I Will Always Love You

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A month passes by. Jazmyn walks into the new apartment and finds Tim and Melvin playing the video game.
      "Hey Babe, how was work?" Tim asks Jazmyn. She stands behind Tim as he plays the game.
      "This bitch Mary is going to get her ass kicked I swear. She keeps fucking with my emotions." Tim pauses the game and turns around.
      "Woah, chill Jaz. You can't let her get through your head every day. You'll be miserable."
      "Whatever." Jazmyn walks to the kitchen and goes through the refrigerator. She is disappointed and walks back to the living room. "Ugh, I was gonna cook tacos but we don't have any ground beef." She grabs the keys. "I'll be right back. Going to the store." Tim pauses the game and stands up.
      "You sure you don't want me to go?" Tim asks.
      "No I got it babe." They kiss and she walks out. Melvin and Tim plays the game for a twenty minutes.
      "Aye man you talk to moms lately?" Melvin asks Tim.
      "Nah not today. I'ma call her." Tim calls his mom while playing the game. "Hey mom. How's everything?"
      "Great. Just cooking up some tacos," She replies.
      "Ha, Jaz is going to cook some too when she gets back from the store." Ms. Hector laughs.
      "Are y'all coming back this weekend?"
      "Yeah we plan on it." Tim stops, as he gets another call. "Hold on Mom, Jaz is calling." He clicks over.
      "My car just broke down. I was just on my way back home with the groceries." She groans. "Im on Hamilton street."
      "Okay, we're coming," Tim replies. Tim clicks back over. "Hey mom, I have to call you back. Jazmyn's car broke down."
      "Okay, honey be safe. Love you."
      "Love you too." Tim hangs up and turns to Melvin. "Fuck man. Jazmyn's car broke down. We gotta go get her."
      "Alright. You know I work on cars. I'll have it up and running. Let me get my tools." Meanwhile, the sun is just going down and Jazmyn is in her car, watching very few cars pass by. She listens to music and watches videos of Melvin on social media. She looks out her rear-view mirror and spots a black car pulling up behind her. A tall man gets out the car and as he gets out, so does Jazmyn. The man approaches Jazmyn.
      "Hi ma'am do you need help?" the man asks.
      "No, my boyfriend's on his way but thank you," Jazmyn replies.
      Jazmyn turns around but suddenly feels her body being pulled backwards. She screams loud as the man tells her to shut up. Jazmyn tries to kick and get away but it doesn't work. The man man-handles her back to his car. He ties her up and puts her in the back of the trunk. The man drives off leaving Jazmyn's car abandoned. 5 minutes after the man takes Jazmyn, Tim and Melvin drives down Hamilton and sees Jazmyn's car abandoned with her driver door open. Tim pulls up behind the car. They both examine the car.
      "Where is she?" Melvin asks.
      "Jazmyn!" Tim yells out into the open. "Maybe she went in the woods over there to go pee. I dont think pregnant women can hold their bladder long." They both laugh. After 5 minutes of screaming Jazmyn's name and calling her phone, they both get skeptical. They are leaning on the side of Jazmyn's car.
      "Yo man, I'm your best friend and I know we are both on the same page here." Melvin looks at the open door.
      "Nah can't be," Tim says trying to stay positive.
      "Why would her door just be left open with the car running on this small road?" Tim finally comes to reality.
      "Is this really happening?" He pauses. "I will lose it." Tim balls his fists up.
      "Calm down. I'm going to fix the car okay? Let's say something did happen to her, where would someone take her?"
      "I don't man, abandoned house?" Melvin points at Tim agreeing with him.
      "Look, drive around. When I fix the car, I'll call you. Tell me where you are and I'll travel behind you."
      "You sure you dont want to just come with me now?" Tim asks
      "Ill have this running in no time man. I'll come. And by the looks of things, if anything gets out of hand, two cars are better than one."
     "Alright man." Tim gives Melvin a bro hug. Melvin can see Tim is in pain.
      "Hey, we'll find her okay? Think positive. Be safe man. Now go." Tim pulls off and starts to think of where a maniac would take a cute girl. As he is he driving, he is coming up with all kinds of scenarios in his head like rape and weapons. He is driving reckless without noticing until his phone rings. He stops at a stop sign and looks at his phone. His eyes opens wide as he answers the call.
      "Jazmyn! Where the hell are you?" Tim yells. She cries and sobs.
      "Tim! I've been trying to get my phone out my pocket but I'm tied up. Please come get me," she whispers in fear.
      "Jaz, where are you?!" Jazmyn is crying outrageously and scared out of her mind.
      "I dont know! He drove for about 10 minutes. It shouldn't be too far from my car. Baby please come get me!"
      "Jazmyn I'm going to find you I promise."
      "Tim, I lov-." The phone hangs up. Tim looks at his phone and imagines the scenarios again. Nervous and scared, he screams. He calls Melvin.
      "Melvin! Jazmyn called me! I need you to hurry up! Right fucking now! Someone took my fucking girl!"
      "I just fixed the car! Where are you?" Melvin gets into Jazmyn's car. Tim looks at the street sign and tells Melvin the street name. "Wait did you say that she called you? Dude, hurry up and download the app, 'phone track'. You can track where she last called you from." Tim does what Melvin says. Tim puts in the call information into the app and finds a red dot on a location not too far from where he is.
      "Looks like we are about to have a little altercation. Melvin put this in Jazmyn's GPS in her car. 1987 Fields street. Meet me there." Tim peels off.
      "Got it!" Melvin drives off. "Look man, I know you're angry but do not let it get to you. Dont make a dumb decision. Let's be smart about this. Don't just go in there loud and dumb. Wait for me."
      "Fuck that! I'm going to get my girl!" Tim says recklessly.
      "Wai-." Tim hangs up.
      Melvin and Tim both are speeding towards the location. Tim finds the location. He pulls up to a big blue house in the woods. The street is a dead-end. All the other houses seemed to be burned down from an earlier time. The house's driveway is 50 meters long and Tim parks at the end of the driveway. He spots a black car. He gets out of his car and quietly approaches the black car. He sees a phone broken to pieces. He knows Jazmyn is in the house now. Tim creeps up by the house and looks in the windows. The house is vacant. He doesn't hesitate and kicks the front-door open.
      "Jazmyn! Where are you?!" Tim slowly walks around and screams. "Jazm-!" Suddenly Tim feels a gun at his head. The man speaks.
      "You're evading my property?" The man asks. Tim sits still and blinks slowly. He puts his hands up and doesn't say anything. "I should kill you right now."
      "Where is Jazmyn?!" Tim asks.
      "Oh that's her name? She's fine alright." The man laughs suspiciously. Tim gets angry and somehow smacks the gun out of the man's hand. Tim turns around and faces the man.
      "Fight me like a man then bitch!" Tim guards up.
      "Oh that's fine with me." The man punches Tim and he flys through the window to the outside porch. The man grabs Tim's neck and throws him off the porch onto the ground. Melvin then pulls up into the grass of the yard. The man notices the car. "Oh you brought friends? Now I really have to kill you." The man runs for the gun in the house, but Tim tackles him. Tim wrestles the man on the ground.
      "Melvin help!" Tim screams. Melvin sprints to the altercation. Tim is on top of the man, and the man pulls out a knife. Tim notices and tries to grab the knife but it is too late before the man slices Tim's side. Tim flips over due to the pain. The man runs into the house for the gun. Melvin rushes to Tim and slowly looks up as the man points the gun at him from the porch. Another car pulls by the side of the house. Tim is on the ground screaming in pain.
      "So you brought more friends huh?" the man asks.
      "I don't know who that is." Melvin replies. The man tells Melvin to walk towards him while pointing the gun. The man takes Melvin hostage as he approaches. The man walks over by Tim while having Melvin hostage. Four people get out of a black suburban.
       "Wait... Is that? That is Jazmyn's dad!" Melvin says. Tim sits up and looks at Mack walking with three policeman towards him. The 3 policeman stops and points pistols at the man, Tim, and Melvin. Mack approaches Tim and looks down on him. He paces back and forth in front of Tim.
       "So I knew I was right about you Tim. I had a second thought in my head on my way here though. I say maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe he is the right guy for my daughter. Then, I see you with a stab wound, your friend with a gun pointed to his head, and lemme guess where my daughter is? With the guy holding the gun." Mack points at the man. Everyone is quiet.
      "Listen, eveyone shut the fuck up or this kid's head is blown off, I'm not playing." The man says as he cocks the gun. Mack laughs.
      "See I could care less about you killing these two scum, but I am the authority and I can't let that happen." Mack pauses. "But let's say we turn our backs for a few seconds and don't see what actually happens because we arrived to late? Hmm? Sounds good?" The four men turns around. Mack signals the officer pointing to gun at Melvin to go to the back of the house to get Jazmyn. The officer quietly sneaks off to the back of the house. The man is contemplating about if he should kill Melvin. After 30 seconds of silence and lack of movement, Melvin pushes the gun away from his head. Tim kicks the man in his testicles right after. Mack and the two police officers turns around to find Melvin with the gun standing over the man's head and Tim standing hunched over beside Melvin. Melvin points the gun at the man's head. The two officers point their guns at Melvin and Tim.
      "You don't want to do that son," Mack says to Melvin. The officer who trailed off comes back man-handeling Jazmyn. She has blood over her shirt. The officer holds Jazmyn behind the suburban. Melvin and Tim are standing in front of the house over the man holding his testicles. The two officers faces Melvin and Tim in front of the suburban and are each 20 yards away from Melvin and Tim ponting their guns. Mack is standing in between the two officers. "Now listen, If I take my daughter, everyone goes free except for Tim, your friend, and the kidnapper." The officers laugh. "Now if any one of you three try some funny business, we will shoot you dead on sight and say that we found you here dead." Melvin and Tim looks at each other and it gets quiet. The officers further grips their guns pointing at Tim and Melvin waiting for a signal. Mack stands still with a smirk on his face.
      Suddenly, Jazmyn takes the officer's gun, that was holding her. She points it at his stomach and pulls. He falls to the ground and Jazmyn points the gun at his head and shoots. The two officers and her dad turns around to find the source of the shooting. While turned around, Melvin pulls the trigger on the man. The two officers and Mr. Mack turns around to find Melvin ponting the gun at the officer to the left of him. Jazmyn points the gun at the other officer. The officers looks nervously at Mack looking for answers. Tim walks up to Mack.
      "Now it's my turn to talk bitch. If your officer pulls the gun on Melvin, Jaz shoots your other buddy. So you might as well tell them to put the guns down." Mack signals the officers. They slowly sit their guns down but Melvin and Jazmyn keeps their guns pointed at them. "How about this, we fight right here right now. Whoever loses, loses Jazmyn. No weapons just fists. Are you man enough bitch?" Mack laughs.
      "Let's go," Mack says as he takes off his jacket. Melvin and Jazmyn looks at each other concerned. Mack is very big with average height and Tim is tall and slinky. With anger and frustrations from when Tim first met Mack, Tim throws the first punch with all of the power in his body and it staggers Mack. Mack comes back and brutally punches Tim. He grabs the stumbled Tim and slams his head against the suburban breaking the windshield. Jazmyn screams for her lover. Tim feels his feet being lifted from the ground. Mack slams Tim's body on the ground. Tim's stomach is repeatedly kicked by cowboy boots. Mack starts choking him until Tim blacks out.
      "Punk!" Mack gets off of Tim and looks at Jazmyn. "Jazmyn let's go now!"
      "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM ! I HATE YOU ! I HATE YOU !" Jazmyn has anger build up inside of her. She pulls the trigger of her gun and then points the gun at her dad. Mack faces Jazmyn and slowly puts his hands up. Melvin looks at the other officer.
      "Looks like your time is up too buddy." Melvin says before he kills the last officer. Mack tries to calm Jazmyn down.
      "You don't want to do this honey." Jazmyn is shaking as she holds the gun. She cries softly. The sweat from her body gives her skin a shining glow in the dark night. She looks at Tim to see if there's a possibility of him being alive. He is still unresponsive. She looks back at her dad and feels her anger build back up.
      "Yes I really do!" She starts to pull the trigger, but Tim jumps up and grabs Mack's body. Jazmyn screams. Tim and Mack wrestles for a dominant position to properly slam each other. Jazmyn gets nervous that Tim is going to lose again. She slowly pulls the trigger.
       Everyone stops as the gun shoots. They all look into each other's eyes in distraught and fear. Cries come out.
      "TIMMMMMM!!!!" Jazmyn screams from the top of her lungs. She sprints over to Tim. She smacks his face repeatedly. "TIM PLEASE WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! TIMMMM!" Melvin stands there and tries to comprehend on what just happened. His best friend is unresponsive. He is unresponsive. Melvin can't react and can't move. Melvin is in so much disbelief that he doesn't cry. Jazmyn cries and feels for Tim's heart but doesn't feel a beat. She lays her head on his chest for a few seconds. She closes her eyes and gradually stops screaming and crying. Her cries completely comes to a halt when she opens her eyes. She looks up to see her father to the right of her. Mack doesn't say anything. She stands up and looks into his eyes with complete anger. She sees nothing but evil in his eyes.
      "Jazm-." Mr. Mack sentence is cut off as Jazmyn shoots him in the stomach three times until he falls. He is still breathing on the ground. "You always were a bitch. You and your fucking mother." Jazmyn holds the gun to his head shoots the whole clip. After the bullets run out, she throws the gun and falls on top of Mack. She repeatedly punches him and screams.
       A loud sound goes off. The sound startles Jazmyn. She looks up and shakes her head in disappointment. She continues to cry. Jazmyn gets off top of Mack and goes towards the suburban. She closes Melvin's eyes.
      "I always loved you too Melvin."
      Jazmyn walks around the bloody scene and sees all the dead bodies. She looks around. She sees how much blood is on her. She still cries. She sees her boyfriend. She holds his hand and cries. She hears police sirens coming. She takes Tim's phone out of his pocket, she text a message in his phone, "Hi mom. Hi Mrs. Hector. I'm sorry. You'll eventually find out. Just know it wasn't me nor Tim's, nor Melvin's fault. I love both of you. You two Alexis. We were going to break the news to you tonight but never got around to it. You were going to become grandmothers. Sorry it had to happen this way." She sends the message to them. She grabs Tim's hand. She looks at the sky. She looks forward and sees a police car pull up. The police officer runs screaming noticing Jazmyn pointing the gun at herself.
      "NO DON'T DO I-."

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