56) Xero and Jenissi (ToppDogg) - It's About Time (Smut)

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Members: Xero and Jenissi of ToppDogg

Description: After years of sexual tension, Xero and Jenissi finally decide it's time to consult their feelings for each other.

Genre: Smut

Inspiration: My brain.

Countdown till the end: 4 plus a few bonus one shots

The members of ToppDogg were currently in the middle of a harmless game of truth or dare and so far no injuries had occurred and no tears had been shed.

"Alright," Yano said, letting his voice trail off as he looked around the circle for his next target. "Xero, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Xero answered quickly, knowing Yano's infamous reputation of dares.

"Okay," Yano said, squinting as he thought of a question. "Oh, I got one for you. Do you like someone in this room?"

"What kind of question is that?" Xero said, his face scrunching up as he spoke.

"A question you have to answer," Yano said. Xero groaned in annoyance, rolling his eyes and shifting in his spot before clearing his throat. He hugged the pillow he was holding closer to his just and leaned over so that his back was hunched over at a slight angle and answered with a simple and plain,

"Yes." A few of the other members cooed in a low voice, all of them knowing exactly who the person was. Since the time of their debut, Xero and Jenissi liked each other, but neither of them had the guts to admit it to anyone let alone each other. This fear that possessed them both annoyed the others because it was so obvious that the two males harbored feelings for each other, and the fact that they wouldn't admit created unnecessary sexual tension in the dorm that the members did not appreciate one bit.

"I wonder who it is," Yano said sarcastically, although Xero couldn't tell the difference between his real and fake voice anymore. Besides, he was too busy trying to steal a glimpse of Jenissi, who was sitting across the room, to pay attention.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say his name starts with a J," P-Goon said, joining in the conversation.

"Oh, and I bet it ends in issi," Hansol said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Shut the fuck up, will you?" Xero said, seeing how bright Jenissi's cheeks got from just a little teasing. "How many times do I have to tell you dick heads that Jenissi and I don't like each other."

"Until we believe you, which will be never so you might as well save your breath," Gohn said.

"Yeah, why can't you guys just admit that you are madly in love and make out already?" A-Tom said, earning a lethal glare from Xero and a hit on the back of his head from Jenissi, who was still blushing like crazy.

"Because their pussies and are too afraid to," B-Joo commented.

"Speak for yourself," Xero said with a scoff. "Everyone here knows that you dream about Hansol."

"Oh," the members said in unison, B-Joo shooting a glare to Xero in response to his words.

"You just got served," A-Tom said, getting himself another smack across the head.

"Okay, okay," Nakta said, trying to calm everyone done. "Let's just get back to the game before someone ends up dead." A few of them let out the rest of their laughs and then P-Goon carried on with the game, still insistent on making Jenissi and Xero confess.

"I think it's time we hear from the other half of Xenissi," he said, holding his hands in the air as he spoke.

"Xenissi?" Xero interrupted. "What the hell is Xenissi?"

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