I did not fully realize I was in love with you until the day we were ripped apart
Not by choice, but by punishment
All of the sudden everything was about you
Everything reminded me of you
The songs in the car, the books I read, the people around me, the movies I watched
Everything was suddenly about you
And it hurts knowing that I love you but am being kept away
My voice is lost along with yours like a chorus of defeat
I don't even know if you are thinking about me, but hell I'm thinking of you
Of everything
Like when you laugh you tilt your head back and squint your eyes
Or when you hug me it makes me feel like nothing could ever go wrong
My head fits perfectly on your chest
I feel loved
I think of your blue hoodie and your cute hair
I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach thinking about the first time you told me you loved me
And i'm sorry I didn't say it back then but I'm saying it now
I love you
I love you so fucking much it broke my heart when I couldn't get to you
I tried to replace you with smoking weed and getting so wasted I could not remember why I started drinking
But highs only last for so long and
When they wear off i'm left feeling nothing at all
But still I think of you
Your like a drug in itself
A healthy one
I can never get enough of you
I find myself thinking of the next time we will see each other
I want to speed time up to when I can feel the safety of your arms around me
I want to see the smile that lights up your whole face
But most of all I want to tell you I love you
And that we will make this work
And that i'm not going anywhere
I will wait
Sad Poetry
PoetrySad poems that maybe you can relate to *Disclaimer- some poems were written from when I was 15 X_X