Chapter 1- S.E.C.R.E.T.

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Hi everyone!

I'm back!

I started another story because I've had it stuck in my mind for a while! Check it out! Also, read my other book, Supernatural!


Image on the side is Crystal!!

Chapter 1- S.E.C.R.E.T.

I watched in satisfaction as the notorious mass murderer Nethaniel Renderbun crumpled against the wall, a bullet lodged in his chest. Another job well done. I expertly flipped his limp body into one of the sacks designed especially for the purpose. This was too easy.

I quickly disposed of the body. Then I took his car (which, in fact, was a beautiful sports car) and drove smoothly back to the HQ. I was immediately greeted by my assistant and best friend, Misty. "How'd it go?" She asked, none to softly. I winced.

"I thought you had the flu?" I questioned. She shrugged and told me she got over it. "Then why'd you sit this mission out?" She usually accompanies me to every mission. "Oh well, never mind. Anyways the dude's name was Nethaniel Renderbun, and it was a clean kill. I'm surprised he didn't plead for his life or anything."

Whoops! Forgot to introduce myself and explain about my 'profession'.

My name is Crystal Daye and I am an agent and assassin for an organization named S.E.C.R.E.T. Sorry, but I'm not eligible to tell you what it stands for. It's allies with the CIA, so we're not illegal or anything. It is really well known across the globe. Of course, no one except direct members know what the acronym stands for. I am one of the most important members. I'm also the youngest member (Misty is older than me by 7 months). It's pretty rare for someone as young as me to join. Oh yeah, I have a really cool badge that allows me to kill anyone I want without questioning. It comes in handy when I meet bullies, wink, wink.

I have an awesome gun that I keep hidden in my belt, which in question has a bunch hidden pockets which are impossible to see. Heck, the whole belt's impossible to see! The gun is really tiny, it's smaller than an iPhone. It is a hot pink and it can shoot over 100 bullets in a second (if I want it to). I nicknamed it Carol to avoid suspicion from outsiders:

(Conversation between me and Misty 2 weeks ago in a random coffee shop)

Me:Hey Tee?

Misty: Yeah, Cryss?

Me: I gotta go. Carol and I have a class at 3. After I have to clean her. You know I can't stand it when she's dirty.

Misty: Can I hang out with her after? I have some business to hake care of with her. (Giggles)

Me: Should I tag along?

Misty: No, it's okay. You'll be exhausted. It's only small business.

Me: Okay. I should get going now.

Misty: Bye!

Me: Bye.

You see?

Anyways, I took a quick shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy blue towel. I stepped out of the bathroom and screamed. "Misty, you scared me!" I screeched. I took my clothes and ran back into the bathroom. After I finished changing, I walked out. "Now Tee, what was that about?" I asked, my voice tinged with annoyance.

"GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT!" she yelled.

"I'm not in the mood for guessing," I muttered under my breath.

"We're going to high school!"

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