Paradisiacal Pleasure

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As thy watery scarlet lips touch mine, dropping sweet-smelling myrrh, I feel the sensation of flavorful intimacy that proceedeth from thy mouth.

And as our tongues paint diverse colors upon our heartfelt union, I taste the wine-like adoration of thy saliva that filleth my athirst and lustful soul.

Thy witch-like nails scratch my body, bringing me to the peak of paradisiacal pleasure that only thou canst make me feel, for thou art the goddess of it.

Amorous it is, how thy dainty hands easily mold my soul like an artwork formed together with our pleasure, as I deeply adore how thy lustrous mouth painteth tranquility upon the canvas of my flesh, soothing me and making me utter words of blasphemy.

Thou feedest the Eros within me, my dearly beloved. Say, how can I resist when thou art likened to Aphrodite, for thou hast seductively enticed me with thy pulchritudinous appearance?

Thou drivest me insane from dusk till dawn as we both shag with chastity, and pullest me deeper into the abyss of my own mind. Thou hast made my erotic spirit scream out in pleasure, a sensation that only thou canst evoke once in a millennium.

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