Run away

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    2 Timothy 2 : 22 " Run from temptations that capture young people. Always do the right thing. Be patient loving, and easy to get along with. Worship with people whose hearts are pure. " ( C..E.V )

               In our christian life, we are dealing with our human nature. Right? Yeah :)   because satan is already defeated by Jesus. Now the problem today is...


Sometimes we intend to question God, why things are going like this way, or that way.  Seems like God won't answer our call.

That made us weak in faith.

Talking about temptations, we are controlled by sin.  We want to fulfill our dreams because of our desire and we want it in our own way. 

 There are things that made us weak spiritually:

 "Having NO Self-Control"          

 -   Now that's the hardest part of all. Without it, everything goes wrong. Do you agree?  


it's easy to do it, but you can't stop it right? Ofcourse, talking about human nature. It's always present.

            I'd like to tell you to stop  telling lies. It's one reason why there are broken friendship, relationships, trust, promises, love and many more. That 3 letter word leads to you to go to hell. The same as "SIN". We try to change ourself but it's really hard because we didn't make up our mind to make it our priority. 

Things are easily spoken and understood but it's hard to put it on action.

As a christian it is our goal to live like Christ. How He acted towards other believers. How He showed himself in the crowd with great confidence and love.

One night, I've been praying to GOD,

Lord, I want you to change my life.  Please lead me away into tempteations. I ask your presence..

As the day goes through.  I can't imagine how I comitted a lot of sin. I asked God 

Lord, I can't understand myself. I thought It would be easy. The more I pray, the more I'm running away.. I don't understand.

Please help me Lord.

That was a heartbreaking moment for me to see myself how I'd been pulled off by doing wrong things. Leading to sin.

Days seemed dark. It's hard to get back again. I'm spiritually weak. Imagine how I use to sleep without even praying because I'm busy. I don't even read BIBLE. Well, To know signs? that's the time I have to read the BIBLE. Seems like It's  taken for granted.

I'm tempted in many ways that I don't have time for GOD. Worldly things.. that's what we call it.

Isn't it weird to know that I'm actively speaking in front of  young people, sharing them how to live right, how to glorify God, How to know his will..  That we should read the bible, 

were in fact...

None of these THINGS I am DOING.. 

 It's a SHAME! I'm ashamed. Really ashamed of what I did.. 

Yeah, I'm telling the truth.

But God didn't want me to stay on that mud. He is always good. He is always right. I know we commit sins. But He is a loving GOD ready to forgive. 

It takes time to change. It takes time to know God more.. And you will never know Him. Unless you'll ask him to prove that He is A One True God.  

Many times we tend to ask GOD why it's getting worse. We already prayed and prayed and prayed.

But, Prayer with no sincerity and true submission to God is useless.

We know that the best thing to answer word problems in mathematics is to solve it. In what way? By applying what you have learned during lecture time. What about if the teacher doesn't like you to open your notes during the examination? Well, we must know that we have to

"Be ready all the time".

 My point is this, Temptations do not come from God but it is within yourself. It's our human nature to satisfy our desire.  As a christian the bible tells us not to fall in to temptations.  We are the one who is making our own way where we will go. But the great difference, is that, We Christians DO NOT belong to this world but to CHRIST JESUS.  We make our decisions but with the LORD's guidance we know that everything will be alright.  We have to open our mind that the only thing that will change us is when we have that what we call,


In the verse 1Corinthians 5:22

But the fruit of the spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF-CONTROL.

Self control.. That's it!  we are already taught to have it.  Applying is the most important thing! 

Many Christians say that it's hard to live a holy life.

Indeed! It's not that simple if you keep on thingking that you can't do it. Life is not all about us.

It's all about GOD. Our relationship to GOD. It's the way how we acknowledge His prescence all the time. We can't do such things that God wants us to do If we Don't LOVE GOD.

Love is the main ingredient. Love is the reason why He gave JESUS CHRIST.

And know let's give our whole life to GOD by loving Him. And we know that if we love one person we willl do anything just to make him/her happy. Isn't it right:?

Now tell me. How much do you love God?

Love God with All your heart, with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind. That's the best thing to make things right. God will not lead us to fall into temptations. All we have to do is to do our very best!




God is good all the time.

Dear readers,

            I hope your love to God will keep on burning. Continue to READ your Bible And PRAY everyday. Always Praise God and Give Him thanks. :D 

                  I'm not good in grammar. I hope you'll understand :D Inspite of being this kind of author. This is dedicated to the LORD. Keep Loving God :D


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