Chapter 1: Fear.

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Eric walked into the huge classroom. There were about 20 seats, but about 2 were empty. The class was arranged with 5 roles, and one of the empty seats was in the front row, and the other in the last row. Eric found the  seat number he was assigned on the latter, and went to settle down.

The entire class was either showing off powers or arguing, sometimes both. Lightning, fire, portals and other shows of ability filled the entire class. This ceased the moment a lady entered the class.

Dressed in a skin-tight black suit that made her look like a biker, she walked in with a sense of authority, her long blonde hair a stark contrast to her suit.

"Can we settle down please," she said, her feminine voice contradicting a bit the authority she had. One guy didn't seem to hear her, still playing with his lightning abilities. He was making impressive art with lightning in the air. It was truly beautiful, but it was the wrong time.

The lady appeared to teleport to where his seat was, a sonic boom quickly following as she moved faster than the brain could process. She glared at him, and said"Mike, knock it off," in a deathly silent voice that made Mike almost fall from his seat. Eric himself felt a tinge of fear.

"Thank you Ashley, I'll handle it from here." The teacher said as he entered. Ashely relented, and walked back to her seat, and sat.

"Good morning everyone. We have a new student today. Eric, please stand up and introduce yourself." Eric got up and felt the attention of all the students falling on him, including Ashley's. Gulping, Eric said, "My name is Eric Nolan."

The class didn't seem to be satisfied as they kept looking at Eric, as if waiting for something. The teacher finally voiced out their unspoken questions by asking, "and your powers?" "Oh, I ummm I'm still figuring it out." There was a little murmur amongst the students.

"Well my name is Mr Jackson and I'll be your teacher/coach. I'm here to make sure you train to be the best superhero you can be... By any means necessary"  Mr Jackson stressed that last part, trying to appear intimidating. It was working.

"I'll be assigning you someone from your class to show you the ropes for the week... Umm Ashely, you will do that for him." Ashley's face contorted in surprise and disgust and she exclaimed, "what? No! Why?" The coach stretched his neck to Ashley's seat, his feet still on the ground of his table in front of the class. He said, "are you questioning me, miss Connors?" "No sir," Ashley replied, eyes avoiding his gaze. "It's just, I haven't had to teach someone before, and why do I have to be stuck with Mr. Nerd for a partner?"

Returning to his normal position, he said"Well for starters, Eric's not your partner, just your temporary apprentice... So to speak. And it's an opportunity to learn on your part too." Ashley groaned at the teachers words, accepting defeat. "Umm, sir, Mr. Jackson, do I have a say in..." Eric didn't even get to finish his words before the teacher said a resounding "NO".

"Now if you all can follow me outside to the training ground, I would love to access your strength... For the 100th time." The teacher said sarcastically, and Eric assumed that this part of the day was a routine that he didn't like carrying out.

The class emptied out, some flying, some teleporting, some running, some even shape shifting to birds in order to fly outside. Ashley though, quite surprisingly, didn't use her powers, and she ended up leaving the class last, with Eric in tow.

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