The diapered cartrip part 1 the beginning

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She planned the trip with her friend for a long time.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Finaly the day of the roadtrip is here.

She sleepily woke up at 5 am to avoid most of the heavy traffic that is typical for the start of the hollyday season.

To save time and avoid getting into traffic jams both friends saw the need to not stop driving. They filled up the car with gas, got snacks and drinks.

So there is one problem left, that the girls had to solve. During the last trip each women stopped often to visit the bathroom.

They searched for solutions

and found out, that there are adult diapers,

that would fit both of them and could hold a lot of fluid for the long drive. A friend of both women, Clara, who works in a retirement home

sayed at one time that there are plastic pants that minimise the risk of leaks and stank that was a part of Claras job.

So Sophie and Mary ordered diapers online

to avoid the humiliatingtrip to the drugstore.

They ordered:

a pack of 20 thick adult diapers

2 rubber pants

1 bottle baby powder

So Sophie finaly got up and went into the kitchen. Her friend Mary was alredy preparing coffee for both of them to keep them later

awake during the drive.

What she didn't knew was that Sophie knocked over some strong laxaitive powder into the coffeemachine because she came home drunk from a work party.

Sophie cleaned the spilled pouder round

the machine but didn't realise there was a good amount inside the machine. Sleepy Mary

was to tired to see the powder in the machine.

So the coffee was full of laxaitives. The

strong coffee flavour and tiredness of the friends avoided anysuspicion.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new story. If you have any constructive citicism or have some tipps to improvisation the story, please leave them in the comments.

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