'Here you go, Sam. Here's a bunch of fresh apples and oranges from the market.' Deeks said, putting the grocery bags down on his desk.
'Why thank you, Deeks. That's very kind of you.' Sam replied.
Then Deeks sat down at his desk, to the utterly shocked stares of Kensi and Callen.
'As long as I've known him, I have never once seen him accept groceries from anyone! Much less ask anyone who isn't Michelle to buy him groceries!' Callen said, stunned.
'Did you put him under a spell or something?' Kensi asked.
'What? No! Look, I'm just doing a nice thing for a friend. That's perfectly normal!' Deeks defended himself.
'That true, big guy?' Calen asked Sam.
Sam said yes.
The real truth was: Deeks lost a bet and he had to pick up Sam's food for the week.
Course, neither of them was ever going to admit that.
We are Family 5
Fanfiction'Friends come and go, but family is forever'. A special team centric one shot collection for Comfy Vember 2024