chapter 11

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"Fuck Mia!" Lauren squealed out as I slurped the last bit of her juices up. "I fucking love you baby." She whispered through the deep breaths she took. I smiled climbing out of bed. I went to the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth. Lauren came in behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. "How about breakfast baby?" She asked. "You know what I like." I said leaving the bathroom. Every since 3 nights ago when Lauren came back that's all we been doing is fucking and eating. She so Damn sexy though, I don't mind.

It's Friday and and I kind of wanted to get out of the house cause we been held up in here forever. "Movies tonight?" I asked her. "Yea,I don't care." She said coming out the bathroom wrapped up in a purple silk robe. I loved that robe on her,but it was so much sexier on Brianna. I missed her, I just wanted to see her. I really just wanted her for myself, and that plan I had thinking she would just come to me back fired like hell. "I'm gonna go get some OJ, cause we're out." I lied. I jogged out the house and headed to my car. Once I got in I pulled out the driveway and headed in the direction of Brianna's house.

I pulled up, Chris was just leaving and now was the perfect time for me to make my move. I applied red lipstick and adjusted my titties so that they were sitting up in the deep cut v neck shirt that I wore. Chris pulled off and once He was down the street out my car. I walked up to the door and knocked, the door swung open and Bri stood there in a robe, She was soaked, I guess she had just gotten out of the shower. "Mia what you- I cut her off by smashing my lips into hers.

She let a moan out trying to push me away but I deepened the kiss,this time untying the robe. I let it drop to the floor as I hoisted her body into the air. Her legs wrapped around my waist, our kiss never broke. I carried her upstairs to the bedroom she shared with Chris. I laid her on the bed, making my tongue submerged in her mouth. If I took it out she would protest what was going on and that would ruin the moment. I took my right hand and massaged her left breast. It was so soft and supple in my hands. "Baby." She moaned out, finally breaking our kiss. "I'm sorry." I whispered. She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me back down, my hands roamed further down her wet stomach until it found her moist opening. I penetrated her with a vengeance, as her juices covered my fingers. "Fuck Mia baby." She moaned out as I pumped in and out, in and out, in and out until she screamed.

I kissed my way down to that spot, spreading her thighs as wide as they could possibly go. "Grab your fucking ankles." I said, and she did what I told her to do without hesitation. "You better not fucking let go, or I'll punish you." I threatened. I slipped my tongue into.her opening and she immediately squealed out, one of her legs dropping down. I stood up."I'm sorry." She whined. I shook my head no, "you know what to get."


I sat up slowly sad that this was happening,I.mean how the fuck was this happening right now. I climbed from the bed going to the closet, I grabbed a box that I hadn't been through in the last year. It was me and Kamia's sex box. It was only used for times like this. I pulled out the scarfs and the vibrator, handing to her. "This is your own fault baby girl." She said pointing to the bed. I laid on the bed awaiting Kamia to tie me to the post,blindfold me. I was low key excited. Once everything was done the room suddenly disappeared under the blindfold, I felt my legs lift up, and her tonuge shoot inside me.

My legs shook like they were having their very own personal earthquake. She snaked it around my insides so deep like she was digging for my pleasure. It felt so good. Then it stopped. I was confused, why did she stop. "Mia, Why did you stop?" "Please continue, don't stop because of me." The voice was all too familiar. "Chris, baby....shit I'm sorry." "For what?" He asked, the blindfold was removed from my eyes. He untied my hands, I was a lil nervous cause I didn't know what was about to happen.

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