Intro + Chapter 1

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So this is my first fanfic I'm posting... I know Pokemon Black and White is old but I recently found my game and everything like memories and stuff came back to me and I'm in love again. (Don't hate me ^^") So anyways I shipped Chessshipping and Agencyshipping (There's a difference! Chessshipping is with Hilda and Hilbert from the game and Agencyshipping is with Black and White from PokemonSpe!) :) This fanfic is based mainly on Chessshipping but Bubu and Poka are from Agencyshipping so there's a little bit of both and yeah hope you enjoy it. TIME FOR THE ACTUAL FANFIC TO BEGIN! ONCE AGAIN PLEASE ENJOY! Btw sorry if there are typos or anything please correct me if there are any...

Chapter 1

"This could be the worst day ever." Hilda said looking at Bubu, her Tepig. The rain was pouring down and the train was very late. Hilda and Bubu sat down on the cold ground of the station waiting for the train home to Castelia City. Little Bubu hopped onto Hilda's lap shivering. "Bubu are you alright? Here I'll warm you up." Hilda said worried and she took off her black vest wrapping Bubu in it. Hilda started to shiver too. She was only wearing a white singlet and shorts.  

The train finally came and Hilda got up quickly. She didn't want to miss this train. Her whole body was numb as she got up. "Come on now Bubu!" She said looking down at the pavement only to find that Bubu wasn't there, only her black vest. She looked around frantically calling out her lost Tepig's name until she saw a little orange Pokémon scurrying away from the corner of her eye. "BUBU COME BACK HERE!" She shouted and ran to catch up to her. More and more people boarded the train so the crowd started to disappear. Just a few metres away she could see Bubu jumping up and down in front of another Tepig that was squirming in a boy's arms. Hilda quickly pushed through the crowd and picked up the jumping Bubu. "I'm so sor-"She started to say when she was suddenly cut off.  

"Could you just at least try to keep your Tepig under control?" The boy said with his arms crossed.  

"Y-Yes I'm sorry..." Hilda stuttered and the boy shrugged then walked away. Hilda stood there in awe until she heard an announcement over the speakers calling for last passengers to Castelia City. Hilda snapped out of her trance and got on quickly, making sure that Bubu was with her and she took a seat with Bubu on her lap. It wouldn't be such a long trip home, maybe about 10 minutes. Hilda stared out the window blankly as she usually would overthinking everything, but today she couldn't stop thinking about that boy she saw at the subway station. "He was actually really cute... His cap, blue jacket, black pants and his red and black high-tops... But I loved his brown hair and eyes the most..." She said to herself. Then train came to a sudden halt and Hilda woke up from her daydream. Bubu was already awake and they both got up from the seat. As Hilda walked out of the train with Bubu she started to blush and thought "What was I thinking?! I..." She hesitated a bit. "I do not have a crush on that arrogant boy!" Hilda looked at the ground. She knew she might've been lying a little. 

It was a silent walk home. Hilda pretty much walked the whole way back to her apartment without breathing a word and her cheeks a shade of pink. Bubu stayed quiet for the whole walk so she knew something was up.  

When the both got home Bubu fell asleep and Hilda took a long shower for more overthinking time. After she finished she changed into an oversized t-shirt, sat in her bed and began to write in her diary. It wasn't long until her best friend Bianca called her. Before Bianca met her boyfriend Cheren, she and Hilda were basically inseparable. They used to go everywhere together and were actually housemates! Hilda didn't hate Cheren. He was a nice guy. The only problem was that he always took Bianca to dates and dinners so then Hilda was often lonely. But Hilda was so happy when Bianca called. "Hey Hilda!" Bianca said in her usual cheerful voice. 

"Hi Bianca!" 

"Um Hilda I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a double date but also a blind date..." 


"Well you see Cheren wanted to go to a café but I wanted you to come so we decided to bring along one of Cheren's guy friends that didn't mind coming and yeah you get the point. Don't worry he isn't some random guy and I think you guys would both be really cute together!" 

"Hmmm... Ok why not I'll come. It has been a long time since I've seen you!" 

"Ok so it's confirmed. The double blind date will be at 7PM tomorrow at Café Sonata! See you there!" 

"Bye Bianca!" 

"See you tomorrow Hilda!" 

"Oh and thanks for thinking about me!" 

"No problem!" 



Hilda put down her Xtransceiver. She didn't really feel the need for a date at the moment but it had been a few weeks since she had seen Bianca, and if the blind date went well then it would be either a bonus or burden for her. But right now wasn't the time for this. It was already 11PM so Hilda put her Xtranceiver and diary away and laid her head on her pillow. "Night Bubu," She whispered as she stroked Little Bubu beside her and she closed her eyes to sleep.

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