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Y/n's Pov:

Months have passed since we defeated Muzan. No more demons. We were able to enjoy going out at night, not fearing for any demons to attack us.

And for me and muichiro? We have been wonderful. We are happy together. I'm am so happy to find a boy like him.

"Y/n!!" Everybody yells coming into my room. When I mean everybody I mean, Inosuke, Tanjiro, zenistu, Nezuko, Giyuu and Muichiro.

"Hey! How are you guys?" I said standing up from my bed. "We are great! I guess...but! We all decided if we could go see Tanjiro's house?"

Zenistu said. "Hmm, sure why not?" I said. "Yay!" Zenistu said.

Time skip-

Once we made it to tanjiro house, we quickly did a prayer to his family then went inside his house.

"Woah, this is a nice home tanjiro!" I said. "Thank you!" Tanjiro smiles.

"Hey! How about we all live here?" Zenistu suggest.

"I'm fine with it, it's my home" tanjiro says. "Mhm! I'm okay with it!" Nezuko said

"I'm sharing a room with nezuko~!" Zenistu said

"I'm not sure how I feel about that.." tanjiro said

"Y/n?" Muichiro asks, "I mean, sure" I shrugged.

"Onii-chan?" I said, "Yeah sure we can live here" Giyuu nods. "Muichiro?" I said and he nodded.

"Alright! Muichiro and Y/n in a room together!" Zenistu said. Me and muichiro blushed.

"I think not" Giyuu says, and we all burst into laughter's.

Time skip-

Years passed, me and Muichiro were sitting on the grass not watching the clouds but our baby boy.

I learned that Muichiro had a twin brother that sadly passed away from a demon. So we decided to name our baby boy 'Yuichiro'

I was nineteen and muichiro was twenty.

"M-ma,ma!" Yuichiro calls my name.

Oh by the way, Yuichiro looks exactly like Muichiro, but Yuichiro has my colored eyes. And he's a mama's boy.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I-I wuv you!" He smiles.

Our baby Yuichiro was only a few months old, and he started to talk.

"I love you too" I smiled

"Hey! What about your daddy?" Muichiro said.

"Daddy?" I said confused

"Yes?" Muichiro smirks

My eyes widen, I then blushed.

"Muichiro!" I yelled and hit his chest.

I heard muichiro laugh
"Ma-mama!" Yuichiro smiles

Muichiro sighs and I chuckled.

"What a mama boy he is" Muichiro says.

"And what's wrong with that? Hm?" I said

"Nothing" he said. "Okayyy"

I layed my head on Muichiro shoulder.

"I love you Mui" I said.
"I love you too Y/n" Muichiro replies

Muichiro then lifts my head and pecks my lips

'i kinda wanted it to last longer'

I looked away and crossed my arms

"Are you pouting over a kiss?" Muichiro says. "W-what? No!" I said

Muichiro grabs my chin and kisses me.

Once he pulls away, he smiles and hugs me.

"I love you Y/n" he repeats.
"I love you too Muichiro" I said

"W-wha 'bouch miii?" Yuichiro pouts

Me and Muichiro laughed and hugged our baby....

The End

I think..Imma cry. This is the end of my story, I'm am so so so happy but also sad at the same time. Thanks to all my readers I was able to create this book.
Once again thank you so much!

Also! I will be creating another story, ofc is My baby Muichiro x Y/n

But I think Y/n needs a brother/sister

So please comment if you want
Y/n to have a brother or a sister.

For brothers it would be, Sanemi, Rengoku, Uzui, tanjiro, Obanai,

For sisters it would be, Shinobu, Mitsuri. Lol sorry that's the only two females that are demon slayers.

So pick any of the names!

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