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  "Party, my house, tonight. I'm inviting only the most important friends of mine, which is roughly 15 kids, I know it's not a lot of people. It's whatever. But you two love birds are invited, obvs. Starts at 7:30 to whenever the hell you want to leave, Matt please don't show up half an hour early again. Aves, you're coming to my house and getting ready with me." I gave Avery and Matt a big cheesy, fake grin. The two had been inseparable. Avery hadn't driven to school in two weeks, but opted to have Matt drive her. He ate dinner with her and her family every other night since the date two weeks ago. It was insanity. Yet they still refused to say out right they were a couple. I didn't understand what was going on. Avery had said that they were just taking things slow. That Matthew wanted to get to know her, thoroughly, but everyone considered them a couple. They were both off the market. It still killed me that they were the it-couple-to-be, though.

  "That's perfect, Matt. Gives us something to do tonight. Last weekend we just sat at home and ordered a pizza. We wanted a little adventure." Avery had really opened up to Matt. With them spending the past few free days we've had since their initial date, including three snow days and the weekend, they've had a lot of time to break down Avery's shell. She spoke up now, and hardly ever stuttered. She gazed at him with those eyes that you could tell melted his heart. They were absolutely adorable. It made me sick.

The rest of the school day was pretty standard. I didn't see Avery, with Matthew obviously attached to her, until she walked past my car to Matt's truck. "Yo, Avery!"

She turned shyly, holding up a finger and giving me a small smile. She turned back to Matt, who was climbing up into his truck. They exchanged a few words, and locked lips for a moment. I rolled my eyes as they continued talking, her not letting go of his hand.

" So, what exactly is that pretty little things relationship status?" I jumped at the sudden voice behind me. I slowly turned, seeing Brandon Fey's dark eyes on me, covered by his slightly shaggy hair.

"She's single, but taken. Sorry, but Avery is wrapped up in her basically, not exactly, boyfriend," I replied, realizing the slight jealousy in my tone. I gave a small smile to make up for the sharpness my voice projected, but I'm sure it looked more like a grimace. Way to blow your cover Jess.

"I meant you, sweet cheeks," Brandon replied, stroking my over heated cheeks, "It's always cute when you blush."

"I'm not blushing, it's just the winds a bit nippy today." I refused to stutter, trying to match his even tone. I doubted it was working though.

" So, you, me, bed of roses, tonight?" Brandon obviously hadn't gotten news of my party.

"Actually, party, my place, we'll save the roses for later though." I gave him a wink and he chuckled.

"I'll be there at 8 then, babe." Before I knew it, he swept his arm around my waist and pulled me in, leaning in for a kiss."

"Ahem." Damn it, Avery.

"Sorry to interrupt, but she's my ride home. If you wouldn't mind..." She's such a buzz kill. She gave a sweet smile, implying that she was trying her best to give off a wave of confident authority. But that waver in her voice gave her away. Brandon released my waist, slightly glaring at her. Brandon never was one to like the innocent girls. He always regarded Avery as a challenge, until he realized how close we were. Then he just saw her as my cock-blocking best friend.

"Yeah, sure," he said with a sharp tone," I'll just... See you tonight. Nice seeing you. Avery. Bye Jess." He gave me a swift peck on the cheek, squeezing my butt in the process, and winking as he stepped away. Ever the romantic one.

"I don't like him," Avery simply said, as he walked off. She tapped her heeled booties against the snow coated pavement as she glared at his dissipating silhouette. I unlocked the door, and we both dove in. As we waited for the heat to kick on, and traffic to clear out, Avery lectured me on finding a nice guy, not one who will just use me for sex. How Brandon was a pig. How our little on-again, off-again relationship was stupid. On, and on she went. I couldn't take it anymore. Something just snapped.

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