Previously on Kaiju Slayer...
Oswald Ackerman is not only the youngest active wizard at Fairy Tail, but as the Atomic Kaiju Slayer, is one of the most powerful. With the help of his friends and teammates, he takes on quests and saves the day.
After saving Magnolia from Edolas, as well as defeating Grimoire Heart on Tenrou Island, the fairies were assaulted by the Black Dragon, Acnologia. Despite their efforts, they weren't a match for the beast and the whole island was destroyed. But seven years passed, and the fairies have returned to help take back their title as the strongest.
New threats rise up to harm the safety of the world, and it's now up to Fairy Tail to stop them. No matter the challenge, Oswald plans to take them all on with his fists.
The scene shows Porlyusica working at her house. It was one of the rare times she could relax without having to deal with Fairy Tail's latest drama.
Porlyusica: (looks at the calendar) It's around the time that the S-Class trials are going on. From what I've heard, this year's should be an interesting one. And of course, knowing Oswald, he's most likely angry about not participating. (Sighs) That boy, I swear... If the old man hasn't gotten a trainer for him, I'm gonna rip his head off. It's never a good thing when the youngest of them suffers.
All the sudden, a loud crash is heard that briefly shakes the area. It surprises the woman and nearby makes her drop her tea.
Porlyusica: What the devil?! (Angered) I'm not in the mood for company at the moment! (Walks to the door) You nosey kids better scram before I—
As soon as she opens the door, she stops talking and is shocked to see Ultear, Meredy, and Kiryu outside. The shock changes to horror when she sees Oswald injured and unconscious in Ultear's arms. It was enough to make her drop her tea and the cup shattered on the ground.
Ultear: (crying) Please... Please help him!
The year was now X791, and things have been hard for the Fairy Tail guild.
After Tenrou Island was destroyed, the council had spent nearly half a year in search of survivors, but aside from one, no one else was found from the island. This event would become known as "The Tenrou Island Incident."
The rest of the guild was informed what happened, and it really impacted them. Macao had stepped up as the guild's 4th master to help keep the guild together. Unfortunately, Macao had spent much of the guild's money to try and find the others, all to the point they had to relocate to a much smaller guildhall outside of town.
Without the strongest mages in their ranks, Fairy Tail wasn't able to take on more tougher jobs and what started as one of the biggest guilds soon turned into only a handful left. Each of the remaining members were struggling with their own grief while trying to keep things afloat.
The other guilds had offered some help, but it wasn't enough. Macao, unfortunately, made a deal with the wrong guild and was now in deep debt with them.
When the King had heard what the council was up to, he nearly fired every single one of them on the spot. The only reason he didn't was that they were still needed. However, he gave them a warning not to meddle with Fairy Tail again unless they want to get thrown in the dungeon with his personal assassins. That worked as the council steered clear from them. But, even then, he was in disarray when he heard what happened to them. Especially to Oswald, as Hisui was crying over the near-death of her childhood friend.
With Oswald, Porlyusica was able to stabilize his condition and keep him alive. Unfortunately, he was in a coma and they had no way of knowing when he will awaken.
Kaiju Slayer No. 3 (Fairy Tail OC Story)
FanfictionSeven years have passed since the attack on Tenrou Island. From the attack, only Oswald was found as the sole survivor and has been in a coma since then. Fairy Tail's really suffered with the disappearance of the guild master, S-Class wizards, and...