Chapter Three - The Accident

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"Father, do I have to go?" I whined. My dad turned around with a furious look. This was honestly the worst summer ever, and I didn't know how to get out of it. My parents were forcing me to go on this vacation with them to the jungle, where my dad's company was trying to do some research. There had to be another way for me to get out of this.

"You know, son, if you don't go, who'll watch you?" my dad picked up his glasses and started reading his book. This was getting nowhere. I don't understand. I was already eighteen. Why couldn't I stay home by myself? This sucks!

"Dad I'm old enough to stay home alone you already know that," I said, crossing my arms.

He looked up from his glasses and sighed. My dad then got up from his chair and went to me. Holding my cheeks, he then spoke.

"Benny, listen to me. You need to see how it is out there. You don't want to be stuck in this house forever, do you?" My dad squeezed my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

I planned this differently. He didn't understand that I feared bugs and anything that moved besides other people. This so-called vacation was not what I was looking forward to.

"So what! I'm sure I'll be perfectly fine living here. Look, I can live off of cookies and juice all I want." My hands motioned to the pantry, which was filled with food. My dad rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"Get ready boy we'll be leaving in an hour."

"Ugh come on dad please!"

It was too late. My father already left the room. He was leaving me red and angry in his office. I didn't want to go on this stupid vacation. Why couldn't life be the way you want it to be? This sucks. I wonder what mom's doing. Maybe I'll ask her!

"Hey, mom?" I peeked into her bedroom to see her arranging her clothes into a suitcase. She turned around where I was standing and opened her arms for me to hug her. This was my last chance to talk them out of trying to make me go on this hell of a trip. With my fake smile and arms out, I then went to my mother and greeted her ever so much. She took my hug kindly and returned one.

"Yes honey?" she asked.

"I know this may be sudden, but may I stay home for this time, please...?" I said with a higher tone, hoping she'd buy into it. She only cocked her head with a dull expression; she then took my chin and held it up so I could get a good look at her hazel eyes.

"Honey, you know your father made up his mind and honestly I have no say in it so you either get packed now or I'll call him to force you to do it it's your choice," she said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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