Chapter 4

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After three more excruciating classes, it was finally lunchtime. I ditch Alena, saying I would meet her later. I quickly head over to the courtyard and, upon entering, I look around for Rick.
I see him leaning against a nearby tree, looking at me. I cautiously walk over to him. "Colleen, is it?" he asks, pushing himself off the tree and standing up straight.
He towers over me, his hair fluttering a little in the breeze. I tilt my head back to look at him straight on. I notice a little color rise into his cheeks.
"Um... Sorry about staring at you in physics. I just... I mean... You're really pretty," he says, really quickly.
My eyes widen. "Um... Thanks," I reply, quickly look at the ground and smiling. I hear a soft smack, and I look up to see that he had slapped his palm to his forehead and was grimacing.
"Okay, that was stupid..." Rick mutters.
I laugh and gently grab his wrist, pulling it down to his waist. I then try to take my hand back, but Rick quickly grabs it, holding it carefully in his. He lifts it so he could look at it.
I blush and look at our hands. His hand practically swallows mine, it was so big (That, or the fact that I have little hands made it so). I smile and look up at him. He was studying my nails, lightly running his fingertips over the black polish.
He notices me watching him and blushes again. "Sorry. I just have a fascination with hands. I'm an artist, and right now I'm in this weird stage where I just want to draw everyone's hands," he explains.
"Really? That's so cool! Do you have a sketchbook?" I ask excitedly.
"Yeah, it's in my bag. I'll show you later, if you want," he answers.
"Yeah, that would be excellent!" I say, flashing him a grin. He grins back and lowers our hands, keeping hold of mine.
He looks like he was about to say something else, but then the bell suddenly rang. His face drops, and he looked at me sheepishly. "Um... Can... Can I walk you to your class?" he asks, blushing.
I smile. "Sure, if its not gonna make you late for your class," I say, starting to walk with him to the doors. He waves his hand, brushing it off. "Nah, its fine." Rick says, suddenly returning to his cool, collected demeanor.
I roll my eyes, reaching for the door handle, but Rick grabbed it first. Opening the door, he says, "Ladies first." I laugh and enter. "I was thinking more of age before beauty," I tease. He gently nudges me with his elbow. I nudge him back, which turns it into a poking war. As we near my class, he cheats by grabbing me and pulling me into a hug, which trapped my arms to my sides.
I whine, "Not fair!! You cheated!"
He laughs and squeezes me.
I giggle. "Lemme go, I've gotta get to class," I say, gently shrugging his arms off.
He pouts a little, then laughs and begins walking off. "Later, Colleen," he calls over his shoulder.
"Bye, Rick," I yell back. I watch him turn a corner, then enter my fifth period class, smiling.
As I walk to my seat, Alena hurries over to me and whispers, "Who was that??"
I smile and say, "A new friend I made during lunch."
Her eyes widen and she hisses, "Tell me later!! I want details!"
I giggle quietly, nod, and sit.
After class, as I was walking in the hallway to my next class, Rick sneaks up behind me and pokes my sides.
I scream, then laugh. "Rick! You ass, you scared the shit out of me!" I exclaim.
He grins at me and says, "That wasn't really the point, but still. Hey."
"Hi," I reply, gently punching his arm. Rick then asks, "Where ya heading?" "Umm..." I pause and pull out my schedule. "Drama. This will be interesting..." I roll my eyes. "As if I didn't have enough already!..."
Rick gives an accompanying shrug. "Eh, well... Everyone has their struggles..." he replies.
I look up at him. His face had adopted a dark look, and he was staring off into space, not paying any attention to me. I poke his shoulder. "You okay?" I ask.
He shakes his head, then smiles down at me. "Yup. Couldn't be better." he answers.
I cock an eyebrow at him.
He laughs and replies, "Actually, that's not entirely true. I'll tell you later."
I nod. "Okay," I say. I wonder absently what would make him act like that.
We approach my drama classroom and he pauses outside the door.
I turn to face him. "Um, if it's not too much trouble... Could I possibly see you over the weekend? Like... This Saturday? For a movie?" Rick asks.
I look up at him and grin. "That sounds really fun!" I say excitedly.
He breaks out into a smile. "Awesome! Uh, how about, like, five?" Rick asks.
I nod in agreement. "Do you have a car?" I ask.
"Yeah, but I didn't want to drive just yet. I wanna meet your parents first before I start driving around." he answers.
"Okay, cool. So I'm guessing there's a movie theater somewhere nearby?" I ask.
"Depends on what street you live on." Rick answers.
"Rocky Ridge Lane," I say.
He nods. "Yeah, I know where that is. There's a little movie theater three blocks from there. My house is literally six doors down from it." He smiles down at me. "Sound good?"
"Yeah! I'll tell Cor-er, my dad..." I say sheepishly.
"Cool!" Rick exclaims. "Can't wait! I've gotta get to class... See ya later, huh?"
"Of course," I reply. I smile happily, but in the back of my mind, a worry was starting to creep up: What if, when Rick meets Corey, he only likes me for my famous dad?

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