Tobias Chapter II

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As we stood around the storage building's back door we waited for Jeff to open the door. We were well covered because we were down the ally inbetween two buildings so no one could really see us breaking in, but just im case katie put a shield around us and the building.

Suddenly the alarm went off but not one could hear apart from us because of the shield.

When me, Jeff, Katie and Rosa got in we found what we were looking for.

There he was, standing there in a suit waiting for us. Above him hanged three cages from the ceiling. He stood there watching us with his dark brown hair sticking up in spikes and his pale skin standing out even more in his dark navy coloured suit.

"Well, well it looks like u have made it just in time for you to watch your leader die" Joey said.

Ever since Joey left us a year ago has been trying to make us suffer.

"Come on Joey, dont do this! You dont really want to hurt Bobby he was your friend" I said

"Oh but i have to and his not my friend any more" he walked out of the building laughing.

"Quick, look in the cages to see if he is in one of them!" Rosa shouted

I looked up and searched each cage to see if he was in any of them. When i got to the last one i saw feet with trainers on and i just knew it was him.

"Quickly, over here his in the last one and the chain is about to break!!" I screamed.

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