The middle.

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Okay I promise that this is my last time changing the cover. I really love this one and now I can sleep because it's done lol it's like 3am. I don't know if y'all noticed but I changed the cover of this story each time based off of events that have happened in it so as you can tell by the new one...hmm. Enjoy everybody 💕
"Can I come in?"

She was wearing her pajamas; a silky black tank top with the shorts to match.

"Yeah, sure." I waited for her to sit down before I talked.

"I'm sorry for-"

She placed her finger on my lip gently and shushed me. "No, let me speak. Please?"

I said nothing.

"I feel like a complete idiot because all this time you've felt this way about me. I mean I knew you wanted more than to just be my friend but..."

She trailed off. "You have to understand, Justin. I built this brick wall up after I've been hurt by all of these so called men. I decided long ago that I would never let another man abuse me. Whether it be emotionally, physically, or mentally. You see, I learned how to block those feelings to protect myself and I can't find them. They're there trust me. I just don't know where or how to look for them."

I placed both of my hands on each side of her shoulders. "Meghan, it's okay. After everything that's happened, I understand why you're the way you are. I'm okay with that."

"What if I can't ever show you how I feel about you?" I chuckled and chewed on my bottom lip.

She was beautiful and didn't even know it.

"Baby, you don't have to show it or even prove that you love me. You know why?"

She shook her head no and looked me in the eyes. I stared back into hers.

"Because you already have me. You always have and always will. I'll help you through it all. I can be your strength, your shoulder to cry on, your love, your diary, and your man all wrapped up into one. All you have to do is say the word and I'm yours, shawty."

"What about all those other girls that would love to be Justin Bieber's girl?"

"There can only be one."



She inhaled but didn't get the chance to exhale because my lips were already on hers.

This went on for some time. Our tongues fought for dominance but I won each time.

She didn't seem to be complaining. We had gotten closer and closer to the point where there was no breathing room for either of us.

I was on top of her, protecting her, loving her before we were rudely interrupted.

"Oh I don't like her!" Fredo mocked me.

"We won't be fucking everywhere!" Za mocked.

"We're just friends, man! Nothing serious!"

I rolled my eyes and got off of my girl.

"You two done?"

I helped her sit up and she laid her head on my shoulder then let out a small yawn.

"No, we sure aren't! Especially me. Talking bout there won't be no fucking. Y'all were this close-" He smushed his pointer finger and thumb together.

"This close, bro."

"You got something to say miss I don't want him either?"

She intertwined our hands and ignored him.

Patience |J.b|{BWWM} #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now