::Chapter 3::

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   **Tori's POV**

The next morning I woke up to knocking at the front door. And an empty bed. Hilary must've thought I needed the day off. I got up, straightened my clothes, and raced to the door. This was exactly why I loved the person standing there. Jayson stood there with a single rose in his hand and a huge grin plastered on his face.

Jayson Santos. He's 5'6, mixed with Hispanic and White, and just turned 17. He has hazel eyes, and brown hair. He's the sexiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. And, he is all mine.

"Morning Beautiful!", he said handing me the rose.

"Good morning to you too!", I said giving him a long passionate kiss. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kicked the door closed, and walked over to the stairs and carried me up only breaking our kiss to take a breath. Once we got up the stairs, he carried me into Hilary's room and laid me onto the bed.

"I love you.", I said grinning like a fool.

"I love you too, and that's why we needa leave now. Or I might just have my way with on your best friend's bed.", he said quirking his eyebrow questioningly.

"1, she's your friend too!", I said giggling and pecking his lips. "And 2, you wouldn't dare do such a naughty thing. But let's go anyway.", I said kissing him again and grabbing my phone.

"Oh babe! You haven't seen how naughty I can get.", Jayson said as he smacked me on my butt. I turned and looked at him questioningly.

"Is that so? I'll believe it when I see it babe.".

"Oh, You'll see soon enough my love. Later, you'll see.", he said guiding me down the stairs. On the way out I grabbed the back door key and placed it back inside the 'rock'. We drove off to my house. Once we got there, the parking lot was empty meaning that Jennifer was out. Either with Aiden or shopping for clothes that look like a crayon box threw up. The door was unlocked as usual. I had no idea how we lived in such a good neighborhood like this. Most people left there doors unlocked. There was a sticky note on the fridge that read: "Out with Aiden and shopping. Aiden will b back before I am. Be safe at skool.".

"Guess we're alone Jayson.", I said grinning at him.

"Nope. Sorry babygurl, you know I have all my pre-exams today. Can't miss them.", he said cradling my cheek in his hand.

"Reallyyy! Okay, but make sure you text me whenever you can.", I said pouting.

"Always. You know that. I love you so much Tori Santos!", he said kissing me deeply.

"Jay, we're not married....yet!", I said giggling pressing our foreheads together. I loved it how he and I planned our future like we had a clue. Our plans had expanded since I gave myself to him. We were one, making love to him was like heaven. Together we were unbreakable.

"Not yet. I'll be proposing soon, so don't be surprised. Bye love!", he said jogging down the hall.

"Bye! Love ya!", I called after him. Once I heard the front door shut. I started stripping off my dirty clothes and went to my connected bathroom and took a long shower. Once I got out I pulled on some underwear and the comfiest thing I could find. It was my Cookie Monster onesie. Jennifer had bought it for me. I would never admit it to her but, I was in love with this thing. I grabbed my blanket, phone, and some ice cream from the kitchen. I raced over to the couch and turned to the channel that the Vampire Diaries marathon was on.

After a whole bucket of Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream, hours of texting Hilary and Jayson, half a box of tissues, and a season and a half of Vampire Diaries I heard keys in the door. Must be Aiden, I thought to myself. I despised being alone with him. I hurriedly gather my stuff and switched the channel back. I made it to the kitchen as soon as the door opened. I heard Aiden mumbling incoherent drunk phrases I couldn't make out into words. Since I was in the kitchen I decided to empty my trash or just tuck some of my stuff away in the pantry to come back and get later. Now, the only thing I had with me was my phone in the pocket of my onesie.

Soon 10 minutes turned into 20. 20 into 30. Once it had been 30 minutes I knew he must've been sleep by now. So I slowly tiptoed into the hall connecting the living room with kitchen. The stairs weren't that far away. As long as the stairs cooperated and none of them creaked I could make it. I started up the stairs, holding onto the banister tightly like my life depended on it, slowly putting each foot onto each step as slow as possible. I w as halfway there. But, the worst possible thing happened. The step creaked, loudly. Aiden jumped up looking around. At first , he just looked in front of him. After a moment he calmed down. Then I took this as my chance to go up on another. But, when I took my foot off the stair I was standing on I creaked again. This time Aiden turned around. Once he saw me his fearsome face turned into a mischievous grin.

"Tori. Oh Tori. Why are you not in school?", he asked his smirk only getting bigger when he saw me flinch at the way he said my name.

"I was feeling kinda sick. But, now I..I think I'm better. Yea. I'm gonna go get some rest in my room.", as soon as I get to my room I'm locking my door, I thought.

"No, no. Come sit. I should keep a close eye on you since you're not feeling so good. ".

"Ummm.....okay.", I was completely scared shitless the way he was looking at me. I sat down as far possible from him on the opposite side of the couch.

"Do I have some infectious disease? Why so far away?", he said looking at me. I would have burst out laughing in any other situation.  But, instead I just scooted centimeters closer to him.

"I feel lik Aiden is up to something. Im really scared please come by the house and btw we're alone! ", I texted Hilary and Jayson quickly. I knew Jayson's football practice was canceled because of all the pre-exams they had. But I think Hil told me last night, that after school she was going on a date with that guy Marvin. I just hoped someone, anyone at this point would come and save the day.

"Not gonna let me see your dirty little messages?", Aiden said out of nowhere. I hadn't realized I had been staring at my phone so long.

"My 'dirty little messages' are non of your business.", I said becoming irritated by him.

"Oh, but you are my business. I did like you first, before that boy came. Wouldn't you like  a man Tori?", he said saying the word boy as if it was poison.

"That 'boy' is the love of my life and he'll probably be more than a man than you'll ever be!", I spat back.

"Is that so? Should I just show you what you're missing?".

I would never want someone that is ready to rape girls and drink all day to show me anything!, I thought. But, apparently I said it out loud. My big mouth was a curse and a blessing.

"What the fuck did you just say?", Aiden said standing up causing me to stand too.

"N...nothing!", I moved backwards as he stalked towards me.

"Oh, I think you definitely want me to show you. Even if I have to force you. You like it rough? Does lover boy give it to you rough?", he spat random questions at me.

"No! Leave me alone Aiden!", I was now against the wall next to the stairs. I bet I could make a run for it and make it.

"Lemme see what's under here!", he spat as he ripped open my onesie. It was destroyed now. I ran for the steps and almost made it to the top, but suddenly I was grabbed. He grabbed my feet and pulled me back down. I started kicking violently. But that didn't stop him. I got ahold of the banister, and I was not planning on letting go. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head. Aiden was pulling at my hair. The next tug he gave made her scream in extreme pain making her let go of the banister. He pulled her body to the end of the stairs and straddled her.

"If you stop struggling babe, maybe you'll like it.".

"No! Get the fuck off of me!", I said as he was about to unbuckle his belt. But in that moment the door slammed open. The voice was like music to my ears.

Who do you guys think it is? Who should play Jayson? I don't have any ideas for who should play him. Did you guys like? I'll try and make all the chapters this long. I spent a lot of time coming back and changing it before I published it!




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