chapter 9 part 1

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I woke with a huge smile on my face. I talked to Brianna for a while this morning, almost until 2am. She said she was gonna fly here, and I couldn't wait to see her. I went to do my hygiene and did my hair. I got dressed putting on a pair of high sweats and a tee shirt. I found a pair of Jordan's that matched the tee shirt I wore. I looked at my phone checking my IG and Facebook, both my news feeds were dry. I shrugged and headed out. Since I'm here I might as well enjoy myself. I'm hungry so I figured I'd get some breakfast. "Aye,Mia!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see Chris running up to me. He had a pretty smile, I noticed a small dimple. "Good morning." He said. "Morning,what's up." I said smiling back. "You headed out?" He asked. "Yes, I'm freaking starving, a Nigga needed some food." I said dramatically. "Hell yea, me too." He says rubbing his stomach. I laughed,why was he so cute. I pushed the button for the elevator and we both got in. I pushed the floor button so it could take us to the lobby.

"Know any good places to eat?" I asked him. "Yea, I know a few places, you like mexican?" "For breakfast?" I asked scrunching up my face. "Don't knock it now." He said causing me to laugh. "Okay, let's go." We got to Valet, and seconds later a sky blue Lamborghini pulled up. This freaking car was gorgeous. "Wow, this is nice." I said a little taken back by how expensive and shiny this car was. I'd never been in one. "Gotta license?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him, "of course." I said, "why?" He threw the keys over the top of the car at me. "Chris wait, I can't drive your shit." "Too late." He said jogging around to where I stood. "Go ahead." He insisted and I almost ran to the driver's side. I hopped in and Chris got in. We both put on our seatbelts and I started the engine. The low rumble of the motor sent vibrations throughout the car. This car was sexy and I felt sexy driving it. "Put light pressure on the gas." He coached. We screeched our way out of the hotel parking lot. I drove until Chris told me where to turn. "That was amazing." I squealed parking the car. "You act like you own one of these, guess you're just a natural, huh?" Chris said getting out and opening my door for me. "Thank you." I said giving him his keys.

"So what's the concept of this video, have you thought of anything yet" I asked Chris who was now texting away at his phone. The food we ordered had been long gone but for some reason we continued to sit and talk about random stuff. "You know a few dancers, partying nothing major, have you heard "bitches and marijuana"? He asked. I'd listened to the album and they had some really good songs on there. "Yea, it's pretty dope." "Okay, so you know it's a fun record, party song, you smoke?" I nodded, of course I smoke, shit I was gonna order some food to go just so I could get high, and eat leftovers. The waiter came over and I did just that and so did Chris. We left and he let me drive his car around town. We ended up getting back to the hotel a little late. "Wanna smoke?" Chris asked. I didn't answer I just followed him to his room. He was so easy to talk to and usually a Nigga would not get all my attention but he seemed different.


I pulled out all the supplies I needed to roll up. Kamia sat on the floor Indian style. She was just so cute, and I could tell why Brianna loved her so much. Her phone rung and she answered, "hey love." She said smiling so big. "Of course I miss you...Babe, what hoes?...We haven't even shot anything yet...Lauren, chill with that shit, trust me you would know if I was fucking round, you already know how I am... she groaned like she was so aggravated. "Lauren, I swear if your ass was here I'd be fucking you just so you won't have this stank ass attitude you got." I laughed, she reminded me so much of Brianna. At this point my phone rung. "Yo, babe." I said. "Hey baby." She was so stoned, I could tell. "You stay high babe." She laughed. "I'm about to get on this plane, I'm coming to talk to Mia." She said and I just got hella excited cause in a matter of time I'm gonna have two of the baddest bitches to myself.

"You want me to come get you when you get here?" "No. I wanna surprise her." She said. I finished rolling up and put that in rotation starting to roll another blunt. "She's with you now right?" "yea, we been together all day." "Don't mention me, but see if you can coax her
Into talking to you like that." "Okay." I said. "Alright, I'm walking in the airport, let me get off the phone." She said. "Yea I love you." "Love you too." I hung up my phone sitting it to the side. Mia was passing me the blunt. "Is your girl as annoying as mine?" She asked. I laughed, remembering how persistent Lauren was. "She can be, but you know that's bae, so." She smiled like she understood what I meant. "Can I ask you a personal question?" "Depends on how personal it is." I smiled, "its about your sexuality." She grinned, "what? How long I been gay? How did I know? "How do girls fuck?" She asked all the questions I would probably get to later once I was high enough. "Nah, you like niggas or you straight lesbian?" "Haven't been with a guy since I was like 10." She said, her smile now fading and turning into a frown. "Damn, I'm sorry. Did something- "I didn't have the best uncle and after he used me up, He passed me to a few friends. That's why I'm gay. Kody was the only one who tried to help me, She saved me." She was smiling now. That was a good thing I was too high to handle tears.

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