Chapter One: Just a Crush

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Dipper's POV

When my parents told my twin sister, Mabel, and I that we were spending the summer with our Great Uncle, I didn't think life could get any worse. That is until we arrived in the sleepy town of Gravity Falls (where our Great Uncle lives) and experienced it first hand.

Stan, our "Grunkle" as we call him, had transformed his house into what he called the Mystery Shack- a tourist attraction filled with cheap stuff sold for 20 times the amount they're worth. To make matters worse, Stan made us work at the Shack without being paid!

The first week was the slowest of my life, and I longed for summer to end sooner. That is until I met her. A tall 15-year-old girl with fiery red hair, freckles, and I smile words can't describe. The day she walked in for her her shift (which was on the weekends) I knew summer was bound to grow more interesting.

It took a long time to think about what I was going to say to her before I actually introduced myself to her. I took a deep breath in, looked around to make sure Mabel wasn't watching, and marched right over to her work station.

"Hello," I began, my voice cracking already, "I don't believe we've met yet. I'm Dipper Pines, Stan's nephew."

"Oh, hey man! I'm Wendy." She replied. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of green, and it took everything out of me to not get lost in them.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked her, gesturing towards a barrel that had been propped up next to her.

"No, go for it! So, Dipper, how old are you?" She asks

I was dreading the moment this question would come up. I didn't think it would be here so quickly.

"I'm, um, I'm twelve," I said, looking down in shame, "My twin sister, Mabel, and I will turn thirteen on the last day of summer!" I add on to make me seem older

"Oh that's coo-" she's cut off by yelling

"Did I hear my name?!" Mabel shouts while coming down the stairs.

"Wendy, this is my twin Mabel. Mabel, this is Wendy." I introduce

"Hey, Mabel! Nice to meet you." Wendy says

"You too!" Mabel looks at me and then back at her, "random question, how old are you, exactly?" She asks Wendy

"I'm 15,"

"Oh, okay! Cool!" Mabel says, "Well, I'm going to leave you two, alone, together, just the two of you..." She says and I start blushing uncontrollably. Mabel just chuckles before going back upstairs.

"Mabel, you learn to love her!" I say, trying to change the subject.

"Ha ya. She seems like an interesting character." Wendy replies

"It's hard to believe she's the older twin," I continue

"She is? That's funny, you act a lot older!" Wendy says. I smile at her comment.

"R-really?" I ask

"Ya, man! If it weren't for your height, I would guess you were my age. I mean with that formal introduction and all." She continues

I blush and laugh. We continue to talk until her shift ends.

"Well, quitting time! I'll see you tomorrow, Dipper!" She says

"Can't wait! I- I mean okay see you then!" I sigh as she exits the shack.

"Smooth, Dipper." I hear Mabel say from behind me. I turn around and see Soos, another Shack employee, Stan, and Mabel standing in the living room. Mabel is holding the door open so they could all see me.

"Kid, don't get your hopes too high. She's a whopping three years older than you. Plus she goes through boyfriends like nobody's business." Stan comments

"W-what do you mean?" I ask

"Come on, Grunkle Stan! This is the first girl Dipper has ever liked! Let's just leave a good thing be!" Mabel chimes in

"Likes? I don't like Wendy! I just think she's cool, alright?" I say

"Dude, you've been talking to her since 10:00am when she came in for work. Right now, it's 9:00pm." Soos says

"Well we just met! You can talk for days on end with a person you just meet! 11 hours is nothing!" I reply

"Well, you two have had a long day so why don't you hit the hay?" Stan suggests

"But, it's only 9:00!" Mabel complains

"I said, hit the hay!" Stan repeats before shoving us towards the stairs.

Mabel and I lay on our beds in the attic.

"Mabel, how do you know if you like someone?" I ask as I continue to stare at the moldy ceiling.

I see Mabel smirk out of the corner of my eyes before she replies, "well, I usually think about them all the time. It's hard to go to sleep without them crossing your mind a few times. They make you really happy and all you want to do is be with them. Why do you ask?" Mabel says, even though she knows the answer

"I think I do like Wendy. But a three year gap will be impossible to over look. I did tell her that we'll be turning 13 on the last day of summer, but still. That's a long time from now." I say, sighing at the end.

"Don't give up, Dipper! If you like her enough, I know you can get her to like you back. It just may take some time." Mabel finishes

I laugh before saying "Thanks, Mabel. But for now I'll just keep it as a small crush. Please don't tell Wendy, or anyone for that matter." I say

"I won't." Mabel replies

"Sibling promise?" I ask

"Sibling promise." She says before we both drift off into a deep sleep.

So, what do you think so far? Obviously, this begins at the beginning of the summer so right now there's no journal or anything! Next chapter will be up soon! Thanks for reading!

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