New Adventures

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The sun was beginning to dip behind the golden plains of Rohan as Éomer led his troops back to Edoras. The ride had been long and solemn, the weight of mourning heavy in the air. His uncle's death left a gaping hole not just in the kingdom but in Éomer's heart. He rode at the head of his people with his sister Éowyn at his side, her hand clasped with Faramir's for comfort. Though they had all endured much in recent times, the loss of Théoden had been a final blow to their spirit.

Yet, as they approached the golden hall of Meduseld, hope lingered on the horizon. The letters from Aragorn had brought more than just news of his intention to attend the coronation. There was a hint, a nudge of something that made Éomer's heart race faster than a horse at full gallop. A subtle remark in his letter that read:

"I hope your attempts to win my sister's favor are bearing fruit. It would delight me to hear news of a royal marriage soon. After all, what better way to bind our kingdoms than through love?"

Éomer couldn't help the crooked grin that spread across his face whenever he thought about Visenya. The memory of her fiery eyes, her quick wit, and the fierce loyalty she showed both on and off the battlefield lingered in his mind. The way she commanded those dragons of hers—creatures out of myth, beasts he had only ever heard of in ancient tales—was nothing short of mesmerizing.

But she was not with them now, and he wondered if perhaps he had overestimated her willingness to come. Surely, she would not ride a dragon to a kingdom already wary of change? The thought gnawed at him, making him uneasy. Yet he pushed it away, focusing on the task at hand.

In the Skies Above Middle-earth

Visenya soared above the boundless plains of Rohan, the wind rushing through her silver hair like a torrent as her great black dragon, Mornaur, glided through the skies with an effortless grace that defied his massive size. The cool wind carried the scent of open grasslands and distant rain, filling her lungs with a fresh, invigorating scent that made her heart race. Flanking Mornaur were her loyal companions: Naurwen, the crimson-scaled beauty whose wings shimmered like fire in the dying light; Gléoden, the young golden dragon with scales that caught the sunlight like polished armor; and Thrandir, the elegant emerald-green dragon whose eyes held a wisdom that seemed to stretch across centuries.

High above, with the clouds breaking apart to reveal streaks of deep purple and fiery orange, Visenya felt a surge of exhilaration that she hadn't known in years. It was a feeling she thought had been lost to time—this wild, intoxicating rush of freedom. The air hummed with magic and life as if the very world beneath them was welcoming her into its embrace, urging her forward into whatever lay ahead.

For a moment, her thoughts drifted to Silverwing, her steadfast companion from Westeros. The bond they had shared was one forged through fire and blood, something she had feared she would never find again. But now, with Mornaur beneath her, his powerful wings beating a steady rhythm, she felt something close to that bond—a fierce, unspoken connection that pulsed through her veins. Sensing her thoughts, the great black dragon let out a low, comforting rumble, his warmth seeping into her through the thick leather saddle. It was as if he were reminding her that the past had its place, but the present held its own magic, its own possibilities.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting Rohan in a golden glow, Edoras came into view. Its thatched roofs and the mighty Golden Hall of Meduseld stood proudly on the hilltop, the last light of day dancing across its sturdy walls like a benediction. The sight filled her with a sense of awe—this land was so different from the stark, windswept North she had once called home. Here, the world seemed softer, brighter, as if the sun itself chose to linger a little longer over Rohan's grassy plains. Yet there was a wild, untamed beauty to this place, a rawness that called to something deep within her soul.

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