Chapter 2- The Mission

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Chapter 2- The Mission  



Pic on the side's of Misty

"Hubba-wha?" I asked stupidly. We were privately tutored by the finest people. We didn't need to go to some low-life slut world. Really, I was doing PhD classes when I was 6!

"It's for our next mission!" She cried excitedly. Only then I realized she was holding a fat manilla folder in her lap. I snatched it up and scanned through it. It had details about a group who was set on world domination. Seriously, what is it, some sci-fi book? Who wishes for world domination? I skipped on. Apparently, their HQ was in New York, but the group leader lived in Michigan, which was where we would be temporarily living. Oh yeah, we don't have a permanent home, and we never live in the same city twice. Security reasons. We were going to attend Meadowbrooke High, one of the best schools in the area. We were expected to spy but not kill. I scanned the last part....

"OUR FLIGHT LEAVES IN TWENTY MINUTES?!" I shouted. "Well, we'd better get going. By the way, no need to pack, minor agents already stocked our 'new home' with clothes. Just bring your belt." Did I mention that my 'invisible' belt can bypass ANY security system? We both disguised ourselves. Misty temporarily dyed her hair black and wore an goth attire, complete with fake piercings. I put my long, dark hair in really tight curls, then pinned them up in a way that made my hair appear shorter. Then I wore a ridiculously short skirt, a ridiculous blouse that didn't exactly do its job, and ridiculously high heels. Did I mention my disguise was ridiculous?

After we both put on ridiculous amounts of makeup, we ran into a random truck and drove at top speed to the airport. It was pretty easy to bypass security. We just had to show them our badges and give a DNA sample, which was usually some saliva. To sum everything up, we were boarding 10 minutes before take off. We usually ride private jets, but we don't want to attract suspicion landing in a fancy-shmancy craft. Misty immediately rushed off to chat with other passengers. I sighed and sank into an overstuffed first class seat. I was ready for a peaceful and relaxing flight without Misty near me.

I spoke a little to soon.

A shrill scream pierced the air. Misty and I exchanged worried glances. We both got up at the same time. I saw three figures dressed in regular clothes holding a woman who looked a little like me at gunpoint. The man with the mustache looked up at us. "Look! We have the wrong woman!" He exclaimed loudly to his friends. I recognized the blonde as Nethaniel Renderbun's companion. I groaned. I guess this mission is not over. Yet. Misty immediately came by my side. Around us, I saw women shrieking, men shielding their wives, and children cowering. The third guy turned around. I might've said he was cute if he didn't suddenly tackle me.

"AAARRGH! GET YOUR PAWS OFF ME!" I screamed as we went down hard. He pinned both my arms down, and he sat on my legs. I did the only thing I could think of.

"EEEEEWW!! SHE SPIT ON ME!!!" He whined, getting up suddenly and wiping his face frantically. I stifled a laugh. Who knew the enemy was gay? I quickly held his head in a headlock and chucked him over my head, making him land painfully on the side of the plane, causing it to jolt. More high pitched screams. I swiftly pulled out my gun and shot him. I looked to the side. Misty had already taken care of the other two doofuses. The security ran up to is. I simply showed my badge and they left us alone. I was still determined to relax during the flight, so I ignored the stares and sat down in my seat. Just then a voice came over the plane,

"Attention passengers, the plane will touch down in Chicago in roughly 5 minutes." I internally groaned. There was no time to relax in this plane. After a few minutes, I boarded off the plane and headed to the next terminal, which would lead me to the flight to Michigan, where I was to proceed with my mission.

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