Chapter 9: The Attack Of Kaiju

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was sleeping on the couch chair by himself and he just laying there for awhile and then he heard there was a footstep down on the ground with a shake little bit and make (Y/N) with the others wake up from their sleeps and they both taken surprises for what they heard. Then (Y/N) was got up from the couch chair and make him turn his head to look around and he just heard there is a noise comes from outside by itself and make (Y/N) with the others got out of Brooklynn's home.

The noises was getting closer and more closer for what they heard and then they both turn their heads to look up ahead there and then they saw something else is appear here and it is absolutely big very big and the stance with size almost big than Godzilla. Then (Y/N) with the others seen this creature was big almost like a freaking monkey with lizard stance by itself and they both didn't know what the hell is it but only (Y/N) know.

(Y/N): "What in the fuck?!?" He said in surprise.

When (Y/N) with the others were seen this and they both were running toward to the vehicle Humvee and hop in there by themselves and driving away from here and they got their own bags with them and same to (Y/N) too

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When (Y/N) with the others were seen this and they both were running toward to the vehicle Humvee and hop in there by themselves and driving away from here and they got their own bags with them and same to (Y/N) too...he got weapon for what he really need. The creature was walk here and begin to destroy anything around here and until the creature notice (Y/N)'s Humvee vehicle...the creature chase up behind him and (Y/N) was seen the creature was goes faster and more faster to chasing at (Y/N) and the others and make him was tries to drive away from here and the creature keep chasing at the Humvee vehicle car.

(Y/N): "That thing is keep going to chasing us all the way here." He said to himself and make him start to drove up there with faster and more faster to going other ways where he really need to going out with the other way that he need to go. Then (Y/N) drive his car like a professional to dodge from the foots of the Cloverfield monster stomp down on the ground and make (Y/N) notice this and he tries to find the other way to keep the monster walk ahead there.

Darius: "Is that another mutation kaiju monster?!?" He said.

(Y/N): "Yep, that is Cloverfield!" He said to them.

Kenji: "But isn't the creature was captured by Alan Jonah controlling it?" He asked him.

(Y/N): "Yep...this creature is tough and strong as hell." He said to him.

Ben: "W-What are we going to do?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I have a plan...a perfect plan." He said to Ben.

Yasmina: "You do? You do have a plan?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to them and he was explaining to them about the plan that they want to heard (Y/N)'s words and then he told them that he need to getting away from here. After they both arrive the destination of Los Angeles city and the Cloverfield begin to destroy everything by himself and when (Y/N) was drove his car to the other way and make him look at the Cloverfield finally made it to the Los Angeles city and the creature let out a roar.

JW/Chaos Theory: The Invasion Of Ghidorah (Yasmina X Male Reader X Brooklynn)Where stories live. Discover now