Chapter 9

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-.- This is progressing really slowly. IDEAS COME TO ME! Excuse my boringness but there will be way more progress in the next chapter. I know I always say that but I swear I'm serious this time. 

Chapter 9

"You wanna get a Casteliacone?" Hilbert asked Hilda as they reached Castelia City.

"Oh I've never actually tried one." Hilda said.

"Ok let's go get some."

They both waited in the queue. It was a really long line but it slowly got shorter and shorter.

"2 Casteliacones thanks." Hilbert said.

"Here you go." The person handed him 2 cones and Hilbert gave one to Hilda. "Casteliacones are great because they can also heal a little bit of you Pokemon's health." Hilbert said.

"That's cool! But I'm gonna eat mine..." Hilda said looking at the delicious ice-cream and they both found a bench to sit on.

"Mmm these are really good! I have no idea why I haven't tried them yet!" Hilda's Casteliacone was nearly finished while Hilbert basically just started eating it.

"Umm you've got some on you face!" Hilbert chuckled and he used a napkin to wipe it of Hilda's face.

"T-thanks..." She said blushing and forced a smile out. "Let's go..." And they both continued to walk to Striaton.

It wasn't long till they got there.

"I'm still so surprised that the gym is also a cafe!" Hilda said.

"Yeah I actually only found out just recently. C'mon lets go." Hilbert said and he led Hilda into the gym cafe.

"Table for 2 please." Hilbert said to the man at the front.

"Yep table to the left over there." The man gestured his hand to their table.

"Thanks." Hilda and Hilbert both said to him and they sat down at their table.

"Wow it's really nice here. Even though we just wanted to grab a drink they treated us like we wanted a meal!" Hilda said.

Then the waitress came. "Here are your menus." And she placed two menus on the table for Hilbert and Hilda. Then she went off to serve other customers.

Hilbert and Hilda flipped through their menus to the drinks section.

"Yay they have Iced Chocolate here!" Hilda said a little bit childishly.

"I'll call for the waitress now." Hilbert said. He asked for the waitress and she came.

"So what would you both like today?"

"I'll have an Iced Chocolate." Hilda said.

"And I'll just have a coffee." Hilbert said. "And maybe a slice of chocolate cake."

"Coming right up." The waitress said and she walked off.

"So what do you think?" Hilbert said to Hilda.

"I think this place is way better than the Cafe Warehouse! I can't believe I didn't know about this place!" Hilda said looking around. Hilbert smiled. He felt happy when she was.

It wasn't long until their orders came.

"Here." Hilbert pushed the plate of chocolate cake over to Hilda.

"Huh? Wasn't this for you?" Hilda said.

"Nope I ordered it for you. You should really have more than just a drink..."

"Oh... Thanks. Hehe chocolate cake is my favourite! Lucky guess?"

"Sorta. I kinda worked out that you liked chocolate."

Hilda giggled and then they both dug into their foods and drinks.

"This is good!" Hilda said. She nearly had her mouth open when she spoke so Hilbert smiled. Just like when she tripped over the day before.

They both finished eating so then it was time to go. "Thanks for that Hilbert!" Hilda said to him.

"No problem. It's the least I could do for embarrassing you at the Cafe Warehouse." He said to her.

Hilda checked the time. "Oh! I never realized how late it got!"

Hilbert checked the time too. "4:30PM. Do you need a lift home?" 

"Nah it's ok I can just fly." Hilda said taking out a pokeball. She had Peace, her Unfezant.

Hilbert touched her hand. "No please I'll take you home. Remember what happened last time you were left alone to go home?"

Hilda remembered the 2 roughnecks and frowned. It was only dangerous that day because it was in an alley at night. She could go home by herself today but she wanted to go with Hilbert. "Oh alright." She said trying not to sound too excited.

Hilbert took out a pokeball. He had a Braviary. "Think you can bring both of us to Castelia War?" Hilbert asked it. War the Braviary made his cry in agreement.

Hilbert got onto War and also helped Hilda up. "Just... Hold onto my waist..." Hilbert said blushing but he looked away.

Hilda smiled and blushed too but did as he said. Then they were off to Castelia. So it was a little awkward but that wouldn't mean that she didn't enjoy it.

They got to Castelia a few minutes later. "We'll here we are." Hilbert said. They both hopped off War.

"Thanks for the ride home. Bye War! Bye Hilbert!" Hilda said and she ruffled War's feathers.

"See ya Hilda!" Hilbert said. He gave Hilda and unexpected hug. "Take care."

"Thanks... You too! Nice hanging out with you today!" Hilda said. She was still surprised from the hug.

They waved and parted ways. They both enjoyed that day. (Even the 2 Tepigs did)

Just a note the Braviary in this fanfic was named after the Braviary from the one in PokeSpe. I actually named my own Braviary after him... And well the name Peace? I have no idea where that came from. I was just in the car and BAM! It came to me. Seemed like an appropriate name for an Unfezant. 

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