Chapter 1 ||

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Three years ago

"Momma...." I mumbled walking over to her as she looked up at me from her book.

"Yea baby girl." She answered placing her bookmark and carefully marking her current page.

"I got somethin' to say," I mutter not loud enough before taking a seat beside her. My mom eyes me cautiously before taking off her glasses. Here we go................Just say it! It's not that hard! You made a mistake and you regret it but these are the consequences. I don't know how she gonna react.

"Baby girl, you ain't sayin' anything." She says staring at me and I sigh taking in a deep breath.

"It was a mistake, and I regret it....." I start and my mom raises her eyebrows with confusion.

"What was a mistake? What you do?" She asks and I run a free hand through my braids whilst the other is clenched into a tight fist.

"Momma I-i'm pregnant...." I blurt out. I regret telling her now because she ain't say anything. I'd be as shocked as her if my daughter told me she was pregnant.

"Is that why you came home early from school, honey you only have three months left. H-how could you do this?" She asks avoiding my gaze. She's worked so hard to get me to the greatest schools and I even got a scholarship to Harvard, it was what a mother like her dreamed of. Ever since ma daddy left us for some rich white chick five years ago my momma worked the hardest she could to keep me in school. In the end I repay her by goin' out and getting knocked up.

"I'm so so sorry..." I say crying but my mom doesn't comfort me or say anything. She's disappointed in me, I knew she would be.

"Abort it." She mumbles but I hear. My eyes widen and I look at her with a shocked expression.


"You heard me girl, abort that child." She looks me deep in the eyes and I've always done what my mother tells me no questions asked but this.....I-I can't kill a baby. My baby. It's my mistake, my responsibility.

"I'm not gonna kill my child." I stand up causing her to gape at me with a wild expression.

"You gon' destroy your future because you care about some damn baby! You're out of you go-damn mind!" She yells slamming her fist on the table making me flinch.

"I thought you'd help me ma. But not in this way, I'm not killing this child. My child." I state gritting my teeth and she sighs shaking her head before looking at her watch carefully.

"Then leave. I don't want you back here. You got your own apartment and once the university stops paying for it don't come crying back to me Elena. You're a disappointment. To me...........and your father." She finishes walking out of the kitchen leaving me by myself. I feel like that's all I've ever myself. My father left me and now my mother is abandoning me. I sat down burying my head in my arms and sobbed silently. Who do I have?

I remember that day like it was yesterday but it's all in the past. My mother died last summer, I forgave her when she came knocking on my doorstep just six months ago. She told me everything and I soon found out she had ALS. My momma got to know her granddaughter before she passed and I'm glad for that.

"Momma, ion want to go to kinda' " Constance says as I fix her J's for her. She really cute. I had her three years ago when I was just nineteen and I'm glad I didn't give up on her. I don't know her daddy but he was surely hot because my baby is just too cute.

"Baby you have to, mommy has to be somewhere." I smile and Constance pouts, fortunately not having a fit about it. I got pregnant with Constance after a drunken night. My friends took me out and got me drunk, then I blacked out. The next morning was okay, I didn't know what was happening to me but I had an awful feeling about something. I was a virgin at that time and it was scary not knowing what happened to your body after a crazy night.

After a week I became more paranoid because my friends were actin' weird, so I did a pregnancy test. It was positive and I cried for days then months before I had the guts to tell my momma. The college never knew and I graduated getting my bachelors degree in business and political science and at the end of the year I gave birth to Constance.

I built a life for myself and three years now I own my own hotel and night club. The Royal Angels hotel. It Is now number one In California and my night club just underneath the hotel is a now number one celebrity hangout. I'm proud a' myself. I'm an A-list celeb and I get to host amazing parties and go to award shows with my baby girl, that's all I ever wanted.

"Can ou brin' me ice cream?" She asks and I smile.

"Baby I can afford tubs of ice cream." We exit my mansion and walk outside into the Los Angeles hot air making my way towards the black jeep parked right beside my gate. My bodyguard slash friend Reggie grins at me before opening the door and strapping Constance into her car seat.

"Hey mama," Reggie says and I roll my eyes taking a seat beside Constance. I pull out my iPhone and text my best friend Nicki Minaj.

We still having lunch today at Royals.

I send her the text then I stare out the window that is tinted so no paparazzi could snap nothin'. Nicki and I have been close for the past year now, I haven't heard anything from my past friends except Beyoncé. She got real famous real quick but we hadn't been in touch since I moved away for college. My phone buzzes and I check it instantly.

Yes baby, why don't you bring Constance??

Nicki replies and I look over at my baby who seems lost in thought staring at Reggie. She always does that, she gon' be smart when she older.

No she have to go to nursery but maybe you can stop by my house next week to see her.

I text really fast before I notice we already arrived at the nursery. I hope out the car and unbuckle Constance holding her on my hip before walking into the huge building. I see a little girl crying beside a woman with long ass hair who seems occupied with something at the registration desk. The poor little girl is clinging onto her mothers legs as she signs some papers.

"Blue stooooooop, can't you see yo mama tryna' do sometin'?" I recognize the voice and stop dead in my tracks Reggie looks at me funny then looks at the woman. I try to sneak past but she turns around picking the girl up in her arms carrying her in the same position as I have Constance then her eyes spot me.

"Elena? Elena! Hey, I haven't seen you in forever." She addresses bouncing her girl on her hip. I give her a fake smile before walking over to her as Constance snuggles her head into my neck. She must be tired.

"Uh huh. You've changed." I say avoiding her eyes and she sighs putting Blue down again making her whine.

"Sorry about her, she just like her dad. So how you been? You look amazing..." She mumbles the last part and I bit my lip softly.

"I'm fine." Beyonce looks over at Constance and her eyes widen.

"Is that yo girl! Awe she cute just like you! Let me see her!" She holds Constance in her arms and smiles. Here comes the question.

"Who the daddy?" There we go. Beyoncé glances at me and I bit my lip harder then ever. Before I could embarrass myself my phone rings, saved by the bell. Phew!

"Hello," I answer not bothering to look at the ID.

"Uh ummm.....Is this Elena?" The person asks and I don't recognize the voice.

"Yea, it's her."

"This is Christopher, Chris Brown......" His voice stands clear this time. I furrow my eyebrows not knowing how to answer.

"I don't know you....." I say.

"You probably wouldn't. The state you was in that night I won't be shocked that you don't remember." He says and my heart skips a beat. What the hell?

"What do you want?" I ask pressing my lips in a thin line and I turn around due to the worried look Bey was giving me.

"I want to meet you and her. I want to meet my child."


Comment and vote please if the book is nice or if it's sucks and I should stop. In my point of view I like it kind of so I'll keep on writing. Also, this book has some relation to my other book What's Next which is a Tinashe and August Alsina fanfic. Go check it out on my page. Thanks. I love you guys.


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