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"Hey, um Tristan." I called out to him, after class was over.


"What did Jonathan mean when he said that I bothered him?" I asked.

"What else would it mean?" He replied.

Oh gosh. I thought

"What's Jonathan's next hour?"

"Math with Mr. Lassy." He said and then walked away.

I quickly ran over to the class that Tristan said Jonathan was in and waited for him. When I saw him turn down the hallway I strolled over to him.

"Hey, Jonathan, can I talk to you for a minute?" I said.

"No, I'm gonna be late." He told me.

"I'll get you a late pass." I plead. I dug in my purse and pulled out one of the many fake late passes I had and handed it to him. He sighed, looked around, then took it like we were exchanging drugs or something.

"Okay, but only for a minute." He raised his eyebrows, I nodded. The bell rung signaling the tardy bell and the hallways became empty.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened at my party. I had no idea that Grayson was going to do that." I apologize.

"I'm over it." He shrugged.

"So, then what's this whole thing about me bothering you?" I questioned.

"You just bother me." He casually replied. My heart started racing in nervousness.

"Could you tell me how?"

"You're always trying to talk to me-"

"- Because I'm being friendly." I interjected.

"Exactly, I know that you don't actually want to be friends with us, you just feel pity for us because we're 'not as cool as you' I'm not stupid." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand! Why don't you want to be friends? People would kill to be friends with me!" I was becoming angry.

"Because, you're basically like the queen of the school and have everyone bowing down to your every move. You think that everyone is in love with you but honestly, everyone's just scared of you." He truthfully said. I didn't really take any offense of it because I knew it was true.

"It's not my fault!" I said.

"Well, maybe whenever you get over your cocky attitude and start acting like a normal teenager, then we can be friends." Jonathan told me, turned around and started to walk back to his class.

"You know what? Give me back that tardy slip, you deserve to be counted late!" I spoke to him.

Really, that was the best comeback you had? I thought to myself.

"Too late." He sarcastically smiled and waved the slip around in his hand, opening the door to his class and walking in.

I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance. I walked to my class, irritated.


Lunch time rolled around and I walked to my table. I sat down and pondered for a moment while I waited for Mari.

"Chan!" I waved for him to come over to me.

"What's up?" He asked.

"You have office aid with Grayson, next hour, right?" I asked. He nodded in agreement.

"I want you to get Jonathan's number for me." I told him.

"Brandis? The one that you invited to the party?"

"Yeah." I confirmed. "Go through his files and get his number."

"But that means that I would have to sneak into the principals office and if I get caught-"

"I know what it means. Do whatever you have to do, just get me his number." I strictly said, and Chan nodded.

"Oh, and don't let Grayson know about this." I added.


okay so I had like 1.3k reads now I have like 930, what happened?

anyways thanks for reading guys!

I don't remember if I spelt Grayson's name like Grayson or Greyson but as long as you guys understand who he is its all good.

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