Story of my life

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There was a time, not so long ago,
When I didn't know what to do, where to go,
Life was a struggle, no hope, no solution,
These were times of fear, disbelief and confusion.

My life was a never ending circle of pain,
Of tears, of sadness, just clouds and rain,
Seeing no escape, not knowing what to do,
Living a lie, pretending it was the truth.

I tried to cure the symptoms, not the illness,
I ripped up my soul in a milion of pieces, from sadness,
I thought I was lost, that I can't make changes,
Even hope felt lost at the ending.

One day I realised I had no control
Over my life, over my destiny, over my all,
That day I surrended all my problems to Lord,
And He changed everything in my abnormal world.

Here I am some time later, in disbelief,
'Cause my life is now about joy, not about grief,
I am beyond grateful for all the blessings,
For all little miracles I witness on a daily basis.

Now I have everything I ever needed,
I am at peace with myself, with the world, with my living,
Joy and abundance are upon me every day,
And I am happy. It's all I can say.

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