The Horror's of Band Camp

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    So I went to band camp and we were out in the sun from 6 AM Till 12 PM So after an hour  I started to feel as if I were suffocating and I started to go blind. I told the director I had to sit down. I almost fainted bitch. So I look up to see my crush/best friend staring down at me asking if I needed hel. He ran to my side.

    I started throwing up in my mouth. (I swallowed it gross I know but I hate attracting any unneeded attention.) So While everyone else was exercising I watched and then it happened. I threw up ALL over myself. The thing is it looked like I just poured straight up Gaderaid all over myself.

     I cleaned myself off and mainly drank water (I suffered but now it seems not as bad.) I also drank Poweraid only had to rest once the second day and not at all the third.

Band camp starts again Monday so expect more Stories about my pain during the week my little zer0's

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