Chapter 3

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I do hope you're enjoying this fanfic if it sucks remember that it's my first one. Please comment if you can! Thanks! Just a reminder that money in the story is in Pokemon Dollars!

Chapter 3

So shopping for clothes was done. She ticked that off in her mental To Do List. Next on Hilda's list was food. She walked to Nacrene City from Castelia and went to the Café Warehouse. "One Hot Chocolate please." Hilda said to the barista.  

"That will be 450 thanks." Hilda handed some money over and then she waited for her drink. While she was waiting she couldn't stop thinking about how the date would go. She imagined how she would like it to go. There would be lots of people, talking, music, everyone was happy and... "Excuse me miss? Hello?" Hilda turned around. The barista handed Hilda her Hot Chocolate. "Here's your Hot Chocolate. Haha I thought you dozed off for a sec!"  

"Oh sorry about that..."  

"It's all good." He said smiling and then walked off to serve other  

customers. Hilda picked up her drink in its cardboard cup and walked out of the Café. She sighed. There was nothing to do now. The last thing on her mental To Do List was the date but that obviously couldn't be done now. "I think I might go back to Castelia and check on Bubu" She thought as she took a sip of her drink and she started walking back.  

Hilda could hear Bubu's favourite drama playing when she was getting out the key card to the door. "Hi Bubu!" Hilda said as she stepped into the apartment. The apartment was still neat and tidy and Bubu was sitting on a cushion on the couch with her eyes on the T.V. Hilda smiled and thought, "Typical Bubu." She sat on the couch next to Bubu and stroked her. "Hey Bubu" Hilda began to say. "Later tonight I have to go again. Bianca wanted to go to a restaurant so be good and stay here ok? I'll leave you lots of food and more of your favourite dramas!" Bubu looked up at Hilda and pouted but nodded. "Don't worry Bubu it will only be for a day! Anyways Bubu I'm going to take a nap. I did lots of shopping and walking today. Wake me up later ok Bubu?" Hilda said as she got up to go to her bed. Of course, Bubu wasn't listening as she was too interested in the drama. Hilda plonked herself on her bed and closed her eyes. She had a dream it was blurred but she could still see it. She was holding onto someone's hand. The hand belonged to a person that was a blur of brown and blue. Then they let go of her and hand and she fell. As she fell further and further the blur of brown and blue got smaller and smaller and when it was gone she woke up sweating. Hilda quickly checked the time. It was 6:07PM. Hilda screamed and started shouting around the apartment. "I'M LATE I'M LATE AHH BUBU YOU FORGOT TO WAKE ME UP!" Bubu wasn't listening. Hilda quickly took her Xtranceiver and money, leaving her bag at home. "Bubu I have to go now! Take care of the house and yeah... Bye I'll be back later!" She said quickly to Bubu and then left the apartment. She ran to Mode Street and ran into the store. "Sorry I'm late Julia!" Hilda said puffing. "I took a nap and yeah I sorta napped for too long." Julia turned around from one of the dresses on display that she was fixing. "Don't worry Hilda! You made it here just in time! I'll just finish fixing this dress first. Why don't you put on your dress while you waiting? It's on the counter."  

"Ok thanks Julia!" Hilda grabbed the dress and shoes and went to the change room to put them on. After she finished she came out and looked in the mirror again. She loved the dress. Then Hilda put her money and Xtranceiver in the clutch bag. "Ok so I'll do your hair for you now." Julia said and she grabbed a hair brush, some hair pins and a hair tie. Hilda let her hair down and started to brush it. "I'm going to do your hair in like a messy bun. It will look great with the black rose!" Julia said and started to work on Hilda's hair as she sat quietly. After the hair Julia put some makeup on Hilda but not too much because Hilda liked the natural look.  

"There all done!" Julia said just after putting the black rose in Hilda's hair. "Have a look!"  

Hilda got up from her seat and looked in the big mirror. Once again she twirled admiring her look. "I love it! Thank you so much Julia!"  

"No problem Hilda! My brother will be here soon so get ready!"  

Hilda and Julia chatted for a little while until Julia's brother came with the limousine. "Good evening Miss Hilda I'm Arthur. I'll be your chauffeur for tonight. Arthur wore a black suit and he also had light brown hair that was slightly curled much like his sister's hair only shorter. "It's nice to meet you Arthur!" Hilda said. Arthur opened the door for Hilda and she got in. It was very spacious inside the back. Arthur closed the door and got in the driver's seat. Hilda wound down the window and waved to Julia. "Bye Julia! Thank you so much for doing this all for me!" 

Julia waved back at Hilda. "My pleasure Hilda! It's my job after all! Good luck with your date! Bye!" 

Then Arthur drove off to Café Sonata on Narrow Street.

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