Makoto x Reader: Stomach Ache (Drabble)

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"Uggggh, I don't feel so good..." you groaned as you clutched your stomach.

"I warned you not to eat all your Halloween candy in one night, (Name)." Makoto sighed as he came to the side of your bed to give you some Tums for your stomach.

"I couldn't help myself..." You grumbled as you took the medicine and laid back down on your bed.
Makoto chuckled as he laid down next to you. "You and your silly sweet tooth."

"Hey! You ate a lot of candy too when we finished trick or treating!"

"I know, but you're the one with a tummy ache." He kissed your nose and chuckled again as you pouted. Your cute face was soon twisted in pain as another cramp wave pushed through your stomach. "Ugh, this is the worst..."

Makoto gently wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, careful not to upset your tummy more. He raised your shirt a little to expose your stomach and placed his hand on it softly, his warmth spreading throughout your tummy. You giggled a little as he started rubbing small circles on your abdomen.

Makoto kissed your forehead. "Is that better?"

"Yeah, a little." You nuzzled against his neck as he kept drawing circles on your tummy to soothe you. It started working, soon the pain reduced to a dull ache, but it still made you wince once in a while.

"Does it still hurt?" Makoto asked.

"Y-yeah." Makoto placed you on your back and hovered over you. You blushed lightly at the new position.


"Don't worry. I'm gonna help you feel better. Just relax." He kissed your forehead again, but lingered a little longer this time. He made his way down and kissed both of your eyelids, earning a small giggle from you. He giggled as well and kissed your cheek softly while gently caressing the other one. You were practically melting at this point, forgetting about the pain in your stomach. It was still there, but Makoto's loving touches overshadowed it greatly.

He moved to your ear next, whispering sweet nothings in it before kissing and nipping it lightly. You gasped as he ran his hands down your sides, giving them a little squeeze when his hands met your waist.

"You're so cute, (Name)-chan," he whispered before kissing your nose. He moved down and started planting soft feathery kisses on your neck and collarbone. Your fingers found their way running through his hair as you bite your lip to prevent embarrassing noises from coming out.

Makoto gave your sides another squeeze before moving down and lifting your shirt back up so that your stomach was exposed. You shivered a bit from the sudden cold, but Makoto's touch quickly warmed you up. He rubbed your tummy softly and placed opened mouthed kisses on it. You squirmed a little because it was ticklish, and Makoto chuckled at your cute reaction. He continued placing wet kisses along your stomach for a few more minutes. He gave your tummy one more peck before covering it back up and moving back to face you in the bed. You buried your face in his chest and he wrapped his arms around you tightly.

"Does it still hurt now?" He asked softly.

"Nope, thanks Makoto. You're so sweet." You gave him a quick peck on the lips and nuzzled his neck. He chuckled and nuzzled you back.

"Maybe, but my adorable (Name) is the sweetest."

I hope you guys had a great Halloween! ^^

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