xii. cordell

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Later that evening when Cordell got home, he started to announce his arrival but stopped when he heard laughter from the kitchen. He walked a few more steps, setting his Stetson on the hook. He found Celisa with Stella and August at the table, empty dishes in front of them, unable to hold back their giggles at the story Celisa was telling.

     "Hey," Cordell said, stopping Celisa mid-sentence. Calli jogs over, jumping against Cordell's legs in a greeting. He scratches behind her ears, trying to mentally figure out how to emotionally deal with his kids laughing with the rival who was forced to live under his roof.

     "Cordell," she says simply in acknowledgment, going back to her story with his kids. Cordell frowns, the frown quickly being changed to a small grin when he sees how his kids enjoyed Celisa's company.

     "And then, Hoyt left him there! Honestly, your dad is so lucky I showed up when I did."

     Cordell chuckles to himself, letting Calli fall back onto her feet and stands up straighter.

     "Yeah he is," Augie laughed. Stella giggled, looking up at Cordell, hoping he would laugh too.

     "Why'd you lose?" Stella asked him. Cordell raised an eyebrow, thinking back to the bet he made with Hoyt with something revolving around Celisa that he couldn't remember.

     Celisa looked up at him, a mischievous grin on her lips as she tucked her fist under her chin. "Go on," she said smugly.

     Cordell rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I don't remember," he admitted.

     Augie and Stella both protest, making Cordell's cheeks warm up. "No way!" Stella whines.

     "I'm sorry," Cordell says with a nervous laugh. "I just remember trying to prove a point and Hoyt had to tape my hand to the table for it."

     "And what was the point?" Celisa asked, making Cordell's cheeks burn more.

     "I don't remember."

     The more he thought about it, the more he thinks it may have been something to do with Celisa liking him back in the day. Which was ridiculous, but Hoyt had said that if he taped Cordell's hand to the table, she would show up and let him go. Cordell was trying to prove him wrong but then he started to get sore when Celisa showed up.

     "You most definitely do," Celisa replies. "Don't go hiding it now."

     "Not gonna let this die?"

     "Mm... no."

     Cordell sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Uh..." He didn't expect his kids or Celisa to be so intrigued about his and her teenage years. He had to come up with a lie quick before he ended up saying the real reason. "My not-so-smart self thought he was the hottest guy in the world and could get any girl he wanted. Hoyt made a bet with me that if I couldn't get some girl's number, I'd have to let him tape my hand to the table."

     "Boo!" Stella says.

     "Spoiler alert," Celisa chirps. "He didn't."

     August and Stella start laughing again, making Cordell feel embarrassed all over again. He sees Celisa smiling at the teens, clearly glad to have them laughing. "I was an idiot back then," he says.

     "And you still are," Celisa giggles, standing up from her seat. "You guys done?" She asks, referring to the bowls.

     Both of Cordell's kids nodded, saying their own thank you's as she takes their bowls with hers. "Of course," she says to them. "I'll make something different tomorrow."

Midnight Rain; Cordell WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now