Chapter Six: Twisted Perspectives

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Dipper's POV

I walk inside the hidden room, signaling Wendy to follow.

The room has so many things inside, it's overwhelming. A couch, a calendar from the 1980's, drawers, books, and knick knacks, not to mention and old shag carpet.

I bend over and look at a tag coming off of the carpet.

"Experiment 78?" I read out loud

"Huh?" Wendy asks, walking onto the carpet.

"I don't know, this tag just says experiment 78." I reply

I begin to walk around on the carpet, still observing the room, when I trip on my shoelace and fall.

"Oomph," I mutter, trying to stand back up. Wendy leans down and offers her hand, which I greatly accept.

I'm not sure what happened next. Our hands made contact, and I felt electricity. At first, I thought it was just from me liking her, that is until I realized that she felt it too. We booth scream a little as the power from the electricity pushes us away from one another.

When I sit up, I see someone lying on the other side of the carpet. It looks like... me?!

"Ugh, what happened?" I hear the clone ask from across the room. Then I notice her voice.

"W-Wendy? Why are you wearing my clothes. And my... face?" I ask. Then I look down at myself and notice my change in height and clothing. "Am I in YOUR body?" I ask Wendy

"Am I in your body?" She asks me back

We both scream and run to the closest mirror. Between my newly found height and the sight in the mirror, I stumble to the ground. Wendy (who is now me) starts running around like a maniac, while screaming.

I huddle into a ball and start rocking back and forth, while Wendy runs around me. We continue this until I grab her (now that she's small, it's not hard to do) and sit her next to me.

"Okay, Wendy, freaking out isn't going to help us at all. We need to find out how this happened, and solve it. It may take some time, but for right now we just need to play it cool, okay?" I ask her

She nods, staring at me (her?) still unable to believe it. I can't either, I just am relieved to be out if that awkward body of mine. Plus now I'm tall and have some muscles!

"Okay, so if we don't want anyone getting suspicious, we have to act like each other. I don't want anyone finding out about this, except for maybe Mabel. Is that okay?" I ask her

"Ya, and I agree. I think we should tell Mabel, just so she can help us figure out a way to put an end to this. With that creative mind of hers, she should have us back to normal in no time." Wendy (who's now Dipper) replies.

I look at the mirror one last time. This is so weird, do I still like Wendy? Or am I now just liking myself? Or am I liking Wendy who is now Dipper? Ugh this is too complicated. I shake my head, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Well, I better get back to work at the cash register!" I say to Wendy, trying to act as much like her as possible.

"Ya, and I um, better stare at you while you do that!" She says with a chuckle. I just glare down at her.

"Not funny." I say

"But it's true!" She replies

We walk back into the gift shop.  Everything looks so different now that I'm tall! I can actually see what's on some of the higher shelves! I sit on the chair behind the register, and Wendy sits on the barrel next to me. Well, she tries to but she's struggling to get up.

"Ugh, these legs are so short! How do you manage to do everything when you're so little?" She asks, annoyed at her new found shortness.

"Eh, you get use to it when you don't know another height. But now that I do, it'll be hard going back to my own body." I reply

Wendy finally manages to get onto the barrel and sit down.

"Okay, so we have to make our voices sound as much like each other as possible." I tell her

"That should be easy. You still have a pretty high voice, so just a little work needs to be done." She says, making me frown

"Come on. My voice isn't that high." I tell her

She's about to reply when Soos walks through the door. I immediately put my feet on the counter and lean back against the wall.

"Hey dudes! What's up?" He asks

"Hey Soos!" Wendy (Dipper?) replies, "What's up?"

I continue to try to read the magazine I have in my hands, not paying attention to their little conversation. That is, until I hear my new name. I instantly tune back in.

"So how'd things work with Wendy?" Soos whispers to Wendy who is now Dipper.

I look up from my magazine and blush. Soos realizes and shuts his mouth. Dipper (Wendy) looks at me, and does a half smile. I roll my eyes and continue to read the magazine.

"Man, I don't think I've ever seen Wendy so alert while reading an Indie Fuzz! What happened to you guys?" He asks Dipper (Wendy).

"You have NO idea." He replies

AN: So little twist there, eh! You like it so far? Spread the word people! Get wendip shippers familiar with this fic! Also, I'm probably going to continue to say Dipper when I mean Wendy and Wendy when I mean Dipper. They're swapped but most chapters will say Dipper POV and mean dipper in Wendy's body. Keep reading!

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