Chapter Nine: Issues

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Dipper's POV

I don't know why I keep doing this. Random outbursts that, after I calm down, I totally regret. I would blame it on Wendy's body but I've never seen her have an outburst. It's so frustrating to me.

I storm into the giftshop, and climb up the ladder that leads to the roof hide out. It's night, and the sounds of cicadas and crickets fill the air. I sit on the beach chair and lean back all the way. I just begin to drift off into a well deserved nap when I hear the trap door creak open.

"Hey," I here Wendy's voice say.

"Hi," I mumble back

I see Dipper (who is really Wendy) walk up, and I shift my body so there's room for him (her). She (he) takes a seat and we sit in silence for a second.

"Listen, I-I'm really sorry..." Wendy begins. I feel like screaming for her to be quiet but I contain it and let her proceed. "It was wrong of me to invade your space, but I don't know why I felt like reading them. Once I started, I couldn't stop an-"

"Wait! You read more than one?" I ask

"Y- ya. I don't know why, but I'm so sorry" she says

I sigh and feel something on my face. I touch it and it smears. Tears. I'm crying. Wendy notices fairly quickly.

"Uh, you poor poor boy. You definitely got the worst end of the deal. It's so easy to be emotional when you're a girl, but after you get used to it it's also easy to control. I rarely get upset, have you noticed that?" She asks

"Ya," I reply

"But you have had outbursts and mood swings ever since yesterday when we swapped," she says

I feel myself snap. "No I haven't!" I yell

She just raises an eyebrow and I sigh "fine, but how do I control it," I ask

"It's hard, not gonna lie, but when you feel sad or angry, try to transform those emotions. I always find alone time helps me, that's actually why I built this hideout to begin with. Or try going for a jog, or talking to someone. Talk to me. I'm here for you." She says. I look up and smile, and see a slight blush on his (her) face.

"Thanks, Wendy." I reply

"Don't mention it. But there's something else we need to discuss," she says

"What's that?" I ask

"Well I guess two things. Pull out my phone please," she demands

I grab it and hand it to her. She quickly dials a number and starts talking to the person who answers. "Hi, dad? Ya no no I'm fine! Sorry I meant to call yesterday. Mr. Pines is making my shift really early this week so I think I'm just going to spend this week at the shack. Uh huh, that's where I was last night. No it's cool! There's room. Oh also, I'm going to stop by with Dipper to grab a change of clothes. Okay! Love you too! See you soon, bye!" She hangs up

"Okay the phone works because it's my voice but I'm coming with you to pick up clothes. But you need to act like me in front if my dad, okay?" She asks

"Uh in front of manly dan?" I ask

"Don't worry, you're me remember? I have to worry though... bringing a boy into the house is something dad's not fond of." She says

We arrive at her house after a long and silent walk. I knock on the door and am greeted by the largest man I have ever seen.

"I was so worried yesterday," he says before squeezing me to death. Dipper (Wendy) just laughs. We end the hug, and Dipper (who is Wendy) and I walk into the house. She shows me where "my room" is, and starts to gather clothes. I just stand and look around the room. The whole house smells of pine trees and boys. Sweaty, strong, mean boys, except Wendy's room smells like pine and Wendy.

After gathering clothes and toiletries, I say goodbye to "my dad" and we go back to the shack.

"Okay, that was only part one. Now this is what we need to discuss," she pauses.

"What?" I ask

"I wasn't kidding when I said it's unhealthy to not take a shower daily." She says

My eyes widen and my heart begins to beat really fast.

"Ugh this is going to be sooo awkward." I reply

"Okay, we've gotta be mature about this. Who am I kidding I'm fine, I have three younger brothers. You need to be mature about this," she says

"Me?! I've got a sister!" I say

"Is she three years older and do you have a crush on her?" Wendy asks

"I'll be fine," I reply, my face heating up

"Okay, I'll go first" she says before grabbing some clothes and marching into the bathroom.

I sit on my bed, feeling my nerves going crazy. I hear the shower turn on, and can't even begin to think what Wendy is thinking. I decide to focus on my problem, and how this will work.

About twenty minutes later, Wendy comes out clean and dressed, teeth brushed and all.

"Your turn," she says, using a towel to dry her hair. "Remember my hair is long, so wash well. And don't forget to use soap!" She says

I walk into the steamy bathroom and lock the door. I look into the mirror, still not used to the reflection I see back. I walk over to the shower and turn it on, my heart racing. I stand for a second, take a deep breath, and begin to strip myself of my layers. I stare in awe for a second before shaking my head and telling myself to mature. I then get into the shower for the most bizarre 15 minutes of my life.

I won't get into detail but it was awkward. This is the girl I've liked this whole vacation, and here I am taking a shower in her body. Anyway, I got out of the shower after cleaning myself well.

I had grabbed a fresh pair of PJs that we had grabbed at her house. I quickly got into those, brushed her teeth and hair, then walked out of the bathroom.

Dipper (Wendy) was sitting there, waiting my arrival.

"You good?" She asks

"Y-ya." I stutter, "can we agree to never speak of that to anyone?" I ask

"Sure," she says "I'm proud of you. You're very mature, Dipper,"

"I'm getting tired, ready to sleep?" She asks

"Ya, but I'm not going to sleep on the coach. It'll be fine if we both take my bed," I say

"O-okay. Um, sure. That works," Wendy replies with a slight blush. I can totally tell that she's unable to avoid the feeling I have for Wendy.

And with that, we both fall asleep...

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