chapter 13

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Mia wouldn't pick up. I had been calling her for the last three days after I got this package, still no answer. Chris had been working with Mijo to make a plan but nothing really came from it. I hung up my office phone and sat in silence. This was so irritating, I didn't understand how she could just drop off the face of the planet.  I was deep in my thoughts when I heard yelling outside of my office, and the door just burst open. "Get off me!" "Brianna I tried stopping her."  In front of me stood Chyna but I hardly recognized her. "It's okay get out of here." I said going over to the door and closing it. Chyna looked like she had just gotten the worst ass whooping of her life. "I should've called first." she mumbled. "Chy what happened?" I said sitting on my desk in front of her. She sighed, but didn't say anything. "What the fuck happened?" I asked again. "They want you,they want you so bad man every time they get to close I mess it up." "You not making sense." She was just rambling on and on. "I told you, I told you they were trying to get you. Kamia, that Nigga Kent, Micheal." "How do you know Kent?"I asked. I never Spoke about him,well named him. "Kamia." She said.

"I'm telling you now,if you lying to me." I swear I'm not lying."she whispered. "They found out I been coming to you trying to warn you. Michael did this." She said dropping hey head down. "I'm sorry."She cried standing up in front of me. I was always a sucker for tears. "Come on."I said bringing her into a hug. "It's okay, I got you." I picked up my phone dialing Mijo's extension. "Hey could you come to my office?"

A few minutes later Mijo was there. He closed the door behind after stepping in.  "You good cuz?" "Mijo I need a favor. I need you to take Chyna to the house, let her shower, get cleaned up I'll be there in an hour." "What you want me to tell Chris?" "I got Chris." I said. Chyna looked at me. "Behave Chy, I'll be there in a little bit." I told her pecking her lips. I watched them walk out and I picked up the phone. I dialed Chris. It rung twice before he answered, "yo babe,you good?" "Yea." "What's up?""Chyna just left." "The fuck for?" He said and I knew he was upset. Me being around Chyna to Chris was me going backwards. I sighed, "she knows something maybe she  can help us with everything that's been going on." I said.  "Babe. You know I don't trust her." "I know but Micheal beat her she looks so bad." I whined. Chris couldn't resist my whining. "Okay, whatever but she better not try shit,I mean it. Somebody gonna be watching her all the time." "Okay." I said. I smiled knowing thAt he alwAys let's me get my way.

"You better not be smiling right now." He said. "I swear I'm not." I giggled. "Wait til I see you." He threatened. "Mijo gone protect me." "Mijo gone get his ass beat." I laughed.


"Chris We need you on set." I heard behind me. "Babe I gotta go. I'll see you in two days. I love you." "I love you too." She told me. I sighed as I hung up my phone. The fact that Chyna popped back up confused me but I know I didn't like it. I was away in New York for this video so I would be gone for a few more days.


I jumped into bed after I showered. That  blunt between my fingers was calling me after this shoot. I was so drained. I took my phone out speaking into my Bluetooth to "dial Bri." "Baby." She sang into the receiver. I knew she was high or drunk,one or the other.  "Hey love what you doing?" "Nothing watching Chy sleep, She been  sleeping for hours."  "You gave her something?" "I think Mijo did." "Mmm." She yawned, it was late,so she was probably tired. "Did you have a chance to talk to her?" "No, by the time I got here She was tapped."  "okay,well like i said keep an eye on her,I don't trust her.She fucked up too many times Bri."  "I know babe. I'm just trying to get to that  bottom of everything, I just know she knows what's going on." "Be safe Bri Baby,I love you. You call me if something happens. Understand?" "Yea, I love you too Chris."

I hung up the phone and sat it next to me lighting the blunt that was in my hands the entire time. I smoked away at it until it was a roach and squished it into the ashtray. I first fell asleep in no time.

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