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Ashley Connors:
5'9, blue eyes, light skinned and blonde hair, 18years old.

Superspeed, super strength,  and light manipulation.

Proud, overconfident, respectful, and doesn't keep friends. She's always training, aiming to be the best superhero. Mildly bossy.

Mom and dad are the strongest superhero team. They also graduated from the same academy. She's desperate to be as good as they are.

Eric Nolan:
6'1, brown eyes, dark skinned 18 years.

Metamorphic abilities, which basically means his body adapts or reacts to whatever form of danger directed at him, rendering the attack ineffective. The reaction is not in his control.

Also has an ability that makes any female he wishes to feel sexual pleasure, and at his decision, make them orgasm.

Shy, loner, nerd, and doesn't like his abilities.

Insanely rich, and with no superpowers.

I realize this is a weird take on superheroes, but it is just a fantasy I have had for a while. Please do well to let me know if you enjoy it.

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