Chapter 5

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Jacques POV

Last night with Anya was great. We been coolin it for some months now and I've grown feelings for her.

I know she feels the same because she insists on discussing certain stuff. Idk something like that.

I like Anya a lot but I think last night was a mistake. She's probably gonna want to try and start a relationship which I wouldn't mind because she doesn't give me any problems its just the commitment part.

I'm not ready for a girl. I got a lot going on right now and I dont wanna hurt her so its best if we just stay friends as of now.

And plus I just recently got out of a relationship with this chick named Stacey. Well we weren't together together, that bitch was delusional.

She was one of my hoes. Just one that I kept around more than others and you probably can guess the reason being.


Right now I was currently getting out of the shower. I walked over to my closet looking for what I was gonna wear for the day. When I was done I made sure I had my keys, and my phone then locked up the house.

I was on my way to get me some food. I was starving. My phone started ringing I looked down seeing it was Anya so I answered.

"Hello ?"

"Hey Que. Are you busy ?"

"Not really I was just getting something to eat." I said as I pulled into chipotle.

"Oh ok well...I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out later tonight."

"Yeah thats cool just text me what you wanna do."

"Ok." And with that she hung up I quickly hopped out my off white Sonata making sure I locked my doors and made my way into the building. I ordered my food and decided to just go to her house now.


I knocked on the door expecting to see Anya or one of my niggas to open the door but instead that bird bitch Alana did.

We was cool at first she used to be one of my hoes but she was irritating as hell always callin my phone and plus she was the hoe of the school. No shade but, everybody been up in that I'm surprised Khalil cuffed that.

Hey boo. She said all cheerfully

Wassup. I mumbled stepping in the house. I dapped all my niggas up before heading upstairs.

I walked in her room and she was sitting on the bed with her headphones in she looked up at me and smiled

"I didnt know you were coming this early." She said, getting up to hug me.

"Yea I was close so I thought I would just come now." I said hugging her back.

"Oh ok well I was actually finna leave so are you staying or..."

"Ill come...where you going ?"

"To Dani's house."


With that we walked down the street to Danielle's. We just walked in and was greeted by mama A. Hey babies! She cheered. He mama A we said in unsion while giving her a hug.

Are yall hungry ?

No ma'am Anya said.

Ok babies just let me know if y'all need anything. She called out as we walked down the hall to Danielle's room.

Hey bitch! Anya greeted while jumping on her bed

If you dont sit your ass down Dani said while laughing.

He Que she said giving me a side hug

Wassup. Where's Trevor ?

Idek I haven't seen him since Friday night.

I nodded and sat on one of the bean bag chairs she had.

Danielle's POV

I called Anya over to see if she wanted to chill for a little I was bored and didnt have anything to do soo Yea

When she came she brought jacquees with her too. I wasnt surprised because they been hanging out a lot lately

We were currently listening to music, and Que started rolling a blunt.

So what's going on with you two ? I asked with a slight grin

Wym ? Anya said clearly forgetting I know everything about her when she's lying, hiding something all that she's my best friend so why wouldn't I ?

Girl dont play stupid with me you know exactly what I mean. I said

She sighed and rolled her eyes

Nothing you already know we just coolin it right now. Que said

Mhm. Let me find out something going on. I mumbled

Anyway, what's going on with you and my boy ?

Well you already know we together. I said

Nah, I mean like what's going on he seemed mad at you when we spoke.

I tensed up a little because me and Trevor have been going through somethings. Our relationship may seem all good and perfect but its not we fight just like any other couple but I think he's cheating on me. I didnt accuse him I just simply asked a question.

When I brought it up he got mad and started ignoring me so right now we aren't talking

We aren't on speaking terms right now. I said

What happened ? Anya asked

People keep saying that he's cheating on me. I didnt wanna believe it so I just asked him about it and he flipped so yeah. I said

Damn. He said passing me the blunt.

Jacquees and I are like brother and sister like just everybody we hang out with is basically like family.

I think Que knows that Trevor cheats on me but I understand they close so he probably wouldn't tell me. Because if him and Anya were to date and she cheats on him I wouldn't tell Que.

After we were done smoking I sprayed and straightened up my room. Jacquees and anya left so I decided to get ready for bed.

When I finished I got my things ready for school tomorrow morning so I wouldn't have to wake up to early.

I really love Trevor and I wished I didnt ask him that question. I want us to be back the way we were

But if he is cheating he better pray for his self because I'm gonna raise hell when i do find out

But..all I can do is trust that he's telling me the truth

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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