Sousuke x Reader: Sweet Strawberries

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You quietly hummed your favorite song as you strolled down the aisle for groceries. After picking out your last item, you double checked your list to make sure you got everything you needed. You lived alone in an apartment complex that was close to your college, but lately you noticed you've been running low on food. You didn't mind going shopping though, it gave you an excuse to get to see your crush, Sousuke Yamazaki, who worked at the grocery store you shopped at regularly.

After double checking that you bought everything on the list, you decided to pick up a little treat for yourself before you went to checkout. Continuing to hum your favorite song you went to the sweets aisle and began eyeing down the different candies on the shelves. You soon furrowed your eyebrows in frustration, having trouble deciding what to get since you've had tried most of the sweets that were on the shelf. 

You were about to give up when a deep voice made you jump. 

"Anything I can help you with, (Y/N)?" 

You turned to see Sousuke smiling down at you with an empty box in his hands. 

"Oh, good evening, Sou-kun! I was trying to pick out a treat before going to checkout, but I can't decide what to get." You sighed as he chuckled lightly. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just cute to see you frustrated over sweets, like a little girl." He patted your head as you brought your hand up to your face to hide your blush. Little girl? you thought. So much for hoping he had feelings for me.

Before you had a chance to wallow in your self-pity, Sousuke's voice brought you out of your daze. "Well if your looking for something different, I just finished putting out chocolate covered strawberries in the next aisle. I think you'll like them." He grinned and ruffled your hair. You blushed lightly again but was able to mutter a thank you and made your way down the aisle. However, you didn't get very far when Sousuke grabbed your wrist. 

"What is it, Sou-kun?" you asked, slightly nervous of him holding your wrist. 

He rubbed his neck sheepishly and let go of your wrist. "Well, um, my shift ends in a couple of minutes, and I was wondering if I could come over your place afterwards. We've rarely hung out since we graduated from high school." 

You brought your hand up to your face  and pretended to cough to cover your now bright scarlet cheeks. "S-sure I don't mind."

"Great! By the time your done checking out I'll be ready." He smiled and went to the employees only area to get ready. As you walked down the next aisle and picked out the strawberries you tried your very best to calm you racing heart. 

Time skip brought to you by Rin's shark teeth~

You walked out of the store to see Sousuke already waiting for you outside the doors. 

"Woah, (Y/N) I didn't expect you to buy out the whole shelf!" he chuckled as you glared him while walking to your apartment.

"Well, I've never had these before and I didn't know what kind to get, so I got them all!" you defended as you pouted. 

Damn, she's too cute, thought Sousuke. 

"Sorry, (Y/N) I was just teasing." he ruffled your hair again and smiled softly at you. You stuck your tongue out at him, which caused him to laugh even more at your childishness. 

Finally the two of you got to your apartment and went inside. You told Sousuke to make himself comfortable in the living room while you put away the groceries. 

When you finished you came back into the living room carrying in some snacks you just bought along with two cases of the chocolate strawberries. You set them on a coffee table before sitting next to Sousuke, who turned the TV on and was watching (Favorite show).

"Oh, I didn't know you liked this show, Sou-kun. It's my favorite." you giggled as you reached forward and opened a bag of chips. After munching a bit you offered some to Sousuke, who accepted. The two of you continued eating in comfortable silence, sometimes laughing when something funny happens in the show.

After a while you decided to try the chocolate strawberries, but your indecisiveness struck again as you could not decide whether to try the chocolate caramel flavor or chocolate peanut butter flavor. While you were trying to decide, Sousuke was watching you with his head against him palm, smiling at your cute and frustrated form.

Finally you were able to come to a decision and picked a strawberry and plopped it in your mouth.

"Mmm, yummy!" you moaned as you continued eating the delicious strawberry. Sousuke chuckled at your enthusiasm for the dessert. 

"Wanna try one Sou-kun?" you asked, handing him a strawberry. He nodded, but didn't make a move to take it from you. You tilted your head in confusion as he leaned forward with a smirk on his face. He kept leaning until your noses your brushing against each other, then he whispered, "Feed me, (Y/N)" he leaned back and chuckled softly at the blush dusting your face. 

"Sheesh, now who's acting like a kid?" you muttered as you brought the strawberry up to his mouth. Sousuke took it and chewed but grabbed your hand before you could pull it away. After he swallowed the strawberry he started kissing your fingertips lightly before poking his tongue out and licking them. He never looked away from your eyes but you started feeling embarrassed and looked the other way trying to calm your racing heart. He finally let go of your hand.

"W-what was that about, S-sou-kun?" you muttered.

"Gomen, (Y/N). But you're just so cute that I couldn't help myself" he smirked before leaning forward and giving you a quick peck on the lips. "Besides, I think you're sweeter than these strawberries." he licked his lips seductively while you blushed 50 shades of red. 

"Baka, you're such a tease," you grumbled. Sousuke pulled you close to him and nuzzled his nose in your hair. 

"Only for my sweet (Y/N)," he said before kissing you softly. 

A/N- Well, now I'm halfway done with the requests. Hopefully I can finish them before the end of month. If I don't I apologize.

Shoutout to Heya105 for giving me the Sousuke Grocery Store theme. Sorry I didn't use your original plot idea, but my mom's friend brought us chocolate strawberries the other day, and I got the idea for this while I was eating one today. I hope you all enjoyed it! ^^

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