swaying her hips and grinding into him from behind him enjoying her company, he licked his lips before biting down on his bottom one and whispering something in her ear. She giggled, a glint in her eye, her fake girly laugh wasn’t heard over at the tabled where we were standing over the loud booming music. ‘The Big Bang by rock mafia’ came on and I turned to face the brooks brothers, “Do you wanna dance?” some guy from behind me asked, he was cute, he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He bit his lip waiting for an answer I nodded walking out and swaying my hips basically from side to side, getting closer to him so we were almost touching, when Luke caught my eye, him and Beau both had the same look, like they were refraining from punching two different guys, I walked off after three songs, pulling Rosalie with me.

She darted away to go to the bathroom, when Beau yelled in my ear, “I think I like your best friend,” I glared at him. “Seriously?” I asked. He nodded. “Then make a move!” I told him he nodded, asking Rosalie to dance, she accepted and they danced for about five songs, I sat in a booth with the twins, “Why aren’t you guys looking for girls to dance with?” I asked. Just as I said that the guy I danced with slipped his number across the table at me, I smiled at him putting it in my purse. “Just haven’t found one,” Luke said. “Arianna,” Jai said. “I said dance not fuck,” I said replying to Jai, ignoring Lukes comment. Rosalie and Beau came off the floor at 11 and we made our way home. There were a bunch of teenage girls outside, who found out the Janoskians were at the party and they screamed as we walked out, Beau removed his hand from Rosalie’s waist, and said quick hello’s, we got into a cab and went home, I could’ve gone to sleep in the cab I was so tired. I got changed into just a shirt and slipped into the bed I now had to share with Rosalie. Rosalie was in the shower, when Luke slipped into my room, “Hey,” he whispered. “Hey…” I trailed off. He switched the lamp on, “come into my room?” he asked. “You’re sharing with Beau,” I replied, he shook his head, “He bunked with Jai.” He said. “No, I said that was going to end, once I came to Brisbane,” I replied. “We need to talk.” He replied before slipping out of the door, I slipped out after him, walking into his room. 

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