They ask me what my fears are
I lie
I could never tell them about you
I can never tell anyone the truth
I'm chained to you
As a prisoner you are my captor
You punish and torture me
You are the voice inside my head that tells me to do bad things, to do them to myself
Things I cannot talk about for the fear that I might break
You tell me that we are alike but I know I will never someone way you hurt me
I would never tell a girl she's unlovable, ugly, worthless, a waste of space
I would never tell a girl to hurt herself to the point that the pain just goes away
Her nerves are dead, you say
Just like she should be
Why do I give into you when you do not let me sleep at night
When you give me the worst nightmares
When you send me into a panic and all I want to do is die
But I'm not afraid of them not anymore
I'm afraid of the dark alleys in my mind
Of the fucked up world we live in
I scream because it's all in my head
I scream because none of it is real
I scream cause I feel hands on my throat, turning my voice to nothing
Erasing me from existence
I've had more than enough
I'm not you I am me
I never was you
I am a person you are a feeling
I will rise above the surface
because it's over
I am over you
over my thoughts and reality
I will survive
I will love me
I will never let go
Sad Poetry
PoetrySad poems that maybe you can relate to *Disclaimer- some poems were written from when I was 15 X_X