I don't feel like myself

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I was undressed just watching him walking around the room naked, with a cigarrette between his fingers and a long shady face.

His steps where just ghostly, i couldn't hear him, if i weren't watching him i would not know that he was moving around.

He sat on the floor facing the window just thinking while the smoke of the cigarrette made everything blurry.

'So, what did you do today?' I asked to his back

'You know, the usual, i went to that record store i told you about? And i saw this weird cover, with a snake eating a baby' he said with his peculiar accent 'It was pretty raw, but you know, art these days... Fucking kids dont know shit'

'You're a kid' i realized i learnt to be around him, and as i learnt i kinda enjoyed it sometimes.

'How are you, you seem, away' he turned his head a little in my direction, i could see the shadow forming in his chin because of his beard.

'Miles, you know when you love someone, and you just don't expect them to never love you back?' I asked

'Is this about Alex?' He said standing up getting his boxers on and walking in my direction.

'Who else' he had learnt to listen and not getting angry.

'Alex is an asshole, even more of an asshole with amnesia' he sighed

'I think he loves me' i said with my chin on my hand.

'Who wouldn't love you, you are a pretty loveable person'

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

'I don't know what to do about the whole marriage thing, and the whole Alex suddenly loving me' i got up and grabbed my clothes.

'You have to do what you have to do'

'And what is that?' I asked

'What you feel like doing' he finished his cigarrette and he stood up, then made me stand up in front of him.

'That's the thing, i don't know what i want anymore, i'm overwhelmed'

He kissed me softly in the lips, and then in the top of my nose. 'I know how you feel, you have to live your life, you are a young woman constantly surrounded by rock bands and concerts and parties, and you are worrying about a sociopath' he laughed to himself 'do some coke, smoke some pot, get laid'

I laughed. 'I'm going to talk to him'

'Of course do the opposite i said, it always works for ya'

I kissed him on the cheek and checked around the apartment for guests, there weren't.

I walked Miles out and just instantly as i closed the door, Alex walked out of his room all messy.

'Why aren't you dressed?' He asked

'I just woke up' i said 'why?'

'Wanna go grab some breakfast?'

I looked at him confused 'Why?'

'I don't know because it's free breakfast?'

He grabbed an apple and brushed his long messy hair out of his face as he watched me sit on the couch.

'Fine, let me put some jeans on' i said walking towards the laundry room.

I found the pair of jeans and changed my tshirt as well so i didn't looked like a looney.

We walked out of the apartment in silence and spent the whole ride in silence as well.

As soon as we reached the diner i noticed something was up with Alex and that he was overwhelmed or anxious about something.

'You are playing with the napkins again' i said

'Yes, i... I need to tell you summat and i dont want ya to think like i lost it'

'I'm all ears' i said looking into his piercing chocolate eyes.

'Lately, i havent been feeling like myself, like there's something wrong i cant control... Like, i'm someone else?'

'What? Well, you just had an accident like two months ago i think thats pretty normal...' He interrupted me.

'No, the other day i was looking myself in the mirror and...' He looked around himself and got a little closer to me 'and that wasn't me'

I giggled. 'What do you mean? I don't get it'

'Like, it was another man, it wasn't my face, i wasn't in the reflection'

'Al, look at me' i placed both my hands in his face 'this is you, the only you i know, and the only face i have been watching for a year now, it hasn't changed'

He stared at me. 'Do you believe in witchcraft?'

Suddenly a cold feeling ran up and down my spine. 'Some stuff i do believe'

'I need help. I think there's something wrong with me'

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