07 surprise!

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after Nick dropped me back at home, i had exactly 2 hours to get ready before he comes back to get me.
without wasting time i just into the shower, shaving each section of my body, wash my hair and cleanse my face.

stepping out of the shower i heard my phone buzzing, picking it up, i saw my mothers name pop up.

"mum! hi, is everything okay?"

"hi sweetheart, i know this isn't our schedule call, but i needed to talk to you"

wrapping the towel around me closer i sat on the edge of the bath, worry laced my voice. "what's going on?"

"i saw some articles about you this Chavez guy, i just wanted to make sure you were safe"

i sighed a breath of relief, a small smile crept onto my face, "Nick and i are just friends, there isn't anything to worry about"

"oh sweetheart, i saw those photos, i saw the look in his eyes, he adores you, and your my daughter, i can when you love someone, you get this look on your face, your eyes, even your body language"

i groan and wipe my hand over my face, "jeez ma, enough, we are friends, we don't like each other"

"okay okay, keep lying to yourself, looking forward to seeing you both at Christmas, Love you! muah!" she quickly hung up

i shook my head, my mother has always been way to involved in my love life, i'm the only child, she's a politician, who travels internationally for work, we only see each other at Christmas, and have schedule calls, once a week.

As i finished getting ready, i couldn't get Nick out of my mind, was there a look? was that the gleam i saw before?

I looked in the mirror, admiring the dress, it was a black bling right dress, it hugged my waist and showed my figure perfectly.

As i heard a knock on the door, knowing it Nick, i stopped in my tracks, i was nervous, after that call with my mother she spun my head,

Did i like Nick? Did he like me? why am i feeling like this?

I shook my head and quickly went to the door, Nick just looked at me, admiring the dress and me, i smile at him "hello?" he quickly blinked up at me

"uh sorry, you ready?" he smile at me shyly

i nodded me head and we walked to the car, "you alright?" he asked me

"yeah i'm fine, why?"

"you are fidgeting with your nails, and zoning out, something's on your mind isn't it?"

he was right, but how could i tell him, it was him, he was on my mind, he had fully occupied every inch of my brain

"nothing just missing my mum" i stifled a smile, he bought it, didn't mention it again for the rest of drive

what i didn't realise was that he knew i was lying through my teeth, but knowing i didn't want to talk about it, he didn't push.


We arrived at the event, everyone else was there, people mingled before Cooper got there, Nick came running over to tell me he is 5 minutes away, we quickly told everyone to hide and be quiet while Nick paused the music and turned off the lights.

everything was dead quite, you could here a pin drop. Nick and i were hiding together behind the pilar at the front of the room,
i stood against it trying to peek around, Nick was right behind me, i could feel his heat radiating off him, my head started spinning i forgot where i was.

i shook myself from my thoughts as i heard the door handle beginning to open.

the bartender flicked the lights back on as we all jumped up.



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all i want is for people to read and love this story

love you all! and thankyou for sharing!!

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