This is the second book and it is connection to the first book and you know what I am talking about right? It is sequel to JW: Godzilla In Isla Nublar.
When (Y/N) Tatopoulos is the Twin Brother of Nick Tatopoulos Soldier and Combatant Martial Artist...
When (Y/N) with H.E.A.T and the C.I.A teammates were looking down at the monster's body...Hedorah was dying by the hands of Godzilla's doing and then the king of mutation monsters was let out a victory roar up to the sky again. Then Godzilla look at the body of Hedorah again and it was finally done and then the king of mutation monsters was growling out little bit to see...Hedorah is dead...but there is two more out there.
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Godzilla: "*Snarl*" He was snarl out little bit.
Adler: "What's wrong? Why did he-" He tries to said.
(Y/N): "No, he still smell there is other Kaiju mutation creature appeared here." He said to him and the others were definitely waiting for what happened next is...something else just came out of the ocean again and make Godzilla turn his head to look at the opponent is here right on the time. The creature was revealed out to be the plant kaiju mutation creature by itself...the Biollante by herself and she was arrive right on the time and make her look at the king of mutation monsters and let out a roar at him.
Biollante: "*ROAR*"
Frank: "What the fuck is that?!?" He shout out to them.
Randy: "Don't know...that was plant kaiju mutation creature." He said to them and make them both heard this and they both were trying to aim their weapons at the creature and Godzilla look at the opponent and make him was let out a thunderous roar to the creature.
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Godzilla: "*ROAR*"
After he was roaring out and make him charge toward at Biollante and then the king of mutation monsters was use his atomic breath and shooting all over the plant mutation monster by himself and make him is shooting all over at him. Then Godzilla use his claws with bites tries to slashing the crap out of Biollante by himself and he know what his doing with the tactics in his own plan by himself and make him was going to give this plant kaiju mutation creature with multiple slashes from his claws.
(Y/N): "Adler? Can you send a nuke bomb to that creature thing?" He asked him.
Adler: "Sure...anyway it is going to be 4 hours right now. I need to going call x-strike." He said to (Y/N) and make him was nod his head and then they both were took a few step back away from Godzilla was fighting with the plant kaiju mutation muster Biollante by himself...the two of them were keep fighting each others by themselves. Then (Y/N) was with the group of others are running out of there by themselves and make them keep running out to the other place where they need to go by themselves.
Then the two of mutation monsters were fighting each others like death battle and then (Y/N) was with the others took a few step back away from here and make they were looking at the airplane was flying through here. Then the airplane is going to drop the nuke bomb down on the Biollante but Adler told the pilot wait...just wait until Godzilla beat her up slowly and then he was finally kick Biollante and send her to the ground.
(A/N: Imagine the fight is battle on.)
Adler: "NOW!" He shout out and make Godzilla was back away from her and out of nowhere the plane was drop down the nuke bomb on Biollante and blow her up also (Y/N) with the others were take cover by themselves and then they both were survive from the nuke bomb was drop down on the island and where the bomb was drop on Biollante. Then the kaiju plant creature was blown into pieces like nothing and even (Y/N) was with the others got out of their hiding by themselves and they both got up from their hiding.
(Y/N): "Phew...that was close-" He tries to said and out of nowhere a huge electric blast hit all over down on the ground and make (Y/N) with the others were taken surprises for what they notice there was Ghidorah is flying here.
(Y/N): "SHIT, IT'S GHIDORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them.
Adler: "EVACUATED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them were running away from here and they both were take cover by themselves and then (Y/N) with the others were goes hide in their position by themselves.
Godzilla was stood right there and prepare to fight him with his Evolved form and make the king of mutation monsters look at the enemy was stood right there...Ghidorah was prepare to fight him...also Godzilla was gonna fight him as well. Then the two kings were look each others and they both were prepare to fight but out of nowhere a web shot down at Ghidorah's face and make the destroyer roar out in anger and make him turn his head to look over there.
He saw something else is flying here by itself and that is...Mothra....the butterfly kaiju mutation creature was an ancient for long time ago and it is finally back to herself...and that is a female kaiju mutation creature.
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Mothra/The Queen Of Monsters.
Felix: "A butterfly?" He asked.
(Y/N): "That's Mothra." He said to them.
All: "Mothra?" They asked (Y/N).
(Y/N): "Mothra...she is the guardian of mankind as well. Don't worry...she's in Godzilla's side...and she is fighting at Ghidorah...wait, there's more of kaiju mutation monsters appeared here." He said to them and make them turn their heads to look over there and they saw the others arrive here and that is Anguirus, Varan, Anguirus, King Kong, and King Caesar.
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Adler: "Looks like he got reinforcement with him.~" He said.