Drastic Change

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As the sun sets, there is peace in the city of Geneva. It's a brand new day for Jazmyn and Tim. They are both ready to see what happens next.
      "Breakfast is ready!" Ms. Hector screams from downstairs. Jazmyn is already up and in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Tim wakes up from the smell of bacon from the kitchen.
      "Okay mom," Jazmyn responds to Ms. Hector.
      "Mom huh?" Tim asks.
      "Duh," she says back. Tim shuckles. They both head downstairs to the dinner table. Ms. Hector starts the conversation.
      "So besides getting arrested, how was your party and birthday Timothy." Ms. Hector fixes Tim and Jazmyn breakfast and sits down with them. She sips coffee.
      "Actually, It was becoming one of the best days ever. I mean I don't really party like that, but it was cool." Ms. Hector turns her attention to Jazmyn.
      "And what about you? How did your night?"
      "Oh I was just happy Tim was happy. Speaking without getting arrested part," Jazmyn replies.
      "It's a new day let's talk about new things okay?" Tim says as he gets annoyed.
      "Like what sweetie? What's on your mind?" Ms. Hector asks. Tim and Jazmyn look at each other. They speak in couple language without talking. Tim is giving Jazmyn a facial expression to bring the conversation up and Jazmyn is giving a facial expression that Tim should bring it up.
      "Is anyone gonna talk?" Ms. Hector asks.
      "Yeah, Tim has something to tell you," Jazmyn says.
      "What is that?" Tim sits his food aside.
      "Mom. Speaking grown up to grown up now okay? Me and Jazmyn were thinking of getting our own little place. An apartment." Ms. Hector laughs. Jazmyn and Tim looks at each other confusingly.
      "What's so funny?" Tim asks.
      "How were you two thinking about doing this?" Ms. Hector asks.
      "Well you know, Jazmyn has always been studying for business management and this store needs a new manager and she applied for the job. And I was thinking I could go out in the world and find me one too." Ms. Hector becomes serious.
      "So you're basing this off of applying? Not actually having it right?" Tim and Jazmyn looks down at their food. "Look, you two are smart kids and I know this, but you have to think further than that. So what happens if she doesn't get the job? Or what happens if one of you does get the job and one of you doesn't? You think one person can pay for these expensive apartments in Geneva? You're crazy." Ms. Hector laughs.
      "That's another thing Ms. Hector," Jazmyn speaks. "Umm... The apartment isn't exactly in Geneva." Jazmyn says cautiously. Ms. Hector sits her cup down and gives Jazmyn a serious face.
      "Where exactly is it then?"
      "Umm. Sutton," Jazmyn replies.
      "Okay. I get it now. So this isn't about you two wanting to live together. This is about you bringing your problems into my son's life and moving him away from me. His own mother."
      "Mom it's-," Tim gets interrupted by Jazmyn.
      "Ms. Hector, it has nothing to do with my dad. I promise you. Under our given circumstances, this is the best option there is for us. I wouldn't want to move your son away from you because of my selfish reasons. Believe me I don't. I don't want to leave my mother either.  I just want everyone to be happy okay? I figured you'd be happy because of your son finding someone that he could be with for the rest of his life. I figured my mom would be happy because she wants us to be a successful couple. And I figured we'd be happy because we can finally grow as adults... together," Alexis comes downstairs and everyone points their attention towards her.
      "I wouldn't be happy," Alexis says sadly.
      "Oh come here sweetie," Ms. Hector says. Alexis runs to Ms. Hector and cries.
      "I don't want Jazmyn or Tim to go mommy."
      "Go back up to your room. We'll talk about this later." Alexis runs to hug Jazmyn.
      "I love you Jazzy," says Alexis.
      "I love you too Lexy." Alexis runs to her room. As she leaves, there is an awkward silence. They all look at each other. Jazmyn feels that she should should speak.
      "I'm so sorry Ms. Hector. I really am." The awkward silence continues. Tim starts to have a doubt that maybe his mom really doesn't like Jazmyn. She poured her heart out to Ms. Hector and she doesn't say anything. Having a parent from each side dislike their relationship makes Tim feel on the verge of giving in. As he starts to open his mouth, his mom finally speaks. The curiosity increases within Jazmyn and Tim. What she says will determine everything.
      "You know what. Fine. I believe in you two. Do it. But, you have to stay here until you two BOTH have jobs. Understood?" Jazmyn and Tim are both surprised and creates two big, beautiful smiles.
      "Seriously?!" Tim says excitingly.
      "Yes, and I'm willing to pay first month's rent to help you two stay on your feet." Jazmyn and Tim hugs Ms. Hector.
      "Love you Ms. Hector," Jazmyn expresses.
      "Love you Mom."
      "Love you too guys," Ms. Hector replies.
      A few hours after hearing great news, Tim worries about Melvin. He knows he left Melvin there by himself last night. In Tim's room, he tells Jazmyn that they should go check on him. Jazmyn feels bad too knowing they left him there alone. They get into Tim's car and drive to Melvin's house. Once they get into the driveway they realize the same thing.
      "Jesus Christ this place is a mess," Jazmyn says as they both get out of the car.
      "That was some party." They start to walk to the door and notice a long rubber thing on the door knob. Tim looks confused. "What is tha-." Tim stops in mid-sentence realizing what it is. "What the fuck yo? Jaz, get that shit." Jazmyn looks at Tim stupid.
      "You got me so fucked up Timothy. You better get a stick or something... Ew it's still wet. What the hell?" Tim searches the yard and finds a stick to pull it off the knob. He slowly starts to pull it off and watches it hit the ground. He shakes his head at Jazmyn and runs to the car to get a towel. He uses it to open the door.
      "Melv! Melvin Francis Drake where the hell are you?!" Tim's voice fills up the whole house as he yells.
      "Let's go check his room," Jazmyn suggests. They walk into his room and find nothing. Tim starts to walk out until Jazmyn stops him. "Wait. You layed him down... here?" She points to Melvin's bed. Tim gives an obvious look until he realizes what she means.
      "Oh... Umm..." Jazmyn shakes her head.
      "You're a horrible friend Tim."
      "That was all you! But whatever, where is this guy?"
      "Let's go check the backyard," Jazmyn suggests. As they walk to the backyard, their faces are in complete distraught.
      "What the actual fuck? This is even worst than the front ya-.. Is that a stuffed unicorn!?" Tim says loudly. There are stuffed animals, ballons, confetti, condoms, and excessive trash all over the yard.
      "What the hell?" Jazmyn searches the yard. "Oh look! There he is!" They walk over to Melvin sitting down against the gate with his head down.
      "Aye, you alright?" Tim asks Melvin.
      "Go away!" Melvin says. Jazmyn and Tim look at each other. Tim kicks Melvin.
      "Get your whining ass up."
      "Ow that hurt." Melvin stands up.
      "Duh. What's your problem?" Melvin holds his phone up and shows Tim and Jazmyn a video of him crying with panties on his head and underwear and socks on getting arrested. Jazmyn doesn't hold back her laugh.
      "You think this is funny?" Melvin asks angrily.
      "Yes man-whore, I do."
      "Chill you two," Tim steps in. "How many view-... woah holy shit. 700,000 views already?" Tim looks at Melvin helplessly.
      "They're making memes about me all over Instagram and Twitter. I'm on YouTube. Like the views are getting bigger and bigger." Melvin looks back at his phone. "See, look, now another 5 thousand people has seen it in the last minute. My life is OVER. Im so embarrassed." He sits back down and cries but Tim picks him up and slaps him.
      "Listen, you have bigger things to worry about. Your parents come home tonight and-" Melvin's eyes explode and he grabs Tim's shirt.
      "Fuck! My parents come home tonight!" Melvin screams before he runs off into the kitchen.
      "Melv, where are you go-," Tim says as he runs off. Tim and Jazmyn chases after him. They walk into the kitchen to find Melvin opening up a cabinet full of alive cats.
      "What type of party did you throw last night?" Jazmyn asks already knowing the answer. The three of them stand around the cats looking down. "We should really get this cleaned up. Like ASAP."
      "Yeah at least the inside is clean man," Tim says trying to make Melvin feel better.
      "I'll call Cici and Taylor for help." Jazmyn calls Cici.
      "Cici," Jazmyn says.
      "Woah. Why the fuck are yelling so loud. Holy shit my head hu-." Cici throws up and hangs up. Jazmyn looks at her phone and explains to Tim and Melvin.
      "Both of them were super drunk last night and im pretty sure if Cici's drunk, Taylor's drunk. So that idea is trash. Looks like it's the Big 3."
      "Yeah I know Cici was drunk," Melvin says quickly. Jazmyn looks suspicious.
      "Huh?" Jazmyn asks. Melvin looks at Tim confusingly and Tim gives an innocent look back. Jazmyn catches their facial expressions. "Y'all okay?" Tim and Melvin doesn't say anything. "Helloooo?"
      "Oh, I just know Cici was drunk last night. That's it," Melvin replies. Jazmyn looks at Tim and notices a look. She then turns her attention on Melvin and walks towards him until they are face to face. She stares him down noticing how nervous he is.
      "Is that all you know Melvin?" She asks.
      "Quit sweating me Jaz damn." Jazmyn stops and starts to put all the pieces together to finish the puzzle. She thinks of how Cici asked were Melvn was last night. She thought about Melvin saying he wasn't single anynore. She realized how Cici and Melvin were being extra close to each other towards the end of the night. She steps back into reality.
      "Melvin are you fucking insane?!" Jazmyn pushes Melvin.
      "What are you talking about crazy girl?"
      "Do you know exactly what you are getting into?!" She pushes him again. Melvin looks at Tim for answers but Tim just shrugs. Feeling helpless, Melvin decides to be honest.
      "Yes, I do." Jazmyn turns her attention to Tim.
      "So, you are seriously going to let your man-whore friend date my innocent friend. I DO NOT APPROVE!"
      "Aye, this is between you, Melvin, and Cici. I don't have anything to do with this," Tim explains. Jazmyn pushes Tim.
      "Oh you don't huh? You think I'm dumb don't you? Why did she ask you where Melvin was last night then?" Tim looks at Melvin for answers, but Melvin mocks what Tim did to him. Tim sits there quiet. "Yeah, whatever loser." Jazmyn turns around towards Melvin again. "Back to you man-whore-." She gets cut off by Melvin.
      "Look Jaz, I know I have my ways, but I promise to stay true to Cici. I've always liked her and I finally have a chance to prove that I can be the best boyfriend to her. I'm not going to mess up. I promise. People can change." Jazmyn squints her eyes at Melvin as if she is trying to read inside of him.
      "Fuck up and I fuck you up," Jazmyn says aggressively. Tim innocently steps into the conversation.
      "Well, now that that's settled. Can we get to work now. Time is ticking." Jazmyn stares Tim up and down.
      "Let's get to work guys," Melvin says as he kicks one of the cats.
      It's around 6 p.m., and they are just finishing cleaning the backyard. They sit around the kitchen table.
      "Thank you guys. I really appreciate it. I would've been homeless tonight," Melvin says jokingly.
      "No prob man. Are you still upset about the video?" Tim carefully asks.
      "In a weird way, I guess it's kinda cool. I mean, being social media famous isn't that bad. I gained 50 thousand followers just today. I guess I'm going to start making even more profit from my parties." Jazmyn looks disgusted.
      "You're seriously going to throw another party after all this?" Jazmyn asks.
      "Duh. This is just the regret stage. After the regret stage, it's the memory stage, and you look back on all this and laugh. This is usually after the embarrassment ends. It's inspiring."
      "Wow that's deep," Jazmyn replies.
      "Tim. I know you had fun last night man. Don't even lie," Melvin says.
      "Yeah, getting arrested is always cool bro." Tim laughs. "Nah, but it was cool I guess."
      "I'm still mad that I didn't really get to witness my first arrest. It was inevitable of my getting arrested. Ironically, I was too drunk to witness it." He shakes his head and laughs. " But dude, you were tripping out for a sec. I know you had fun dancing on-," Tim gives Melvin a look to shutup. Melvin looks at Jazmyn and stops talking.
      "Dancing on who?" Jazmyn asks Tim. Tim acts dumbfounded.
      "Huh?" Tim asks.
      "What is he talking about?" Jazmyn asks again.
      "Who the hell were you dancing on Tim?!" Tim looks down and back up at Jazmyn. After a few seconds of silence, Jazmyn walks off to the front. Tim looks at Melvin.
      "Really man? Damn."
      "I'm sorry I forgot man. I'm still a little hungover. You gotta forgive me." Tim shakes his head and stops Jazmyn before going to the front.
      "Hey hey. Relax. It was a little dumb little dance with a chick I don't even know. She just grabbed me. It was only for a few seconds." Jazmyn looks at Tim and folds her arms. "What? I'm sorry." Melvin intervenes into the conversation.
      "Hey Jaz, will you quit being a buzzkill and fuck him already. He didn't have sex with the girl geez."
      "Shut the fuck up Melvin," Jazmyn replies. Melvin gets offended.
      "Well, my bad." A car pulls into the driveway. "Welp there goes my parents." Melvin walks to the door but Tim stops him.
      "Woah stop. Dude, you still haven't even taken a shower? You smell like alcohol man." Melvin eyes widens.
      "Yo, tell my parents I'm in the shower and that y'all are waiting for me." Melvin runs off to the bathroom. Jazmyn and Tim walks back to the kitchen as Melvin's parents walk in.
      "Oh hi Tim. Happy belated birthday. Hi Jazmyn," Melvin's mom says.
      "Hi Ms. M. Hey Frank," Tim says back. Jazmyn waves at them.
      "Where's that little demon of mine?" Ms. M asks.
      "He's taking a shower. We've been waiting on him forever," Tim replies.
      "He does take long showers," Ms. M says.
      "So how was yall trip?" Jazmyn asks Melvin's parents. Melvin's mom and dad look at each other and hold each other. They look sexually into each other's eyes.
      "Oh it was great alright," Melvin's dad says as they both laugh and kiss each other. Melvin's dad whisper into his wife's ear. She gives off a laugh that explains her hornyness and walks upstairs. Melvin's dad turns to Tim and Jazmyn.
      "See there. Once you two get grown and have a house, you get to do these things without feeling restricted." Melvin's dad rubs his hands together.
      "Ight Frank. My boy. Do your thing," Tim says while pointing at him.
      "You know I will." Frank walks upstairs. Tim turns to Jazmyn as she has a look of disgust.
      "What?" Tim asks
      "Is that really how we look?" Jazmyn asked as she points where Melvin's parents were once standing. Tim laughs.
      "Yeah something like that. To an extent." Jazmyn laughs.
      "That's disgusting. They're like 50. I can't even picture us being 50 doing that. Gross."
      "Black women age like wine, so you wouldn't look old at all. You probably would look even better. I know I can picture doing some things to you at 50."
      "You're sick," Jazmyn jockingly says. Melvin comes downstairs and takes a seat in front of Tim and Jazmyn
      "My parents home yet?" Melvin asks. Tim and Jazmyn looks at each other and laugh.
      "Yeah they just got here man," Tim replies.
      "Good I have to ask them something." Melvin starts to walk upstairs until Tim stops him.
       "Wait they're-." Tim sentence is cut off by Jazmyn as she covers up his mouth. Melvin tries to ask what Tim was going to say but was unlucky. He looks suspicious and confused as he continues to walk upstairs.
      "You're evil," Tim says to Jazmyn. She laughs
      "He deserves it. Watch his reaction. Speaking of reaction..." Jazmyn pulls her phone out. "Mr. Social Media needs another video. I mean you can't let down the fans right? I'm so amazing. I see why you love me now." Tim smacks his lips.
      "Sure," he says. Jazmyn pinches Tim's cheeks as if he were a baby.
      "Oh admit it." Melvin screams and Jazmyn gets her camera ready. They laugh as Melvin runs downstairs. "Another 40 thousand followers huh? You scream like a bitch."
Jazmyn and Tim laughs.
      "What the actual fuck?" Melvin walks in closer to the kitchen towards Tim and Jazmyn. "You knew they were doing it and didn't tell me? I have to bleach my eyes."
      "What goes around comes around," Jazmyn tells Melvin.
      "Fuck. You." Melvin says. Tim laughs.
      "Alright that's enough you two. What did you have to ask them anyways?" Tim asks Melvin.
      "You said you had to ask your parents something." Melvin looks lost.
      "Oh my bad. That just kinda erased everything in my head." Melvin pauses. Jazmyn uploads the video and laughs as the video replays. "Delete that shit."
      "Take back everything you ever said mean to me and I'll think about it," she says.
      "Think about it?"
      "Yes think about it." Jazmyn says sarcastically.
      "Okay. I take it back," Melvin says quickly. Jazmyn pounders.
      "Hmmm. Not good enough." Melvin looks at Tim.
      "Tim. Im going to kill her." Tim steps into the argument.
      "Alright y'all." Tim turns towards Jazmyn. "Baby delete it."
      "Ugh i hate both of you," Jazmyn says as she deletes the video. Tim continues his conversation With Melvin.
      "Alright man, what did you have to ask your parents again?"
      "Nothing. Nothing," Melvin replies. He walks to the living room and sits on the couch. Tim follows him and sits across from him.
      "Sure doesn't look like nothing. What's up bro?" Tim asks. Melvin looks doleful.
      "I don't like living with my parents man. I mean, it's cool throwing parties here. But I mean, I can't deal with constantly walking in on their 'Late Night Sessions'." Jazmyn busts out laughing from the kitchen. Melvin blows his breathe angrily and whispers to Tim. "I'm going to severely hurt her man."
      "Keep going dude."
      "That's it," Melvin says. Tim looks surprised.
      "So you just want your own place?" Melvin pauses.
      "Call me crazy, but yeah." Tim explains how him and Jazmyn were thinking about getting their own place too. Melvin feels less embarrassed about it and doesn't mind opening up. "What side of Geneva is the apartment on?" There's a brief silence.
      "It's not in Geneva. It's in Sutton," Tim says. Melvin looks confuzzled.
      "Sutton? Why all the way out there? Y'all just gone leave everyone behind? Even me?"
      "Don't take it that way bro. We haven't even gotten jobs yet, so it's not official."
      "Don't hit me with that BS. Yall two are smart. I'm pretty sure any business owner would be lucky to have you two as a worker." Melvin stops. "So, basically y'all are leaving me?" Tim doesn't answer. "That's a trip man. I never thought I'd see the day Timothy Hector moves on from his road-dog."
      "I never thought I'd see that either."  Tim starts to think of how moving to Sutton can change everything. He didn't think of the outcomes of moving. He was stuck on the fact that he was moving with Jazmyn and the glories of them being alone. He starts to think about everything. "Come with us," Tim says to Melvin.
      "To Sutton? Hell naw. I mean, they got fine bitches and I heard they like to party more than these Geneva people, but still man, that's far away from moms."
      "One hour ain't that bad man. We will visit every weekend. It's new Apartments bro. It's practically vacant. You can move in with us. 2 bedroom apartment. With all three of us paying, the rent won't be so bad." Melvin sits back on the couch and thinks. He scratches his cheek.
      "Jazmyn okay with this?" Tim calls for Jazmyn. She walks into the living room.
      "What?" Jazmyn asks.
      "If we get our apartment, would it be cool if Melvin moves in with us?" Tim asks. Jazmyn looks at Melvin with disgust and then looks back at Tim and laughs.
      "I'm barely making it these few hours with him and you think I can last months with him? Hell to the no." Melvin gets offended.
      "Hey im cool," Melvin says proudly. Tim steps in.
      "Babe, he's not that bad. He already has a job and money saved up. We can split the rent evenly. He does his thing and we do ours. Any problems come about, we approach them with maturity." Jazmyn and Tim looks at Melvin. Melvin looks innocent.
      "Why you looking at me for?" Melvin asks. Jazmyn stands in front of the living room and thinks. A few minutes go by.
      "Okay IF we get the apartment, I guess he can stay." She walks up to Melvin and points her finger in his face. "But listen here bitch, Don't fuck with me okay? I'll beat your ass." She steps back and sits down beside Tim. "And don't bring any STD girls in our house. I don't want you to catch anything." Melvin has an expression as if he is trying to figure out a math equation.
      "Wait," Melvin says as he stands up. "Did you hear that?"
      "What?" Jazmyn asks.
      "You care about me."
      "Ugh no I don't. Get over yourself." Jazmyn tries to play it off.
      "Aww yes you do. Jazzy cares about me."
      "Shut up."
      "Just admit it." Jazmyn rolls her eyes and blows her breathe annoyingly.
      "Yeah sometimes. Only because you are Tim's best friend. Don't get ahead of yourself." Melvin sits back down.
      "Shoo. I'll take that," he says. Tim reassures everyone.
      "So that's the plan? Everyone good?" Jazmyn and Melvin nods. Melvin's parents comes downstairs half naked. Melvin shakes his head and Jazmyn and Tim laughs.
      "You seriously need to knock. But tell us what." Melvin's mom asks.
      "I wanna move out mom."
      "Finally!" Frank says. Jazmyn laughs. "When do you plan on doing this?"
      "As soon as our money is correct," Melvin replies.
      "We're all going to live together to help pay rent," Tim adds.
      "Okay okay. I give you my blessing. Let me know so we can help," Melvin's mom says. She turns to Frank and runs her finger down his body. "Right now I need help with something downtown." She purrs.
      "Seriously?!" Melvin yells. Melvin's parents walk upstairs.
      "I hate them," Melvin says while shaking his head. Jazmyn and Tim laughs. The three of them walk to the kitchen. Jazmyn tells Tim that she's going to call her mom. She walks outside.
      "Her dad still tripping?" Melvin asks Tim.
      "You know it."
      "I swear just say the word and I'll make that phone call."
      "Nah. Not even necessary. He's going to come looking for her sooner or later. That's his daughter. I expect him too. Any dad would. No matter how bad of a dad they are. That's why I want to move ASAP. Her mom will know where we are. He won't. And knowing that, he'll find a way to find us. We have to stay on guard man. After the shit he pulled last night, I know he can do worse."
      "I still can't believe I don't remember that shit. But look, you know I got you man. I have my own personal problem with him. He punked me at the party. They got videos of that too. Shit, I was so wasted," Melvin explains.
      "Dude you were macking on Jazmyn's mom." Melvin's eyes widens.
      "Yes I had to hold you back. Drunk ass." Jazmyn walks back into the room.
      "Well I told mom everything. Of course she supports," Jazmyn says.
      "But.." Tim says mocking Jazmyn's next sentence.
      "But my dad's been tripping out. Mom told him I've been staying with family but he doesn't buy that. He can't find me. She's moved out for a while. She's probably going to take the house during the divorce."
      "Babe, we have to get our jobs fast. We need to move as quick as we can," Tim says desperately.
      "My job is calling me back tomorrow. Hopefully I got it," Jazmyn explains. Tim turns to Melvin.
      "Melv, let me use your computer to apply for this job by the apartment." Melvin goes upstairs. He brings the laptop down to the kitchen. The three of them watches Tim fill out applications.
      After Tim and Jazmyn leaves, Melvin decides to check on Cici. He drives into her driveway and texts her that he has made it. She gets into the passenger side of his car. She kisses him.
      "Still hungover?" Melvin asks. Cici laughs.
      "Citrus and advil seems to do the trick." Melvin laughs. The conversation dies and Cici can tell something is bothering Melvin. "Is everything okay?" Melvin looks out the window and back at Cici.
     "You got drunk as hell last night, so you don't remember that I got arrested when the cops raided the party." Cici happiness dies quickly.
      "What?!" Cici asks loudly. Melvin explains to Cici everything. He explains how Jazmyn's dad wants to ruin Jazmyn and Tim's relationship and how her dad hates Tim.
      "Yeah Jazmyn's mom is so cool. I'm glad she got you two out. That's crazy how you were in jail Melvin. Oh my god."
      "I don't even remember it." Melvin pauses. "But babe that's not what's really bothering me." Melvin looks deeper into Cici's eyes and pauses. "I plan on moving with Tim and Jazmyn to Sutton soon. I know you're in college and it'll be hard to see each other, but we can make it work." Melvin awaits for Cici to say something. She looks hurt.
      "Barely a day, and you are already going away? I really believed all the stuff you said to me last night Melvin. You didn't even consent with me." Cici says while her voice quivers.
      "I thought you would be okay with it Cici." Cici gets angry.
      "Well I'm not!" She yells.
      "I waited this long to finally have you and now that I have you I won't let you go. We're coming back here every weekend. I'll make time for you I promise." Cici sits back in her seat and looks ahead heavily thinking. "Babe?" Melvin is nervous. She looks back at Melvin.
      "Don't make time for me Melvin. Just, don't even worry about me. Have fun in Sutton." She opens the door and starts to get out of the car. Melvin grabs her arm.
      "What's that supposed to mean?" Melvin asks cautiously.
      "Just leave me alone Melvin." She pulls away and slams the door crying. Melvin bangs his head against the steering wheel knowing he messed up. He punches the seat repeatedly out of anger. Cici walks into the house and goes to her room. She cries until she goes to sleep.

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