Unconditional Love

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It's around 12:00 a.m. and the party is at its peak. It's extremely wild and at least 60% drunk. Tim and Jazmyn are even a little tipsy. Jazmyn walks up to Tim as he is sitting down. She grabs his hand and pulls him towards the house. She gets out a key that Melvin gave her and unlocks the door to the house. She locks it back as they walk inside Melvin's house. Tim looks at Jazmyn.
      "You got to get away for a lil while or something?" Tim asks. Jazmyn laughs.
      "Yeah, something like that." Jazmyn takes Tim upstairs to Melvin's room. Tim is a little mysterious.
      "You sure Melvin would appreciate us being in his room?"
      Jazmyn grabs Tim body and ferociously slams him against the wall. Tim has never been in this situation before and is very surprised of how Jazmyn takes control of him. She rips his shirt off and starts to kiss him. She starts to bite his neck and Tim grabs her waist. He walks her to the bed. He lays her down on her back and takes her shirt off. He kissses her stomach as he takes her bra off. Jazmyn moans quietly as Tim grabs her breasts. He begins to kiss her as he unbuttons her pants. He feels all over her until he is caressing inside of her. Jazmyn starts to gasp but Tim quiets her with his lips. Jazmyn unbuckles Tim's pants with intent of responding. She experiences him as Tim then starts sensing her neck with his tongue. He gets closer to Jazmyn's ear and whispers 'I love you'. Tim starts to fornicate and Jazmyn starts gripping onto the bed as he goes further. She has an arc in her back as he proceeds deeper. She sighs as if he is relieving her from stress. She pulls his neck down towards her and whispers to him to go deeper and faster. Tim answers and sighs. Jazmyn moans reach a higher pitch every few seconds. She moans louder and louder. Once her moan start to decline, Tim relaxes and meets with her lips again. Jazmyn starts to sit up as she comes in contact with Tim. She grabs Tim and he lays on his back. She begins to get on top of him and slowly sits down as she examines with his body. They moan simultaneously. Her posture is parallel with the walls. She rides on top of him deep and fast. Tim grabs her ass. Jazmyn begins to scream as she continues to ride on Tim. She cusses out loud repeatedly. Jazmyn slouches down to kiss Tim. She begins to slow down. She whispers in his ear. 'I love you baby'. They are kissing while Jazmyn is on top of Tim. Tim grabs Jazmyn and flips her over onto all fours. He rubs her back and slowly goes inside of her. Jazmyn extends her arms on the bed to get a better posture. He pulls her hair back as he strokes quickly. Jazmyn reacts as if it hurts but tells him to keep going. Tim wants her to pay for saying those words, so he begins to stroke even faster and harder. Jazmyn's heart starts to race as she begins to feel out of her body. She screams to Tim to keep going. Tim smacks her ass. He tries for his maximum speed and roughness until Jazmyn let's out her sighs. Tim slows down. They are both panting heavily. Tim lays down sweating looking up at the ceiling. Jazmyn lays right beside him. They both look at each other and smile. They are stll kind of tipsy and everything is stimulated.
      "Happy Birthday baby." Jazmyn kisses Tim.
They laugh and very deeply look into each other's eyes.
      Back at the party, Cici is sitting alone thinking about the conversation her and Taylor shared. From a distance she looks lonely and could tell she is thinking about something very hard. Taylor is back at the beverage table fixing drinks and notices Jake comes beside her to fix his drink. She mugs at him and Jake gets offended.
      "I don't know why you are giving me that look. What have I done to you besides getting drugged up by you?" Jake says angrily. Taylor acts as if no one has gathered her attention and continues fixing her drinks. Jake tries again. "Hello? I'm talking to you." Taylor stumbles back.
      "Listen... Why don't you... go do that lil DJ thing... And...And leave me alone. Can you do that needle dick?" Jake reacts quickly.
      "You're a stuck up bitch I swear." He smacks his lips as his attention gets attracted to a party-goer calling his name. As he is turned around, Taylor pours a red, flakey, substance in Jake's drink and walks off. Jake turns around to grab his drink and heads back to the DJ booth.
      Taylor stumbles over to Cici and hands her a drink.
      "Here you go bitch." Taylor experiments Cici's vibes and speaks to her. "Hey bitch... I know you're thinking about... That one guy... umm... Can't think of his name... But maybe you should like... go for it y'know?" Cici acts as if that's all she needed to hear in order to figure out her problem. She stands up.
      "You're right! I'll be right back!" Cici gets one of her friends to watch over Taylor while she is gone.
      As Tim and Jazmyn walk out the house, Cici walks up to Tim.
      "Hey, do you know where Melvin is?" She asks. Tim examines the backyard and gestures in his direction.
      "Thank you!" Cici walks towards Melvin. Jazmyn gives Tim an inscrutable look.
      "What's that all about?" Jazmyn asks. Tim laughs.
      "I don't know."
      Meanwhile, Melvin is getting danced on by a girl.
      "I LOVE FAT BITCHES!" Melvin screams. Cici calls his name and as he turns around she notices his act. She looks wrathful and storms off. Melvin is confused and tries to get through the crowd. Cici runs off to the front yard and sits down on the porch gazing ahead until Melvin appears. There's a resentful look upon her face. Melvin acts dumbfounded.
      "You wanted to talk about something?" He asks?
      "No." She says quickly.
      "You sure? I mean, no one just calls a person's name without purpose."
      "I said nothing." Melvin tries to stay relaxed, thinks of the right words to say.
      "If I leave knowing something is bothering you, you'd probably never talk to me again. I won't leave until you state your purpose on why you called my name and left right after it." Deep down, Melvin feels that he was on a game show and he chose the 'all or nothing' question on what to say, and doubled his money.
      "You know why," she says. Melvin stops playing dumbfounded and knows that an argument is inevitable.
      "But that doesn't make sense," he says. Cici stands up with a louder tone of voice.
      "But it does make sense!" Melvin matches her tone.
      "How am I supposed to know how you feel when you act so hard to go to!"
      "I don't act hard to get to! I just know how you are Melvin! There's a reason why I didn't want to get involved with you and you just proved that reason correct a few minutes ago!" Melvin now has the feeling that he walked out the game show with his money and was just robbed.
      "Again, how am I supposed to know how you feel if you don't tell me? You think I'd be like that if you were like, 'Hey Melv, I have feelings for you too'. It wasn't a secret that I've always liked you. If you push me away, I'm still going to live my life regardless." Cici frowns.
      "Yeah, well it's whatever. Do whatever. I don't care." Cici starts to walk off but Melvin pulls her back. He lowers his tone.
      "Wait. You don't care?" Melvin looks in her eyes with a saddened look. Cici has a tear coming from an eye.
      "No. I don't." Melvin looks into her eyes knowing he can communicate with hers.
      "Even a fool know that's a lie." Melvin holds her hands as they look at each other. He starts to lean in towards her but she turns her head. Melvin stays leaned in. Cici slowly turns back towards Melvin knowing that she can no longer resist.
      Thirty minutes later, the party gets even more wild. Jake is DJ'ing and hyping the crowd up. His eyesight slowly starts to fade more and more. His movement is in slow motion as he spins the CD's. He suddenly starts hallucinating. With the microphone still on, he screams.
      "GET THIS SHIT OFF ME!" The crowd looks in his direction and notices Jake ripping his clothes off in a hurry. He starts racing to the front with no clothes on screaming. "IT'S STICKY!" About 50 people follows him to the front as he runs down the street naked. Numerous people pulls out their phones and records him. Someone yells, 'JAKE THE SNAKE!' and he panicks. He runs to a house and pounds on the door. An old lady with a night gown opens the door. She is disgusted with the sight.
      "PLEASE GET THEM OFF ME." Jake screams as he scratches his body. The lady gets angry as Melvin grabs Jake.
      "Sorry ma'am I have a mentally challenged cousin. This won't happen again. If you have any concerns, do call my number," Melvin says. The old lady shuts her door and Melvin walks Jake back to the backyard. "Not again man. Come on Jake, shake back."
      "THEY'RE ON ME MAN!" Melvin asks a girl he knows from school to put Jake's clothes back on.
      "What happened to him?" she asks.
      "Someone gave my boy some hallucinogenics."
      "That's so fucked up! What the hell is wrong people. The fact that I gave him my number earlier. He was supposed to come talk to me."
      "Can you do me a favor. I mean since y'all are like cool and all, can he crash at your house for the night?"
      "I guess... sure," she replies.
      "Don't try to take advantage of my boy."
      "Oh trust me I'm not like that. I wasn't even going to let him get anything tonight. 9-Month plan sweetie." The girl picks Jake up and her and Melvin drags him to her car.
     "Damn. 9 months?" Melvin asks?
     "Yeah buddy. Well, thank you for the party Melv." Melvin pauses and opens the passenger door. He digs into Jake's pockets.
      "I don't know why I payed him in advance. The fuck was I thinking?" The girl laughs and drives off as Melvin shuts the door.
      As Melvin walks back to the party, a guy approaches him.
      "Aye Melv, lemme continue the show," the guy says.
      "Don't do what the last DJ just did kid," Melvin replies.
      An hour goes by, and everyone continues to have fun and drink alcohol. It's 1:00 a.m. and the party is still going. Tim is dancing with Jazmyn.
      "I'm surprised Melvin isn't drunk yet," Jazmyn says to Tim. As she says that, Tim points behind her. When she turns around, she observes of how Melvin is falling on the ground and getting back up repeatedly.
      "Spoke way too soon babe," Tim says. Melvin stumbles towards Tim until he is leaning on Tim's shoulders.
      "I'm no longer a single man... I'm... I'm... one of you people now," Melvin says. Jazmyn smacks her lips.
      "Bullshit! You couldn't be a taken man if your life depended on it," Jazmyn says. Melvin stumbles back and points at Jazmyn .
      "Say Tim... Tell that lady beside you I said... Fuck her... whoever she is." Melvin falls again. Jazmyn and Tim laughs at him.
      The atmosphere changes as the music stops and people start screaming. Jazmyn notices how everyone is running pass them to the front-yard.
      "What's going on?" Jazmyn asks Tim.
      "I don't know. We better get out of here though." Tim picks Melvin up and puts his arm around his shoulder. With his other hand, he grabs Jazmyn's arm and starts to run. Jazmyn runs ahead of Tim but stops when she feels she loses grasp of Tim's hand. She turns around to find Tim getting pulled back by a police officer.
      "Not so fast," the officer says. Tim gets knocked out by a police baton from the police officer. Jazmyn runs over to Tim but gets stopped by the police officer. She is screaming and realizes when she looks up, it's her dad. Her fear instantly turns into anger.
      "I fucking hate you," she tells her dad. She struggles and tries to pull away but her dad laughs at her. He gets another officer to grab Jazmyn.
      "Take her home to her mom boys. I got this douchebag here," Jazmyn's dad says. He arrests Tim and stands him up even though he is still unconscious. He looks at Jazmyn. "I told you to cut ties. You know I don't have a problem with cutting them for you." Jazmyn spits in his face and he yells. "Take her away!" Jazmyn's dad puts Tim in the back of the cop car. His partner comes up behind him with Melvin arrested.
      "Put him in the back. Good work officer." Jazmyn's dad tells his partner.
      "Thanks Mack."
      The policeman starts to drive off. Abour 7 minutes into the drive, Tim starts to wake up. Melvin looks at Tim drunk. Mack notices Tim.
      "Wake up sleeping beauty. I guess you couldn't stay away from my daughter could ya?" Tim looks at Melvin and gives him a look to not say anything. "What do you say? Disturbing the peace, giving alcohol to minors. Yup, that deserves some jail time don't ya Think Lyle?" Mack says to his partner. The policemen laugh. Tim gets angry. They arrive at the police station. The officers gets out the car.
      "Alright you two. Up outta the car," Mack says. The policemen takes Tim and Melvin out the car and into the jail cell together. As Mack locks the cell, Tim looks at him.
      "What do you even have against me Mr. Mack? I've never done anything to you or your daughter."
      "Shut up you scum. I want my daughter to date someone who has something going for themselves. Ya know, educated and good looking. We all know you and your friend aren't the brightest. You both are under the influence. I don't need anything like that around my daughter." Melvin stands up stumbling towards Mack.
      "Look you don't even know me." Melvin says in a slur.
      "And I don't have to youngster, look at this," Mr. Mack says while Pointing to his badge. "That's all that matters right now, and I am of a higher authority than you. So I suggest you two to shut the fuck up." Melvin and Tim backs up and sits down.
      "What am I going to do man? When my parents get back and sees the house like that and me not there, they are going to kill me man. I just... wanted to have fun... and party and have fun... and suck some titties." Melvin sobs hysterically.
      Tim ignores him and lies down. He puts his hands behind his head and daze off at the ceiling. He day-dreams about him and Jazmyn of them getting together. Their Freshman year of high school, Tim saw her walk into his class late on the first day of school. He saw how quiet and distant she was from everyone. He stared at her thinking they'd be nothing more than friends, until he got to know her. At lunch, he saw her sitting by herself outside. He was walking with Melvin and told him he'll be right back. Tim walked up to Jazmyn and awkwardly said, "Hey." She looked uncomfortable and said, "Hey," back. After 5 seconds of awkward silence, Tim asks her name. They sat and talked the whole lunch period and became good friends like Tim expected. One day in the summer after their Freshman year, when they were hanging out at his house, his perspective changed. At one moment, he was looking at her, laughing at her jokes and their childish statements. Once the laughter stopped, he looked at her as her attention was on something else, and realized how alluring she was to him. She caught him staring at her and again felt like she did when he said, "Hey," for the first time to he. He then asked Jazmyn how she felt about him. Jazmyn waited and told Tim how good of a friend he was. Disappointed of her answer, Tim decided to be honest about how he felt about her. He told her all the feelings he had for her and how he wanted to be more than friends. Tim thought he messed up when Jazmyn didn't say anything, until she confessed the same. She didn't want to feel embarrassed if he didn't feel the same way.
      Suddenly Tim's dream is interrupted when Jazmyn and Jazmyn's mom busts through the police station's door. Jazmyn's mom looks furious.
      "Now you listen to me, you let these two boys go before i kick you outta the house Jeffrey," Jazmyn mom's says. Melvin bursts into laughter about Mack's first name.
      "Shut up punk," Mack says to Melvin. He turns Jazmyn's mom. "And no can do Jessica. They are in here to stay. There's no way around the law."
      "So you think I'm playing? Jessica says firmly. She calls Jazmyn's name. Jazmyn walks outside the station to the car. Jessica folds her arms looking at Mack. Melvin and Tim are nervous hoping they will get out. Mack looks confused.
      "Wha....what is she doing?" he asks.
      "Go look for yourself" Jessica and Mack walks outside. Jazmyn throws Mack's clothes over the street. Mack gets furious.
      "Hey! You stop it young lady!" Jazmyn continues as Jessica talks to Mack.
     "Let those boys go Jeffrey or you won't have a place to stay tonight," she says as Mack contimplates. After 30 seconds, he angrily walks back into the police station and unlocks the cell.
      "Lyle hack all tape footage of tonight. They can't find out about this." Melvin walks out sobbing and sticks his tongue out at Mack.Tim gets stopped by Mack. "I'm not through with you."
      "I thought of something... You didn't even read us our miranda rights. Dumbass." Mack looks vacant as Tim pulls away and walks outside. Jazmyn jumps into his arms.
      "Tim! Baby I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Jazmyn asks.
      "I'm fine I'm fine," he says. He turns to Jessica. "Thank you Ms. J. I really appreciate it."
      "No prob-." Melvin runs and hugs Jessica sobbing and yelling.
      "I love you Ms. J. I love you. I'm sorry I'll never do it again." Jessica looks helpless until Tim pulls Melvin off.
      "He's a little... You know. Thanks Ms. J again."
      "I have to get you boys home now. Ill start by dropping off Mr. Drink-a-lot. Get in the car guys." Melvin stumbles on Jazmyn and Tim's arms as they put him in the car first. Jazmyn gets in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry about my husband. He's an ass. Counseling doesn't seem to be working. That's why we are getting a divorce now. Mean old man. You kids were just trying to have fun. Let me tell you something. When Jeffrey was a teenager-" Melvin laughs again. "He was bullied. One time the cool kids invited him to a party only to have him get jumped by some of the popular boys. I guess that's what his grudge is against you Tim. He sees you as a one of the popular kids and he doesn't  want you to date Jaz. He needs to realize that the 70s and today, are two different time periods. I know you're a good kid." They pull up to Melvin's house. "But listen. You two." Jessica points at Tim and Jazmyn, "Don't stop. Don't let Jeff-... Mr. Mack get to you. Keep loving each other and call me anytime for advice or help. Meanwhile. Help your friend in the house."
      "Oh why I love you Mrs. Mack," Melvin says.
      "Love you too sweetie." Tim sighs and gets out the car.
      "Get out the car Melv," Tim says with frustration. He pulls Melvn out the car. Melvin blows kisses at Ms. J. As Tim pulls Melvin out. As Tim takes Melvin up the stairs and lies him on his bed, he realizes the sheets. He starts to change the sheets, but Melvin passes out on top of them. Tim shrugs and looks out Melvin's window to the backyard and laughs.
      "40 people," he says to himself. Tim gets back in the car and Mrs. Mack starts driving. Once she pulls into Tim's driveway, their conversations end as Ms. J tells them about her plan.
      "Jaz, I want you to stay with Tim for a couple of days. I already talked to his mom. She knows." Tim jumps up instantly.
      "Wait, you told my mom?!" Tim asks loudly.
      "Don't worry you'll make it through. Keep your head up. Jaz get your clothes from the trunk." Jazmyn gets out of the car. Tim holds his head for a few seconds and gets out the car. "Love you guys be safe," Ms. J says driving off. As Jazmyn and Tim walks up to the porch, Tim gives her the run-down.
      "Jazmyn, when we walk in here, speak to my mom and head straight to my room okay? Don't try to conversate." Jazmyn gets offended.
      "Okay I get it geez." Tim searches through his pants.
      "Fuck, i lost my keys." He knocks on the door once as his mom opens the door angrily. Jazmyn follows her orders from Tim as they both walk in the house.
      "Hi Ms. Hector," she says.
      "Good Evening darling." Jazmyn goes to Tim's bedroom as Tim's mom starts to talk with Tim.
      "Sit down Tim," she orders. He sits at the kitchen table.
      "Mom don't start. I know I messed up," Tim says trying to make things better.
      "No i am going to start. You were in jail Timothy. Jail. All because of a relationship. Her dad is out to get you. Let it go. I can't deal with news of you going to jail. That hurts me as mother," Ms. Hector explains. Tim starts to yell.
      "Mom, I love her okay!? If you can't accept that, then kick both of us out right now." Jazmyn listens in on the argument and feels responsible. Tim's sister, Alexis, walks in the room. Alexis eyes widen as she gets happy,
      "Jazzy! I miss you," Alexis says. She hugs Jazmyn. "I love you Jazzy." Jazmyn begins to cry.
      "I love you too Alexis." Jazmyn replies. "Now go to your room and get some sleep." Alexis runs to her room not knowing anything that's going on. Tim and his mom continue arguing.
      "No you two are staying here. I'm just looking out for you that's all Timothy. But I guess you're a grown man now. So you make your own decisions. I love you Tim."
      "I love you too mom." Tim walks into his room and closes the doors and exhales deeply. Jazmyn runs up to him and hugs him crying.
      "Don't cry, it's not your fault," Tim says. Jazmyn sits down on his bed. "I guess I'll take a shower then."
      Tim walks to his shower. Jazmyn gazes out the window in deep thought. She thinks about ways she could make her relationship and life better. Sadly, she can't come up with anything. Her heart feels broken by her dad. He ruined her boyfriend's birthday. She pounders and pounders for several minutes until Tim comes out of the shower. He stops and notices that Jazmyn is still upset and sad. As he puts on underwear, he asks if she is okay but she just gives a simple nod and walks into the shower.
      As she walks out the bathroom in her towel, Tim stops her. He continues to ask if she is okay, but she is uncooperative. He then tells her to sit down. She sits on the side of the bed beside Tim. Tim grabs her hands.
      "Baby, please tell me what's wrong. I'm fine. You should be too. It's crazy how I went to jail and all but in the end I'm here now. What's bothering you?" Jazmyn hesitates.
      "All my friends have that 'Daddy's Little Girl' relationship with their dad. Why does mine want to ruin my life? If he didn't want to put up with a child, then why did he decide to have one? It's so frustrating. He just put you in jail tonight and now your mom is all mad at me."
      "Jazmyn relax. Just relax. This stressing isn't good for you. I know you want to have a better relationship with your dad, but it's whatever. If he doesn't want a great daughter, then that's his lost. And my mom isn't mad at you Jaz." The conversation goes silent for a few seconds.
     "Yeah, I guess," Jazmyn says unenthusiastically. Jazmyn stands up and walks towards the dresser. A few tears fall from her eyes but Tim walks up behind her and wipes them. He whispers in her ear, "Don't cry baby, I'm here for you." Jazmyn turns around slowly and looks at Tim. Tim puts both hands on her cheeks and presses his lips against hers. He pulls away and tells her that he loves her. He locks his fingers in between hers and pulls her towards the bed. He lays her on her back and continues to kiss her and rub on her. Her cries turns into moans as Tim takes her towel off and goes inside of her. He strokes slowly. Tim gives Jazmyn more passion and romance as he whispers sweet things in her ear and kisses her. The intensity increases as Jazmyn scratches Tim's back. He continues to go deeper and slow. She tells him that she loves him as her last moans come to an end.
      Tim is holding Jazmyn as they both stare at the ceiling. The subject from before doesn't go away.
      "What are we going to do?" Jazmyn asks.
      "What do you mean Babe?"
      "I can't go back to live with my Dad." Jazmyn says quickly.
      "What do you want to do?" Tim asks. Jazmyn pauses and looks out the window.
      "Is it crazy that I kinda want to get a place?" Tim sits up and looks at Jazmyn.
      "I've been thinking about that too. Honestly... It's just... You really think we can support each other?" Jazmyn sits up and looks at Tim.
      "I've already applied for a job. After years of going through business management, this store needs a new manager. I meet the qualifications."
      "Seriously?" Tim asks excitingly. Jazmyn voice lowers.
      "Well that's great I just have to do the same." Jazmyn looks sad. "Jaz...Jazmyn What's wrong?"
      "It's not in Geneva Tim," she replies. Tim gets confused.
      "Where is it then?"
      "Sutton." Tim looks ahead.
      "Wow. I guess I never thought of being away from my mom and little sister." He looks around the room and weighs the pros and cons. "You really think we can do this bae?"
      "Yes. I have to mention it to my mom. You should do the same. They both want us-... Well... I guess they both want us to be happy in some way."
      "Jaz, my mom doesn't hate you. I promise she doesn't. You wouldn't be beside me right now if she didn't like you. Of course she want us to make it. In a weird way it's kinda like she's giving me this huge test to see how much I really love you I guess. I don't know. My mom has a weird way of doing things. But don't let it get to you." Jazmyn smiles for the first time since the party. She kisses Tim and they both lay back down. "I promise we'll be Alright," Tim says in a confident way.

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